Seme!The Netherlands x Uke!Male!Reader-The Fair *Lemon*

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Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Sweden'-Berwald Oxenstierna
The Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg

(M/n)-Male name
(L/n)-Last name
(E/c)-Eye colour
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour
(E/c)-Eye colour
(F/c)-Favourite colour

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
It's Friday morning and I have just arrived at my office job. It's not what I wanted to do with my life but it's better than being unemployed. We are a world famous trading company and out C.E.O. is one of the richest men in the world.

I sit down at my office desk and open up my emails. My boss has asked me to come into his office for a meeting. I feel myself get nervous as he is really intimidating, my boss is the C.E.O. and his name is Tim Van den Berg. I still can't believe I actually know one of the richest men I the world...

He has blond hair that sticks up at the front and piercing green eyes. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen but he is really tall and intimidating. He is always wearing a blue and white striped scarf which makes him stand out.

I get scared easily because I'm rather small and petite. Sometimes I've been called a miss but I try not to let it get next to me. I'm a little like one of my friends Tino because we are both small in stature and around big strong people. Although Tino can actually fight.

I feel my heart quicken as I realise he has asked to see me now. I should go so I don't keep him waiting to long. I wonder if he's going to fire me...

I walk up to his big doors and lightly knock on them. I hear a deep voice say come in and i open the doors shaking.

"Y-you wanted to see me?" I ask him nervously

"Yes, please take a seat" he replies gesturing to a seat on the opposite side of his desk

I sit down and look at him nervously.

"(M/n) are you free this weekend?" He asks me

Hmm maybe he wants me to work an extra shift...

"Yeah I am, do you need an extra person for the weekend?" I ask

"No, I was wondering of you want to go to the fair with me?" He asks

"W-what?" I exclaim shocked

"The fair that's in town, I want you to go with me." He asks again

I don't know if I want to go with him or not, he is really intimidating and scary but if I say no then he might fire me... I can see him waiting for my answer and I panic.

"Uhh y-yeah I'll go to the fair with you..." I say looking down

He stands up and walks over to me. He places his fingers under my chin and turns my head to meet his eyes.

"Do you really want to go with me?" He asks looking me in the eyes

"Y-yeah I guess..." I reply trying to look away

His green eyes soften a little and he turns back to his deck.

"Very well, you can go back to work now." He says

I stand up and walk out of the office. When I close the doors Tink runs up to me.

"What did he want?" He asks hurriedly

"H-He asked me out to the fair..." I say shyly

"Really?!" He replies with his eyes shining

"Y-Yeah, is this a date?" I ask him nervously

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