Nyo!Japan x Fem!Reader-Highschool

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(A/n):Requested by Neon_Rebel . Hop you like it. It's also my birthday the say this was uploaded.

Nyo!China-Chun-Yan Wang
Nyo!England-Alice Kirkland
Nyo!France-Françoise Bonnefoy
Nyo!Germany-Monika Beilschmidt
Nyo!Italy-Felicia Vargas
Nyo!Japan-Sakura Honda
Nyo!Russia-Anya Braginskaya

(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I walk down the school hallway holding by books confidently by my side. I'm not one of the popular girls at school by any means but luckily I'm not bullied or beaten up. I just go to school, do my work and head him without any problems.

As I walk down the hall I see a group of three girls. One with short blond hair and blue eyes, a shorter one with brown hair and amber eyes who looks very happy and finally a beautiful girl with a short black bob and shiny brown eyes.

They're Monika, Felicia and Sakura, know as the "axis girls" because they come from the three main axis countries. I've had crush on Sakura for ages but I don't think she would ever like me back, especially since I'm a girl as well.

We make eye contact for a split second and I avert my eyes. Finally I make it to my class and place my things down on my desk. I begin to doodle on a scrap piece of paper that I found.

"Is this desk taken?" A female voice asks

I look up to see a girl I've never seen before. She has red hair and brown eyes and is rather pretty.

"No go right ahead." I say moving my spare books to my desk

She smiles and quickly places her things down, sliding into the seat.

"I'm new and kind of nervous." She laughs "My name's Victoria."

She extends her hand and I shake it.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." I reply

I begin to talk to her and we quickly become friends, turns out she comes from England and moved here because of her parents. A few more people filter into the classroom and the teacher walks in, demanding silence.

The main person who I pay attention to though is Sakura who is sitting by herself looking a little sad. I really want to go sit next to her but that would be rude to just move. Besides, Sakura and I don't even talk.

"Ok class, today we have a new student. This is Victoria Newman from England." Mr.Winters says "Now please pull out your books."

Victoria and I keep talking though the lesson and she seems really nice but something about her is putting me off, I can place my finger on it but she seems very odd.

After class Amelia, one of the popular girls asks Victoria to sit with her at lunch and Victoria asks for me to come along. I'm allowed to and o suddenly have a new group of friends.

The allies are made up of Amelia from America, Alice from England, Anya from Russia, Françoise for, France and Chun-Yan from China. Victoria and I sit down at their tables and they begin to talk about life In their countries. The allies seem really nice and I don't get any weird video off of them, except maybe Anya.

*Time skip to a few weeks later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I had to stay late after school to help clean up some old classroom supply's so now I'm walk g down the empty hallways all alone. Or maybe not so alone, I can hear voices.

"Why the hell would you ever thing my (Y/n) would go out it's someone like you?!" A British accented voice yells

Wait me? What?!

I quickly run to the corner and peak out the edge. I can see Sakura being held to the locker by Victoria who is mocking everything about Sakura from her clothes to her race to her friends. I have to step in.

"Why the bloody she would she ever want you?" Victoria asks just as I'm about to pull her off

I freeze because I kind of wNt to head the answer.

"I'm better than you'rr ever be." Skirt says in her adorable voice "I've riked (Y/n) for years and you're just using her to gain populariry and friends."

Sakura likes me?

Just as Victoria is about to slap her I grab her arm and rip her off.

"What the hell Victoria?!" I yell, continuing to push her away from Sakura

"(Y-Y/n)?" She asks shocked to see me "I thought you went home already."

"What is this all about? Honestly you better have a good reason victoria!" I shout

"This weabo has a crush on you and I was just telling her that you'd never like her back so she should give up."

"Victoria get out of here, I knew the bad feeling I had about you was correct." I say and I walk over to Sakura

Ignoring her personal space bubble I help her up from the ground and check for bruising. Victoria storms away and o give Sakura a small smile.

"I'm sorry for what she did, I didn't realise she was this bad." I say

"I-It's ok." Sakura says quietly "I know you aren't like that."

"Was it true? What she sId about us?" I ask, I need to know

She stays quiet for a few seconds and then nods ed head,

"Yes I really like you, maybe even rove but I didn't think you'd like me back." She whispers

"Hey Sakura?" I reply, making her look up at me "I like you to."

With that I press my lips to hers and she kisses back, hesitantly at first but she warms up. And kisses me back more passionately. We pull apart gasping for air and we smile at each other.

"Come on, Let's get you to the nurses office, girlfriend." I giggle

"Arright, that sounds a good idea." Sakura replies, holding my hand and walking to the nurses office with me

I feel really happy right now. I'm dating the girl of my dreams for ages I've gotten rid of Victoria. Nothing could be better than this,

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