Popular!Prussia x Shy!Nerd!Reader-Party?

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(A/n):Prussia's birthday is on the 18th of January. Happy birthday Prussia :)

France-Francis Bonnefoy
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit on the cold, hard chair in class at my school and read through my textbook about German history. We have a test today and I want to get a good mark so I can have a night off from studying tonight.

I turn the page and read over the next paragraph. As I'm concentrated on my book and taking notes I feel someone take the noses right out from under my pen. I whip my head around and it's Gilbert Beilschmidt, one of the popular guys at my school.

"Vhat are you taking notes for?" He asks

"The test today." I say in a quiet voice

"Speak up liebe, zhe awesome me can't hear jou!" He shouts, making me flinch


"I-I said I was studying f-for the test today." I say mustering my courage

"Scheisse zhat's today?!" He exclaims and sits down in the desk next to me "Can I read jour notes? If I get a bad mark on zhis my vater vill kill me."



I nod and turn back to my text book, luckily Gilbert leaves me alone after than to read through my notes, I secretly look over to him and take in his pure white hair and red eyes. He is wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket, black pants and boots. I can see why he is popular, he is really hot but a shy nerd like me wouldn't stand a chance.

He spends his time with his two friends, Antonio from Spain and Francis from France. They are the bad touch trio and basically the most popular group. They spend their time with the most popular girls who are all rude bullies. That's why I have no chance, despite the fact they are bullies they are beautiful and rich.

The teacher walks in and Gilbert hands me back my notes. He smiles but I don't feel any better, I just quietly accept my notes and close my books. The teacher hands out out tests and I quickly fill out the answers.

I turn to Gilbert and see that he is struggling. I want to help but there isn't anything I can do. I finish my test and check though the answers. After handing it up to the teacher I pull out my math homework I was going to do tonight. Now I officially have a night off.

As everyone else hands up their tests the teacher begins to mark. She tells us we can have the rest of the lesson for free time and I continue doing my work.

"Hey what's your name?" Gilbert asks me

"(Y/n)." I reply, not looking up from my work

"Did jou understand zhe test?" Gilbert questions

"Yes." I answer

"Vell I guess jou don't count, jou're a nerd." He says

Oh of course, going to school and trying to learn things to give myself a future means I'm some sort of loser. I'm more than just a nerd.

I ignore his statement and him for the rest of the lesson. After class the teacher asks me and Gilbert to stay behind. I begin to feel nervous and I can't concentrate on my work. When the bell goes I walk up to the teachers desk with Gilbert and she smiles at us.

"Gilbert, you failed today's test." She says "I know that you will get into trouble at home so I will allow you to re-take it. (Y/n) I want you to tutor Gilbert for this test and the rest of my lessons."

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