Finland x Sweden-Freezing *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by Bunnielover23, hope you like it :)

Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

Finland's P.O.V.
I hum a tune as I wash the dishes and keep and eye on the pasta I'm cooking. Berwald will be home soon and I want to have dinner ready before he does so we can have more time after dinner together.

I finish up the dishes and set the table with plates and cutlery. As I walk back to the kitchen I realise we have no more cheese to put on the pasta. Hmm the store is only five minutes away, I'm sure I could run down and grab some, it isn't to late.

I turn off the cooking pasta and grab my winter coat and boots. Berwald made my winter coat and it's very warm. I step out and the snow crunches under my feet. I lock the door and begin to walk down the street. The sun is setting so I need to be quick.

It's much colder than I thought it would be out here and my fingers are already shaking. I make it to the and quickly buy some cheese that is cheap but still tasty. I lay and walk out of the store where I feel myself become even more colder.

That's when thunder strikes and it begins to rain.

"Dammit, I don't have my umbrella." I whisper to myself angrily

Someone pushes past me and knocks me into the cold hard snow. It gets down the front of my coat and I nearly scream from the coldness. I need to get home now! Before anything else happens.

Sweden's P.O.V.
I drive up the freshly plowed street and into the driveway. I park the car and walk through the front door, expecting Tino to glomp me but there is silence.

"Tino?!" I shout

Still no answer...

I go to the kitchen and see a half cooked pot of pasta and sauce. I place it back on the stove and turn it on. Where on earth is M'wife? I head to the bedroom and he isn't asleep. Hanatamago is sleeping in her bed and Tino isn't with her.

I hear thunder and see a flash of lighting as it begins to pour down with rain. Is Tino outside.. in the cold snow and rain?

I dash outside the front door and look down the street, it's to dark to see anything now. I close my eyes but I can't hear Tino's footsteps or voice. Now that I'm panicking I walk down the street seeing if he is coming but he is no where to be found. That's when I see a large figure walking towards me.

As the figure comes closer I see that it's actually quite small, it's someone with a winter coat. Wait it's Tino!"

I rush over to him and wrap him in a tight hug, quickly pulling back when I realise that he is wet.

"What happened to you?" I ask taking the bag from his hands

"I-I'll te-tell you when w-we get inside." He replies with his teeth chattering

I nod and walk home with him, he needs to get I front of the warm fireplace.

Finland's P.O.V.
I take a long breath when Berwald and I I make it inside. It's so warm in here, why did I even leave?

Berwald takes off my drenched coat and pushes me in front of the fireplace. I sit down and wrap my arms around knees, pulling them to my chest.

Berwald brings out the finished bowls of pasta with cheese and hands one to me. We sit on the floor while eating dinner.

"Why did you go out?" He asks "We didn't need cheese that much did we?"

"I wanted to make dinner perfect." I mumble

His intimidating expression softens as he places his bowl down.

"You still look cold." He whispers, taking my pasta out of my hands and placing it on the floor "I have a way to warm you up."

**Lemon Start**

He presses his lips to mine as he pushes me onto my back. I return his kiss and it becomes more passionate and fiery. We pull apart and I see him smirk, completely loosing his stoic demeanour.

"Do you want this?" He whispers into my ear

I nod and he moves closer to my neck, trailing kisses down to my collarbone. I moan as he finds my sweet spot and begins to abuse it. I almost don't notice his other hand trailing up my wet top and pinching my pink but which has already hardened.

"I think we should rid you of these wet clothes." He whispers huskily in my ear

"Ngh Ber~" I say as he pulls off my two wet shirts and singlet

He attaches his lips to one of my hard buds and the temperature in the room immediately increases as well as my heartbeat, Berwald removes his lips from my chest and looks down to my pants where a large tent is forming.

He palms it and I let out a loud moan of pleasure and frustration. He unzips my pants and pulls them off, leaving me in my Finnish flag boxers. He pulls them off as well and my hard member springs out dripping with pre-cum.

"Just let your moans out." He whispers

He licks from the tip to the base and back to the tip, swirling his tongue around. Then he quickly encases the whole thing in his mouth at once. I buck into him and let out a large moan.

"Ahh please Berwald!" I beg as he begins to bob his head up and down

Due to me being so sensitive to his touch I don't hold very long and after a few minutes I'm twitching like crazy. He begins or hum sending vibrations through me and I let out my white sticky fluid. Berwald laps it all up and then comes off with a pop.

He takes off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his Swedish flag boxers.

"Suck." He orders, holding three fingers out in front of me

I do as he says and coat each one in a layer of saliva. As I swirl my tongue around each one I make eye contact with Berwald who has a slight blush on his cheeks.

He removes the fingers from my mouth and trails them  down to my hole that is begging for attention. He slips the first one in and then a second, scissoring them and thrusting them. They a third one is added and he buses his fingers against my kind special spot.

"Ngh Berwald please, I eat you inside of me!" I moan impatiently

He smirks and  removes his fingers, making me me feel empty, he quickly replaces his his fingers by his man-hood being thrust into me. He doesn't give me any time to adjust, not that I need it, and begins to pull and push at an inhuman speed.

"Ahh Berwald right there!!" I scream as he hits my special bubble of nerves

As he is thrusting into me he grabs my manhood and pumps it as fast as he can

I feel breathless as a tight knot begins to form in my lower abdomen.

"Ahh Berwald I'm close!" I moan

He places his finger over the tip of my member so I can't come before him her. After a few more minutes of insane twitching and thrusting Berwald comes deep inside of me, filling me of the brim and I release into mine and his chests.

**Lemon End**

In my breathless state I feel Berwald lift me up and carry me to our shared bedroom. He places me down in the warm bed and lays down next to me. Pulling my body into us and wrapping the blankets around us.

"Did that warm you up?" He asks, drawing circles on my hips

I nod and yawn. I'm definitely going to be sore tomorrow. Oh well I will make Berwald stay home and help me.

"Minä rakastan sinua." I whisper

(Finnish:Minä rakastan sinua-I love you)

"Jag älskar dig också, M'wife." He replie, kissing my forehead

(Swedish:Jag älskar dig också-I love you too)

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