Alpha!Spain x Omega!Romano-Heat *Lemon*

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(A/n):Doing another omegaverse XD, I got this idea from a request on a forum (It was given 3 years ago I think and it was never filled so I wanted to try)

Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Romano's P.O.V.
I wake up in my bed all alone, Antonio must have left for work already. I stretch out in the bed but I can't get comfortable again, instead I get up and head to the kitchen for food.

As I'm walking I feel a jolt of electricity in my stomach, like when I'm about to go through heat but it's to early, I don't go through heat for another week. Maybe I'm just tried or something.

"Tomato, tomato, tomato..." I sing as I grab one from the fridge

The jolt of electricity happens again but I continue to ignore it, maybe it's just my body reacting to something I ate or some shit like that, hopefully it's not heat because Antonio won't be home for a few hours and he's the only one who I want to take care of me.

We always plan for my heats, he takes a week off which is normal for alphas and omegas to do, and spend the week together.

I'm an omega and Antonio is an alpha, we've been together for three years and even though I sometimes act like I don't like him I really love him, a lot. Every heat I've had since we started dating, and one before we did we have mated. I've never gotten pregnant because I take medication to prevent it.

I head over to the T.V. turning on one of my favourite shows and watching it, trying to ignore the feelings I have in my abdomen. I move and suddenly feel a rush of something in my backside. Oh shit, slick...

Fuck why today? Why am I going into heat now? I quickly turn off the tv and dash up to my room. Maybe I can just sleep it off and my body will go into heat at the normal time.

I get into my room and jump on the bed, trying to force myself to sleep but I feel hotter and hard all over. Hopefully Antionio will be home soon.

Spain's P.O.V.
As I'm concentrating on my work I suddenly get a feeling that something is wrong with my little Lovi. Alphas can sense how their Omega is feeling if it's really serious. I can't quite place my finger on the feeling, maybe distress?

Either way I need to see him. I quickly sign out, leaving a note that an emergency came up and I need to leave quickly. I head to my car and begin to drive home, sensing the feeling get worse.

Romano's P.O.V.
The heat gets worse and I'm trying not to touch myself or anything. I press my hips against the mattress, grinding to release some of the tension but it's not helping. I must be releasing to many pheromones, making my scent obvious.

I hear the front door open and footsteps shuffle inside.

"Antonio?!" I call from the bedroom, hoping he's home early

As the person comes closer to my room my smell gets clearer and it's not Antonio. They walk around the corner and it's a man, about Antonio and I's age, with dark black hair, a few scars on his cheek and a large smirk.

"What do we have here?" He asks "An omega in heat, what happened, did your alpha desert you?"

"No fuck-a off!" I yell grabbing pillows to cover myself

"Well what kind of alpha would I be if I just let an omega go through heat alone?" He asks

"I'm not going to-a be alone, I already have an alpha fuck off!" I scream

He quickly pins me to the bed, I'm thrashing underneath him but he won't let me go. He is an alpha with strength and I'm only an omega.

"Antonio! Help!" I scream, tears forming in my eyes

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