Prussia x Romano-Gilbertina

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Germany-Ludwig BeilschmidtHungary-Elizabeta Héderváry North Italy-Felicaino VargasPrussia-Gilbert BeilschmidtRomano-Lovino Vargas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Hungary-Elizabeta Héderváry
North Italy-Felicaino Vargas
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Romano-Lovino Vargas

Prussia's P.O.V.

"Prussia you stupido bastardo!" My boyfriend Lovino yells

(Italian:Stupido bastardo-Stupid bastard)

"Don't use zuch mean language Lovino!" I yell back laughing

He jumps up from where he was sitting on the couch and glares at me. I may or may not have told him that I used the rest of the tomatoes in a prank and now he is really angry at me. Although he is so cute when he is angry.

He jumps on my and tackles me to the ground pinning me to the floor.

"Next time get-a your own tomatoes!" He says, placing his hands on my hips and he start tickling me

"N-no please!" I laugh "Have mercy!"

He stops tickling me and we realise what position we are in. I look into his green eyes and he is blushing.

"Aww Lovi~ you are so cute!" I say pinching one of his cheeks

"Don't call me that bastardo..." He says looking away

"Oh hey I've been meaning to ask, you know how zhere is zhe prom coming up?" I ask

"Yeah?" He asks

"Well I gas vondering if you vould go wizth the awesome me!" I smile

His face erupts in a blush and he seems to forget he is straddling me on the floor.

"Y-Yeah, I'll go with you..." he says "But are we allowed to go with each other? Out school is kind of homophobic..."

Lovino and I go to the same school, it's how we met, it's a co-ed private school called Oak Hill Private Academy,. The school is really religious and there are lots of homophobic people, although there are lots of really cool people as well. I didn't think as to whether the school would allow us to go together. But they haven't said two guys can't go together.

"Well I don't zhink zhey have actually confirmed zhat only straight couples can go..." I smile

"Well then I-I would love to go with you bastardo!" He says blushing

I smile and pick us up off the floor. I sit back on the couch with Lovino on my lap. I smirk and press my lips to Lovino's who kisses me back while also whispering that I'm a bastard, his tsundere side is one of the reasons I love him. We end up watching a movie and then falling asleep against each other.

*Time skip to Monday*

Lovino's P.O.V.
Gilbert and I have bought our formal tickets and we have picked out our suits. I would never tell anyone but I'm getting really excited. Today we have an assembly about the prom and who will be chaperoning.

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