Student!Norway x Fem!Student!Reader-Dragon

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Denmark-Mathias KøhlerFinland-Tino VäinämöinenIceland-Emil SteilssonNorway-Lukas BondevikSweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

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Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

(Y/n)-Your name
(H/t)-Home town
(E/c)-Eye colour
(F/c)-Favourite colour
(D/n)-Dragon name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I walk through the school gates feeling extremely nervous. I just moved here from (H/t) and now I'm starting at new school called World Academy. It brings students from all different countries together and it is a very good school from what I have heard.

I'm scared that I'm not going to be smart enough, or I'm not going to be able to make any friends and everyone will hate me. No I need to calm down, I will be just fine and I will make friends. I just have to stop worrying.

I look around trying to find the office but there are too many people blocking my line of view. There are three guys, one with brown hair, one with blond and one with white hair who are right in front of me and I'm praying that they don't notice me.

I slip past them and keep walking through the courtyard. I feel eyes on my and I turn to see a group of five boys. All with blond hair, but one has spiky hair, one with glasses, one with the cutest smile, one with almost white hair and the final one who was looking at me has a cross clip in his hair.

I turn away quickly and keep looking for the office. Eventually I find the office and I walk in. A lady inside gives me a mad, my schedule and my locker combination. She tells me that if I get lost I can always talk to a student as most of the students are really nice.

I thank her and walk out of the office. I pull out my map and follow it to my locker. I find it pretty quickly and put my locker combination in. As I'm unpacking all my books and school supplies there is a bang in the locker making me jump.

I turn to see they boy with spiky hair leaning in the locker.

"Hey are you new?!" He asks with an accent I can't place

"Umm yeah I am..." I reply smiling a little

"I'm Mathais where did you come from? Do you know where you're going?" He asks in a jumble "Do you want me to help you? I have lots of friends so you can hang out with us. You should come eat lunch with us. Do you want to eat lunch with us? Oh of course you do... you will have to deal with my weird friends. Well Lukas isn't that weird but Berwald is! I swear Tino and Berwald are secretly dating. Then there's Emil, he's Lukas' little brother and-"

"Stop!" I exclaim still trying to take all the information I just heard in "S-Sorry you were just talking so fast and I panicked."

"It's ok, I do that sometimes." He laughs "So do you want to come eat lunch with us?"

"Yeah sure, I'm glad I made a friend so soon." I giggle

He smiles and helps me unpack the rest of my locker and explains some of the schools layout.

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