Papa!Spain x Mummy!Nyo!France-Baby Romano

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(A/n)Requested by WHYUGHNO m this was so cute to write :)

Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo
Nyo France-Francine Bonnefoy

Spain's P.O.V.
I hear loud crying waking me from sleep. The thunderstorm outside is loud and the rain is pouring hard. I sit up. letting the blankets fall from my shoulders. My wife is asleep next to me, no doubt exhausted from feeding sessions and having to take care of our son Lovino when I'm at work.

I go in paternal leave next week and Francine will return to work so she can get a break from having a baby. I look over to her again and she is stirring a little.

"I'll get him." I whisper and walk into the nursery

I look over the small crib and see Lovino with a red face like a tomato and crying like crazy. I reach into the crib and pick him up, holding him close to my body.

"Papa." He says, stopping his screaming

The only words he can say is Papa and mummy. It took us a few hours to teach him but after he learnt to say it every time he sees Francine and I, he says it.

"What's wrong Lovi?" I whisper quietly and he calms down a little

He clings to me with his tiny hands and sucks on one of his fists. I hear soft footsteps come into the room and it's Francine tiredly rubbing her eyes.

"Is everything ok?" She asks

"Yeah, I think the thunderstorm outside scared him." I reply

I begin rocking Lovino in my arms and try to get him to sleep. Francine yawns and Lovino copies her.

"Aww." Francine and I say together at our cute son

Soon Lovino falls asleep and I place him back in the crib. Francine and I head back to our room or fall asleep.

"'e's so adorable." Francine says laying down

"I know." I reply laying down next to her and holding her close to me

*Time skip to morning*

Spain's P.O.V.
I'm sitting at the breakfast table holding Lovino while drinking some coffee. Francine will wake up in a bit and then I will head off to work. Lovino always wakes up the same time as me so I take care of him. The thunderstorm is still going strong outside and it's raining more and more.

My phone begins to ring and I pick it up, trying to ignore Lovino's adorable babbling.

"Hello Antonio." I hear my boss say

"Hola, what can I do for you?" I ask


"I'm just calling to say that work has been canceled for today." She says "There was flooding in the main building and we need today to do repairs. Take the day off and spend some time with your wife and son."

I thank her and place my phone down, lifting lovino so I can peer into his cute face. He's got a little frown but it's just adorable on him.

"Well Lovi, your papa is getting the day off of work." I say happily "So I'll get to spend the day with you."

He gurgles happily and pulls gently on my hair.

"You're getting zhe day off?" A French-accented voice questions

It's Francine smiling softly and sitting down next to me. I pass lovino to her and she kisses his forehead and then my cheek.

"Yeah, there was flooding in the building." I reply grabbing her a bowl of cereal and yogurt

She begins to eat it while bouncing Lovino and I wash the dishes.

"What should we do today zhen?" Francine asks "We have so much time to ourselves."

"Well we could bake a cake, I've been wanting to use up the eggs." I says

"Good idea, Does zhat sound fun Lovi?" She asks holding Lovi up

He babbles happily and reaches for the bench. Francine places him on the bench and makes sure he doesn't crawl away while I get all the ingredients out.

"You're so cute Lovi." She giggles

"Mummy." Lovi says looking at her

Once everything is set up to pick up Lovino and we begin to make the cake, trying to teach lovino.

"Now Lovino, when you crack the egg you need to be careful not to get any egg in the bowl." I say cracking the egg in one hand

Francine beats the egg and sugar and mixes it with the egg.

"If you can't cook zhat's fine, but try not to end up like Arzhur or Alice." Francine says referring to her frenemies from England

Once the cake is baking Francine and I kiss deeply, of course Lovino decided to become fussy and he thrashes around in my arms.

"I think he might be getting hungry." Francine says taking him from my arms

"Ok, I'll clean up the kitchen." I smile kissing her forehead

She heads to the living room to feed Lovino and I clean up the kitchen. By the time I'm done the cake is finished baking and I get it out of the oven. Francine walks in with Lovino in her arms, cuddling him close.

"Cakes Ready, want to watch the rain until it's ready to ice?" I ask

"Papa!" Lovi says reaching out for me

Francine passes lovino to me again and she stretches her arms. We walk to the big bay window and sit down, holding Lovino between us.

"Do you think we're good parents?" I ask

"I think so, Lovino seems 'appy." France says "Despite 'is constant glare."

She boops Lovino's nose and he giggles slightly.

"I think we're good parents too." I say kissing Francine's lips

This time Lovino doesn't interrupt us, he just stirs watching his parents kiss. Then he giggles happily and lays down on the soft cushions. The rain continues pouring and it doesn't look like it'll let up any time soon but we're safe and warm inside, surrounded by family.

I love Francine and Lovino and I would do anything for them. They're the most important people in my life.

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