Iceland x Lithuania-Meeting The Family

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(A/n):Requested by MCookieM , hope you like, it, it was fun to write :).

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Lithuania-Toris Laurinaitis
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Russia-Ivan Braginsky
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

Iceland's P.O.V.
I'm sitting in the living room of the Nordic mansion  secretly texting my boyfriend Toris. My brother would kill me if he knew I had a boyfriend, he says I can have one until I'm out of school but I can't help it, I really like Toris.

Lukas is distracted reading a book so I can message without questions, Mathias is passed out with a beer bottle, probably from last night, Tino and Berwald are cuddling on the other sofa, talking quietly.

Another message pops up and it's Toris asking if I wanted him to meet my family.

'I do but they'll either break us up or be to invested' I message

'That's to bad, but maybe they'll just be normal?' He replies

'Normal doesn't exist here' I type, with a small smile

"Yo Emil who ya messaging?!" Mathias yells 'Must be someone special to make you smile!"

I quickly get out of massages and turn off my phone,

"No one, why don't you shut up?" I grumble

"Who is it Emil?" Lukas asks placing his book down

"I said no one, just leave me alone." I answer

I don't notice Mathias sneak up behind me and grab my phone from my hands.

"Give me back my phone!" I yell trying to grab it off of him but he holds it to high for me "Fine not like you know my code anyway."

"It's his birth year." Lukas says and Mathias quickly opens my phone

"Mathias I'm warning you!" I yell but he has an arm on my chest keeping me at arms length

I see him open my messages app and I feel sick, this is it, they're going to find out.

"Toris, Who's Toris?" Mathias asks

"He's that Lithuanian boy who hangs out with Ivan." Tino says, him and Berwald are apparently paying attention to us now

"Why are you messaging him?" Lukas asks

I remain quiet and Mathias opens the messages, reading a few before looking back at me and handing back my phone.

"What was it?" Lukas asks, clearly very interested

"It looks like, someone has a secret boyfriend." Mathias says, becoming serious

"What?!" Lukas yells before waking over to us "Give me your phone, you're grounded."

"Shut up Lukas, you're not my mum, you can't ground me." I say

Lukas tried to grab my phone but this time I'm expecting it and I put some distance between us.

"You don't even know Toris." I say

"Exactly! How are we supposed to know he isn't going to rip your heart out?" Mathias says

"You guys aren't my parents, you can't tell me what to do!" I yell back

"Ok everyone calm down." Tino says running over to us "How about we have Toris over for dinner to get to know him?"

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