Ireland (Republic of) x Fem!Bullied!Reader-I'm Here For You

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Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name
(F/o)-Favourite outfit
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour
(H/s)-Hair style

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.




I slam my hand down in my alarm clock and force myself to open my eyes. Great, it's Monday, Ughhh school... again. I hate going to school so much. I hate everyone there and I hate all the work.

Every day at school I am forced to deal with idiots who torment me and bully me over messages. The main bully is a girl named Bianca and her boyfriend Damion, they have their friendship groups who enjoy bullying me, every single day.

No one ever wants to help, I lost all my friends a long time ago and I haven't bothered to make any more. I don't want to be around anyone else anymore and I don't want any friends. One day I'll be out of that hell hole and I will be able to live my life.

My parents died a month ago in a car accident and I'm an only child so I live alone. I have absolutely no one to talk to and I don't know how long I'll last at this point because right now, seeing my family in whatever afterlife there is would be nice.

I pull myself out of bed and get ready for the day. After I have a shower I pull on (f/o). I brush my (h/l) (h/c) hair and style my hair in (h/s). I go to the kitchen and grab an apple for breakfast. I pack my bag for school and pick up my phone.

There are about twenty messages from random people telling me that I'm ugly and I should kill myself. How did they even get my number?!

I turn it off and start walking to school. I really don't want to be late and if I'm going to get beaten up again before school then I need to make sure I give myself enough time to get to class. As I near the front gates of school I see a huge crowd of people surrounding something.

This is good, it means no one will notice me. I hold my breath and walk past them without making a sound. They seem really distracted by something. I manage to get a glimpse of what they are looking at and it's a group of boys. Four of them have fiery red haired, one has brown hair and one of them has blond hair. They must be new students... They all look nice but I won't be making friends with them.

One of them makes eye contact with me and I immediately look away, the last thing I need is new bullies. I walk to my locker and pack away my bag. I grab my things and turn around when they are thrown out of my hand. I look up to see Bianca and her friend Portia who are smirking.

Bianca has long brown curly hair and her form is sort of squished making her look really narrow. She has brown eyes and her nose is a bit oddly shaped. Portia looks a lot better than Bianca but she has dyed platinum hair but because she didn't bleach it properly her hair looks grey and kind of dirty. She has a very bad spray tan which makes her skin look muddy and kind of orange, the only reason these two are popular is because they are very rich and know how to manipulate people.

"Aww what is the little slut doing today?" Bianca asks in her nasally voice

"You shouldn't call people sluts..." I reply bending down to pick up my books

She kicks me in the rib as I'm on the floor and I loose my breath.

"Don't tell me what to do bitch!" She screeches

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