Yandere!2p Italy x Male!Reader x Yandere!2p America-Mine *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by cocopuffs1450 , hope you like it :)

2p America-Allen.L.Jones
2p Italy-Luciano Vargas

(M/n)-Male name

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit at my desk at work feeling uncomfortable. The past few months I have felt like someone's eyes are on me, all the time. I can barely sleep, eat or do anything. I feel so unsettled but I cant figure out who is watching me.

I've told my friend Allen but he just says I'm being silly, even my other friend Luciano says I'm being weird and he usually believes me. Maybe I am just being crazy but I wish they'd believe me. If they think I'm crazy they'll probably never like me back...

But maybe that's a good thing, I couldn't choose between them and I don't want to hurt either of them. I guess I just need to continue living on and trying to forget my feelings.

Not paying attention I reach my hand out to grab my hot drink and it falls over, burning my hand.

"Ahh!" I yelp waving it around to trying to get some cool air on it

I head to the bathroom to put some cold water on it and see Allen walk up to me, we work together.

"Are you ok?" He asks examining my red hand

"Yeah I just burnt my hand." I sigh

He reaches into his large bomber jacket and pulls out a white, rolled bandage.

"I keep these for my other work." He says quietly and begins to wrap my hand

Of course I know what his 'other work' is but I've never really been involved in anything. I can look past it because he's more than just a murderer. He has shown he cares about me in so many ways. Just like right now, he is softly bandaging my hand.

"Do you want to go to a new vegan restaurant that opened up in town?" He asks me, pulling me into his chest

"Y-Yeah." I say blushing, maybe if only Allen liked me then I wouldn't hurt anyone "I need to get back to work but I'll see you tonight."

I dad back to my workstation, freaking out inside that Allen asked me out, but is if it date or are we just going as friends?

2p America's P.O.V.
I watch (M/n) walk away, staring at his butt and as he turns the corner a knife shoots past my eyes and lands in the wall next to me. I see a small note attached and pull it off, pocketing the knife. This knife looks very familiar.

'Stay away from my bello-Luciano'


Ohh of course, it's that Italian idiot Luciano, the one who's been stalking (M/n) for the past few months. I didn't want to tell (M/n) that he was being stalked so I pretended I didn't know what he was talking about.

I look to where the knife was thrown but I don't see anything. As if I'm going to back off of (M/n) just because Luciano is feeling possessive. I'll kill anyone who tries to take me away from (M/n).

*Time skip to night*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I excitedly walk down the street with Allen, I get to go out to dinner with him! As we are walking someone on a motor bike comes zooming down the sidewalk and I'm in the way of them. Right before I get hit I'm yanked away, but this isn't Allen, he doesn't have his bomber jacket.

"Are you ok bello?" I hear the person holding me ask

"Luciano?" I say happily, turning around hand hugging him "I haven't seen you for ages."

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