Alpha!America x Omega!England-Lonely *Lemon*

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England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy

England's P.O.V.
I'm racing around my house like crazy trying to find anything with Alfred's scent on it, he went away for the week because of his work and my heat came early. I want to call him and tell him but he is to busy.

I raid his closet and the laundry for clothes and blankets to build my nest with, everything has it's place, now I just need to figure out where that is. My legs are shaking and I can feel slick dripping out but I need to finish my nest.

I can already feel my pheromones leaking out and if Alfred was here he'd pin me to the bed and knot me senseless, I'm still taking my birth control even though he's not here, it only works if it's constant.

I run a hand through my sandy blond hair and feel my pants become tight, it's so hot. I pull off my shirt and pants leaving me in my boxers, Suddenly my phone starts ringing and I try to use my most stable voice. I shakily grab my phone and see the number is Alfred.

"Arthur? Is everything alright? I can feel you're in distress." He says when I answer

Should I tell him? Well I don't want to lie

"Heat." I say quietly

"Are you sure?" He asks

"I have strong nesting instincts, slick and an extreme desire for you to be inside me." I say "Yes I'm sure."

"I'm on my way, Francis can cover for me." Alfred says "I'll be home in two hours, do you think you'll be ok?"

"I-I'll be fine, are you sure you can just leave? Your work is important." I say feeling more slick build up

"You're more Important, I'll be home soon." He replies

**Lemon Start**

Once he hangs up I take off my boxers and pull out my box of 'toys'. I pull out my favourite vibrating dildo, it's dark blue and fills me up as much as possible, it's not enough to keep me completely satisfied but it's very helpful in making me feel full. Alfred makes me feel better though.

I lay down in my nest, face first into the pillow with my ass up in the air, I'm leaking so much slick out of my ass and I need something inside me. I push two fingers inside me and thrust them in and out, it's not enough so I add a third and fourth but my heat makes me very loose.

"Ngh." I moan as my fingers brush my prostate and I decide to pull them out

I grab the vibrator and use the remote to turn it on the lowest setting, I push it inside and I can feel a little of my heat relieved with something inside of me. I turn it up higher and my legs start shaking at the pleasure. I become harder but when I touch myself it's painful, mated omegas can really only be touched by their alphas in heat or else it hurts.

I push the vibrator deeper inside of me and turn it up, relieving myself more. It rests against my prostate and I moan loudly, loosing strength in my legs and laying on my side on the bed, I guess all I can do is wait for Alfred to get home, which hopefully isn't to long.

**Lemon End**

*Time skip to two hours later*

America's P.O.V.
I have finally arrived home after a very long cab ride, it took ages to convince someone to go two hours away but I managed to, it might have taken an alpha command but it doesn't really matter, my omega is more important.

I open the door and I'm met with a wave of pheromones of an omega in heat.

"Arthur?" I call out walking inside but I get no answer

Where is he? Did someone take him?

"Arthur?" I yell out a little louder and more concerned

My instincts are taking control and I'm feeling possessive, if someone took Arthur I'd kill them. I rush to the bedroom searching for Arthur and when I open the door I don't see him in bed.

I growl lowly but when I take a closer look he is actually in there, covered in blankets and clothes. Breathing a sigh of relief I walk over to him and nudge him softly, I want to crawl next to him but it's an unspoken rule that an omega needs to let you into their nest, even if you're their alpha and it's your scent they have used.

**Lemon Start**

"Alfred?" He mumbles as he wakes up "It's so hot."

"Shh I know, I'll help." I say and press a kiss to his lips

"Please." He pegs and pulls me closer to him so I'm pinning him to the bed

I look down at his naked body and press a kiss to my mark on his neck, his is on my neck as well and during his heats it makes me feel hot. He moans again and I move my hand down to his rock hard erection and pump it.

"Ahh Alfred~" He moans loudly and tights lightly at my hair

I hear soft buzzing and I feel the possessive feeling return, I lift up his leg and see the blue vibrator inside him.

"What's this inside of you?" I ask

"Ngh it was the only way to relieve myself." He says "I'm sorry, It's not as good as you."

"You don't need to apologise." I say feeling the possessiveness leave me "I wasn't here."

"But you're here now." Arthur says trying to grind against me

I love his heats, usually he's a very negative an doesn't like physical contact, and he says mean things but during heat he does a complete 180 and becomes clingy and adorable.

England's P.O.V.
I feel Alfred pull the vibrator out of me and slick pools out. I whine at the empty feeling, begging for him.

"Why don't you take my clothes off for me?" He whispers dirtily in my ear

I immediately get to work, loosening his tie and pulling off his top, then I unbuckle his belt and pull off his pants. I can see the large tent in his boxers and he quickly pulls them down.

"Are you ready?" He whispers and I nod

He presses his tip to my entrance and quickly pushes in the whole way, I feel the heat relieved a little at the feeling of being full. I rock my hips but Alfred holds me down.

"Please Alfred, knot me." I moan

He growls lowly and begins to thrust in and out of me. I close my eyes in pleasure and I scratch his back as I feel him deep inside me.

"Ngh Alfred~" I moan as I feel tightness in my stomach

"You feel so hot inside." He replies

I can feel his manhood beginning to swell as he gets ready to know me. Finally the tightness snaps in my stomach and I release white strings all over mine and Alfred's stomach. With a grunt he releases inside of me and the knot at his base quickly swells, locking us together.

We lay down, him with his back on the mattress and me on top, laying my head where his heart is. We're both careful not to disturb the knot.

**Lemon End**

"I love you." Alfred says pressing a kiss to my forehead "I promise I'll be here for the rest of your heats."

"I love you too, even if you're a wanker sometimes." I reply and close my eyes, falling asleep thanks t the protective arms around me from my mate

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