Prussia x Canada-Make Up Sex *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by CosplayGirls , I love this ship as well :)

Canada-Matthew Williams
Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt

Canada's P.O.V.
I watch quietly as I csee my boyfriend Gilbert drinking with his friends Mathias and my brother Alfred. We were supposed to go on a date tonight but they showed up unexpected and Gilbert got distracted.

I quietly sip my water and watch them yell at the basketball players on the tv. I sigh and pick up Kumajirou, taking him to his small room and placing him on his bed.

"Don't stay up to late." I say quietly

"Who are you?" He asks

I walk out of the room, ignoring his question and head to my room. I get changed into one of Gilbert's large shirts and take off my pants. I flick of the lights and crawl into bed, still hearing the commotion in the living room but ignoring it.

Prussia's P.O.V.
I wave goodbye to Mathias and Alfred and walk back to the living room to clean up a little before bed. I can't help but feel like I've forgotten something, was there something I was supposed to do?

I finish cleaning and suddenly the thought hits me, I was supposed to take my birdie out for dinner tonight.

"Scheiße, das ist schlecht!" I exclaim, running up to our shared room

(German:Scheiße, das ist schlecht-Shit this is bad)

I knock at the door but there is no answer. I carefully open the door and Mattie is laying in bed with the covers pulled all around him.

"Jou avake birdie?" I ask

He groans and rolls over.

"Hey Mattie I'm sorry I forgot about our date." I say sitting in the edge of the bed, placing a hand in his hip

"Why did you forget me?" He asks quietly

"I didn't mean to, you know how I get vhen I'm drinking." I say ruffling his hair

"Everyone always forgets me." He says

I roll him over so I can look him in his violet eyes. I softly place a kiss to his forehead and lay down next to him.

"Jou know zhat's not true, jou're so important to everyone." I say brushing my hand on his cheek

"I don't know..." He mumbles

"Hey vhy don't I show jou how important you are to me? Und how sorry I am!" I say leaning closer to his face so our lips are brushing against one another

**Lemon Start**

He nod and I smile, pressing my lips against his in a rough, passionate kiss. He kisses back shyly and I smirk. I roll on top of him and pinning his hands above his head.

Canada's P.O.V.
I feel my hands pinned above my head and getting liberty's hot breath trails down my neck and his lips attach themselves to my neck.

"Jou're so sexy in my shirt birdie~" Gilbert whispers huskily in my ear, making my pants tighter

He sucks and bites around my neck and I moan when he finds my sweet spot. He abuses that one spot and then leaves five more hickeys on my neck.

"Now everyone vill know jou're mine." He states

My wrists are released and his hands trail up my shirt, pinching and pulling at both my nipples.

"Ngh Gil, stop teasing~" I moan

He pulls off my shirt and leaves me in just my boxers. He moves his mouth down to hardened bud and sucks on it, leaving a hickey around it.

Gilbert moves his head down to my boxers and slowly pulls them off. My erection springs out and I shiver at the cold air that hits it. He licks up the vein on the underside of my manhood and encase the tip in his mouth.

I moan as Gilbert takes in about half of me in his mouth and begins to bob his head and suck. He holds his fingers up to my mouth and I shyly take them into my wet cavern. I coat them in a layer of saliva and moan into Gilbert's fingers and he continues sucking me.

His wet fingers trail down to my hole and he slowly pushes one in, it feels strange but not uncomfortable. Gilbert adds the second and begins to curl and scissor them, stretching me out. He adds a third one and quickly deep throats me, taking me by surprise. I feel a tightness forming in my stomach and I arch my back begging for more.

"Ahh Gilbert I think I'm going to- Ahh~" I moan as the knot snapped in a wave of pleasure and my white liquid is released into Gilbert's mouth.

He removes his fingers and mouth, swallowing my fluid and I turn in his clothes.

"Why am I the only one naked?" I ask quietly, looking into his red eyes

"Jou're so cute Mattie." He replies, taking off his top and pants "Jou need to do zhe rest of it yourself."

I nod and slowly pull off his boxers, his large "awesome five meters" jumping out and standing proudly. How is that going to fit inside me? Gilbert passes me a bottle of lube and I quickly apply it to him, rubbing him up and down.

"Zhat's enough birdie, I vant to cum inside jou." He smirks and lays me back down

Gilbert places his tip at my puckered entrance and quickly pushes in the whole way. I moan in pleasure and shock but there isn't any pain. Gilbert begins to thrust in and out, changing his angle until he finds my special bundle of nerves.

He hits it dead on making me scream in pleasure.

"Please Gilbert~!" I moan, tugging on his hair

He continues hitting that spot and I see stars. I feel the knot returning and Gilbert places his thumb over my tip so I can't release

"Just, Ngh, Wait a few more minutes." He whispers

I nod and hold onto him tighter as I can feel my release building up. Suddenly he removes his fingertip allowing me to spray my fluids everywhere. He releases inside of me a second later making me feel warm inside. Gilbert pulls out and lays down next to me, beaming with happiness and pride.

**Lemon End**

"We should really get cleaned up." I say softly

"Ngh to late, just do it in zhe morning." Gilbert says holding my naked body close to his

"But the sheets." I try to argue

"Ve'll clean zhem too, now sleep." He whispers, peppering kisses around my face

I nod and close my eyes, allowing myself to fall into slumber. I guess Gilbert really did show me he cared and loved for me. I think I can forgive him forgetting our date just this once.

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