Germany x Italy-7 Minutes In Heaven *Lemon*

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Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Italy-Feliciano Vargas

Italy's P.O.V.
My boyfriend Ludwig and I are walking down the street together on our way to Alfred's birthday party. I'm so excited for the party because I've been waiting for it for weeks. I love parties, they're so fun and there's music and friends!

"Feliciano do you have the present?" Doitsu asks me


"Ve~ si!" I say happily showing him the wrapped box


"Good, now make sure jou don't get pasta everywhere again." He sighs walking up to Alfred's front door

"Ve~ I won't~" I reply

We knock on the door and Alfred opens it looking very happy and excited.

"Yo, hey Dudes!" He says happily, hugging me tightly

"Zhat's enough." Doitsu says lightly pulling Alfred off of me

"Sorry dude, forgot he was yours." Alfred says before disappearing inside the house

Doitsu sighs and pulls me inside with him. I place the box on the present table and we head over to the drinks table.

"Ve~ They don't have wine." I say sadly

"Just have beer." Ludwig sighs

"Nooo, I don't want wheat juice." I say looking around for pasta

"They don't have pasta either, oh but there's pizza!" I say happily walking over to the food table

"Feli, stop running off." Doitsu sighs grabbing my hand softly

"Ve~ But I want pizza!" I comaplin

"I know, but you could get hurt." Ludwig replies

We walk over to the pizza table together and I finally get my food. Ludwig gets a slice of pizza to and looks around while eating it.

"I vould have expected zhis party to be more crazy." He says "But it's pretty calm and normal."

"YO DUDES, WHO WANTS TO PLAY SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN?!" Alfred suddenly yells over the music

"There's the crazy I vas talking about." Ludwig sighs

"Ve~ I want to play, I love games!" I say running over to where everyone is

"Great, anyone else?" Alfred asks

More people come over and say they will play. I still don't know what we're playing but it sounds fun.

"Ve~ Doitsu will you play?" I ask Ludwig

"Fine, but only so you don't get yourself into any sort of trouble." He replies

"Ok dudes, so we sit in a circle and sin the bottle, the two people who get chosen will spend seven minutes in the closet together." Alfred explains "It's sound tight so you can basically do whatever you want, but there will be no warnings to opening the door so if you're not ready by the seven minute mark then you get caught. Who wants to go first?"

Doitsu quietly tells me to be careful about what happened in the closet but I still don't understand the game well, I think you're supposed to kiss whoever goes in the closet with you.

"Ok next up is Feli!" Alfred exclaims gesturing to the bottle

I lean over and spin it, watching it go around and around untill it stops on the person to my left. Yay I got Doitsu!

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