Master!America x Slave!England-Not Just A Slave *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by I_Love_Animu_ , Hope you like it :)

England-Arthur Kirkland

England's P.O.V.
I open my eyes but I can't see anything, what this over my face? I'm laying on hard ground and I can feel cold air on every part of my body except my netherlands which seem to be covered by a thin piece of fabric.

I hear hustle and bustle all around me and footsteps everywhere. Where the bloody hell am I? One second I'm on my way to the supermarket and the next I end up here. Wait, I thing someone chloroformed me and dragged me into an alley.

"Alright everyone it's time to start the bidding!" I hear a man say over a microphone

The room becomes quiet save for a few whispers here and there and the speaker takes a few steps away from me.

"So here we have a man who knows how to cook, clean and satisfy every need you have, pure or not." He says and a few people laugh at his 'joke'

There must be other people here as well, this must be some bloody slave trade or something. I hear a few calls for money and whoever the man was talking about must have been 'sold' because he moves onto the next person.

This continues for a few minutes while I try to undo my binds but it's not working. Finally the footsteps stop in front of me and my blindfold is taken off. I feel my heart stop at what I see. It's a large, dimly lit room filled with lots of people, all looking extremely rich. If didn't have a gag in my mouth I would scream for help.

"So here we have a man all the way from England." The speaker says "He seems to be good at taking care of himself and others and has special powers in the field of magic. As you can see he has rare green eyes and a smaller build, making him easy to control."

I want to throw up, hearing someone talk about you in that way is horrible. I don't want to be sold to some random person, I'm a human not an object! I glare at the man but I can't do anything, I want to cry.

"So since this man is such a rare find, the bidding will start at one thousand." The speaker says, grabbing my chin to turn me towards the audience

"Two thousand!" Someone yells

"Two thousand five hundred." Another yells

"Four thousand!" Someone else yells

"Six thousand!" Another says

"Ten thousand!" A final person says

I look to who it was and it's a greasy old man who is smirking and making full eye contact with me. I don't want to live with him!

"Ten thousand, going once, going twice, going-." The announcer begins

"Twenty thousand!" Someone yells and everything falls silent

I look to who called it out and it's a man with blond hair, blue eyes and glasses. But he also looks strong and I couldn't escape him if I wanted.

"Twenty thousand, going once, going twice, going thrice, sold to the man with glasses!" The announcer yells and I'm pulled from the ground

I'm pushed over to a holding bay where we are kept for about half an hour until the "owners" come to collect us.

The man with glasses walks up to me and I feel so exposed and scared.

"So I guess I'm your master now huh?" He says "Well come on, I want to get home before the snow."

He grabs the rope tied to my wrists and pulls me along with him to a long limousine. He pulls me inside the back seat and placed his jacket over me. I feel petrified, what the bloody hell am I going to do.

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