France x Male!Reader-Romeo and Juliet? *Lemon*

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(A/n):To save from anxiety and nervousness, no one dies. Credit to Shakespeare for the original story line of Romeo and Juliet. This is based on the original story Romeo and Juliet but there are changes made.

Canada-Mathew/Matthieu Williams
China-Yao Wang
England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy
Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

(M/n)-Male name
(L/n)-Last name
(E/c)-Eye colour
(S/n)-Son name

Third Person P.O.V.
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

The Bonnefoy's and the (L/n)'s who has been feuding for years but nether can remember why. Most people would call it silly except the people of fair Verona who are two of the most powerful families.

Would you call out the richest and more powerful families for fighting a stupid fight? Lord Bonnefoy & Lady Bonnefoy, parents to Francis Bonnefoy and Lord (L/n) & Lady (L/n) parents to (M/n) (L/n). Before (M/n)'s both people hoped for a girl so there could be a marriage between the two families but since (M/n) was a boy there couldn't be. sadly people aren't open minded and can't see the union that could be made.

The two families are facing off now due to an argument over territory.

"Get out of here!" The Bonnefoy yells

"Why don't you?!" The (L/n) replies

The two groups of people ready their swords when a set of hooves are heard. Everyone turns to see the Prince with his guards.

"Bonnefoys, (L/n)'s!" He yells "This fighting has got to stop. The next people caught arguing from your two families will be executed."

The prince rides away and the two sides glare at each other.

"This isn't over." The (L/n)'s say sheathing their swords

The two groups clear away from each other and they head back to their homes. After clearing away people can return to their business, but the words of the prince remained strong in their heads.

France's P.O.V.

"Did you hear about what happened in the market place today?" My cousin Arthur asks

"Non, vhat 'appened?" I ask a little shocked


"Apparently we went up against the (L/n)'s and the prince told everyone that if anyone from out two families were caught fighting we would be executed." He replies

Arthur, despite having a different last name is my cousin due to our father and his mother being siblings. He is my closest friend and always keeps me up to date in the latest news.

"Vhy do ve get punished when zhere is fighting, zhere are no laws against it!" I exclaim

"I know, but if the fighting stops then it doesn't matter." Arthur replies

"Oui you are correct." I smile


The truth is I don't want to fight with anyone. I don't want to be at odds with another family. If I knew a way to sort out the feuds I would in a second. I have heard before about the son of the (L/n) household and that he is very handsome, unfortunately ok have never seen him. We are both the next heads of our families and if we can sort out our problems between each other then soon enough we won't have any issues.

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