2p Italy x Fem!Reader-New Student

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(A/n):Requested by 2p-hetalia-fan , hope you like it :)

Belarus-Natalia Arlovskaya
2p America-Allen.L.Jones
2p Germany-Lutz Beilschmidt
2p Italy-Luciano Vargas
2p Japan-Kuro Honda

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I walk down the hallways of my large school and finally get to my locker which luckily is right outside my first class of the day. I open my locker and grab my books but not before my friend Natalia leans on the locker next to me.

"Dobry dzień (Y/n), did you hear that we're getting new students?" She asks

(Belarusian:Dobry dzień-Hello)

"New students? Who?" I question

"The only one I can remember is some Italian guy who apparently works for the mafia." She says "I think he moved with two friends and they want to become the top dogs here."

"Pft as if they'd ever be scarier than you." I laugh

"Thank you." She says genuinely flattered "I'm going to go find duży brat."

(Belarusian:Duży brat-Big brother)

"Ok have fun." I say closing my locker and waving her goodbye

As she walks down the hallway my eyes land on a group of three who have just passed her. One is really tall, has blond hair, violet eyes and lots of scars on him, the second tallest has black hair, red eyes and looks very angry. Finally the smallest and the one leading the group has brown hair, red eyes and a weird curls sticking out.

Before they can reach where I'm standing I've already disappeared into my classroom and I've placed my books down on my desk. I begin to read through one of the text books as I'm already bored and need something to do.

A few more students shuffle in and the guy with brown hair and red eyes is one of them. He sits right next to me and places his feet on the desk. Wow how rude...

"Ciao bella." He says leaning close to me

(Italian:Ciao bella-Hello beautiful)

I ignore him and continue to take notes, trying my best not to look up at him. Suddenly my book is removed from under me and I see one of the school jocks Allen reading it.

"What this even about? Who cares about old history?" He asks

"Give me back my book!" I exclaim trying to grab it from him

"Why do you even do extra work for your classes?" Allen questions

I just glare and continue to try and grab my book when a knife is thrown at Allen which cuts his cheek.

"Why don't you give-a the bella ragazza her book back?" The Italian boy says

(Italian:Bella ragazza-Beautiful girl)

Allen quietly hands me my book back and slowly edges away before leaving the classroom. I turn back to the Italian boy who is smirking.

"I could have handled it myself, it was just Allen being a dick." I sigh flicking back to my page in the book

Before he says anything the bell for school goes and the teacher walks in, he grumbles and sits back down in his seat.

"Ok class, today we have a new student starting, Luciano Vargas." The teacher says gesturing to the Italian boy sitting next to me and then continuing the lesson

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