Denmark x Norway-Can't Sleep *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by CosplayNightmare , Hope you like it :)

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Norway-Lukas Bondevik

Norway's P.O.V.
I'm laying in my bed trying to sleep but I can't. Im not tired at all and it's horrible. What can I do? I can't force myself to sleep. I sigh and get out of bed, walking to my coat and putting it on me. I quietly walk through the halls of the house and open up the back door.

It's colder than I expected but I'm ok, I'm from Norway so I'm fine with the cold. I sit down in the stairs that lead to the grass, well snow covered grass, looking up at the start sky.

"What are you doing out his late?" A voice says making me jump

I turn to see my boyfriend Mathias with a warm blanket and a smile.

"I can't sleep." I reply

He takes a seat next to me and wraps the blanket around us.

"You could catch a cold." He says quietly

"I don't care." I reply, resting my head on his shoulder

"Hey I have an idea." Mathias states "I have a way to make you tired."

"Which is?" I reply

"Let me show you." He says and pulls me inside

**Lemon Start**

Mathias stops pulling me when we arrive at his bedroom and he pulls me inside. He presses his lips to mine as he pushes me onto my back on the bed. I return his kiss and it becomes more passionate and fiery. We pull apart and I see him smirk.

"Do you want this?" He whispers into my ear

I nod and he moves closer to my neck, trailing kisses down to my collarbone. I moan as he finds my sweet spot and begins to abuse it. I almost don't notice his other hand trailing up my torso and pinching my pink nipple which has already hardened.

Mathias pulls off my coat and top. He attaches his lips to one of my hard buds and the temperature in the room immediately increases as well as my heartbeat, Mathias removes his lips from my chest and looks down to my pants where a large tent is forming.

He palms it and I let out a loud moan of pleasure and frustration. He pulls off my pants, leaving me in my Norwegian flag boxers. He pulls them off as well and my hard member springs out dripping with pre-cum.

"Just let your moans out." He whispers

He licks from the tip to the base and back to the tip, swirling his tongue around. Then he quickly encases the whole thing in his mouth at once. I buck into him and let out a large moan.

"Ahh please Mathias!" I beg as he begins to bob his head up and down

Due to me being so sensitive to his touch I don't hold very long and after a few minutes I'm twitching like crazy. He begins or hum sending vibrations through me and I let out my white sticky fluid. Mathias laps it all up and then comes off with a pop.

He takes off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his Danish flag boxers.

"Suck." He orders, holding three fingers out in front of me

I do as he says and coat each one in a layer of saliva. As I swirl my tongue around each one I make eye contact with Mathias who has a slight blush on his cheeks.

He removes the fingers from my mouth and trails them down to my hole that is begging for attention. He slips the first one in and then a second, scissoring them and thrusting them. Then a third one is added and he brushes his fingers against my special spot.

"Ngh Mathias please, I need you inside of me!" I moan impatiently

He smirks and removes his fingers, making me me feel empty, he quickly replaces his his fingers by his man-hood being thrust into me. He doesn't give me any time to adjust, not that I need it, and begins to pull and push at an inhuman speed.

"Ahh Mathias right there!!" I whisper-scream as he hits my special bubble of nerves

As he is thrusting into me he grabs my manhood and pumps it as fast as he can

I feel breathless as a tight knot begins to form in my lower abdomen.

"Ahh Mathias I'm close!" I moan

He places his finger over the tip of my member so I can't come before him her. After a few more minutes of insane twitching and thrusting Mathias comes deep inside of me, filling me of the brim and I release into mine onto his chest.

**Lemon End**

"Did it work?" Mathias asks "Are you tired?"

I nod yawning and laying back down on the bed. Mathias lays down next to me pulling the blankets over us and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

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