Japan x Bullied!Fem!Reader-Internet Friends

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Germany-Ludwig BeilschmidtItaly-Felicaino VargasJapan-Kiku Honda

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Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Italy-Felicaino Vargas
Japan-Kiku Honda

(Y/n)-Your name
(H/t)-Home Town
(U/n)-User name
(H/l)-Hair Length
(H/c)-Hair Colour
(E/c)-Eye Colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I officially hate school. I hate all the students, the teachers are idiots and the work load is impossible. I just want to go home and sleep and never wake up. Why do I force myself to come here every day when all it does is make me depressed? Mountain Oak Academy is so stupid, why do I even go here?

What happened was I was walking to my locker to grab my school books when the group of the most popular girls came past and ripped up my booked. They almost smashed my phone but I managed to catch it, I can't break my phone or else I won't be able to talk to him...

My internet friend LonelyOtaku or as I call him LO. I don't know his real name but even so we are friends. I met him playing a video game and we exchanged numbers. From what I know he is Japanese and currently lives in Tokyo but he is moving to (H/t). He doesn't know I live here though. I wonder if I will ever meet him...

Right now I'm in one of the art rooms trying to stick my books back together and it's working ok. My mind keeps going back to my bullies.

Portia, Caila and Bianca. Portia is the leader, she has a shitty spray tan that makes her look like she has rubbed her face through dirt. She has a very bad dye job that makes her hair look grey. Caila is really tall and she is a druggie, she is always smoking weed and stuff at the back of the school. Bianca is the most annoying, she acts like an over preppy 3 year old who disrespects the teacher all the time. Her and her friends are always talking, always doing drugs and always complaining the don't get As.

The reason they hate me is unknown, but the have beat me up and destroyed my things previously. The only reason they are popular is because they know how to manipulate people. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone lights up with a message.

I open up my hone and it's a message from LO.

'Hey what's up?' His message reads

'Nothing much, just sticking my books together, those bullies ripped them up' I type back

"They are stupid' he replies

'Lol tell me something I don't know' I say while laughing a little bit

'I finished moving, I'm in (h/t) now' he says

This makes my heart stop for a second, he is so close to me. I fell in love with him ages ago but because we are using messages I never had the problem of stuttering or blushing, that's why I don't want to tell him where I am. It could destroy our friendship...

'Thats good, when do you think you'll go back to school?' I ask

'My brother wants me to go tomorrow so I guess I'm starting school sooner than expected' he messages

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