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"Hey, bro." Finn greeted Kurt with a hug.

"Yeah, yeah." Kurt muttered, pushing Finn away. "What did you do?"

"What?" Finn asked.

"Why did you want me to come over here?" Kurt questioned Finn as he stepped inside. "Hi, Quinn."

"Hi, Kurt." Quinn smiled as she greeted Kurt with a hug. "Finn and I asked you to come here so we could tell you the good news. Finn."

"Oh my gosh, am I gonna be an uncle?" Kurt wondered, getting excited.

Finn looked at Quinn.

"No!" Quinn exclaimed. "No, not yet. Although you're sort of Beth's uncle."

"That's true." Kurt noted. "Is she here?"

"She's at school." Quinn answered. "Finn."

"Right, we asked you to come here so we could ask you to be our wedding reception planner." Finn told Quinn. "And so I could ask you to be my Best Man."

"Wow, congratulations." Kurt said, smiling happily as he looked at Quinn's ring. "And good job, Finn. This is so exciting, and I wanna know everything."

"Everything?" Finn asked.

"Oh, yeah. I knew everything about my dad and Carole's relationship, which allowed me to plan the perfect wedding." Kurt explained. "So I need to know everything about your relationship, from getting together this time around, down to the details of the proposal."

Finn looked at Quinn.

"Well, you know, Finn took me to dinner and asked me." Quinn answered. "And we got a hotel room and had a private celebration."

"Gross." Kurt muttered.

Quinn smirked.

"So?" Finn asked. "Will you be my Best Man?"

"Of course." Kurt smiled. "I'm so excited for both of you. What did Beth say?"

"She's really happy for us." Quinn answered. "I'm sure she'll be even happier when we ask her to be the flower girl."

"I bet." Kurt nodded. "So when are you guys thinking of getting married? Summer? Fall?"

"Spring." Finn responded. "We're hoping as soon as possible."

Kurt raised his eyebrow. "Does this have anything to do with those rumors online?"

"What rumors?" Finn wondered.

"The rumors that said you two were seen leaving a chapel with rings on your fingers?" Kurt said. "I want the truth."

"Fine." Finn took a deep breath and looked at Quinn. "We'll tell you the truth."

"Wait." Quinn said. "Kurt, you know I love you, but you can't keep a secret. And I don't want this getting back to our parents or Beth, okay? So you need to keep this to yourself."

"I can keep a secret." Kurt swore.

"I hope so." Finn muttered as he took Quinn's hand. "We got married, but we did it when we were drunk after saying we weren't ready to get engaged, which is why we're just telling everyone we're engaged while we quickly plan a wedding."

"My only regret is that Beth wasn't a part of it, which is why we need this church ceremony and reception." Quinn added. "Because if we skip a church ceremony, my mom will flip out and everyone will assume that the rush is because of another unplanned pregnancy."

"I should get to work then." Kurt decided. "The reception's gonna be in Lima, right?"


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