Kirkland Bros x Fem!Reader-7 Brothers

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(A/n): Requested by _CookieCrumbs_ , Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it :)

Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
My feet hit the cold wet floor as I run through the streets of London. I need to get away from here quickly and find my friends house. You see I was raised in an orphanage and when I found out what happens to you when you turn 18 I decided to leave.

I have friends in London, the Kirkland brothers, who I want to stay with for a little while before I can leave permanently. Just until I'm 18. The orphanage doesn't like it when you don't let them murder you apparently so they shot me as I was running away. I'm clutching my side where I was shot but blood is still coming out.

I feel so lost in the cold dark streets and I can barely see what's in front of me. Out of breath I sit on a small step in front of someone's doorway. I hear yelling from down the street and I push myself into the darkness.

Peaking out I can see Arthur Kirkland shouting at his older brother Allistor. I breath a sigh of relief and quickly rush out to them.

"Arthur, Allistor!" I exclaim and they turn around to see me

Arthur smiles and walks over to me while Allistor looks confused.

"What are you doin' out here this late at night lass?" Allistor asks me rushing over and supporting me

"I, Ngh, ran away, they were going to kill me!" I say gripping tightly onto him

He quickly picks me up bridal style and Arthur rushes over to us.

"Let's get her to our house, we can help her there." Arthur states

I feel Allistor carrying me and running but I'm half asleep. I suddenly feel warmth around me and I peak through my eyes to see the Kirkland's mansion around me. I'm carried up to the guest room and Allistor places me down in his warm bed.

"Stay with us (Y/n)." Allistor whispers and Arthur runs away to get Dylan to help

They come in a few minutes later and Dylan has a first aid kit.

"Ok (Y/n) this might hurt but it'll be over quick." Dylan says in his welsh accent "Ok everyone out of the room."

"What? Why?" Arthur asks

"Because I'm going to need her to remove her top and you need to respect the privacy of a lady." Dylan says

They blush and quickly leave the room and Dylan softly pulls off my t-shirt.

"Sorry about that (Y/n) but I need to get to your shoulder." Dylan says

"It's ok, Ngh just be quick." I say trying to stay awake through the pain

Dylan uses an alcohol wipe and cleans all the blood and bacteria. Then he bullet from my shoulder and applies pressure to stop the blood. Then he cleans it again and stitches it up. He helps me into one of Allistor large shirts as mine is covered in blood and dirt.

"You can sleep now." He whispers and presses a shy kiss to my forehead

I'm to tired to blush or respond so I just close my eyes. I fall asleep straight away in the comfort of a warm bed,

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