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"Congratulations, Daddy."

Finn smiled as he hugged his family and let them into the apartment.

"So?" Kurt asked. "How's Quinn? Where's the baby?"

"Quinn's good." Finn answered. "Tired and healing, but she's good. She was so brave and strong in that delivery room."

"She's a fighter." Carole noted as Judy and Beth appeared.

"Congratulations, Judy." Blaine said with a smile.

"Thank you." Judy smiled. "Congratulations to all of you, too."

Finn looked at Beth. "You wanna tell Mommy that everyone's here?"

"Gently." Judy added as her granddaughter went running off. She looked at Carole and Burt. "You two will have to think about what you want your grandparent names to be."

"Yeah, Beth calls Judy Gramma." Finn informed his mom and Burt as everyone sat down in the living room. "So other than that, your options are wide open."

"Well, I've always liked Grumpa for you, Dad." Kurt chimed in.

"I'm thinking Papa Burt or PopPop." Burt stated as Beth returned. "Hey, what do you think, Beth?"

"PopPop!" Beth exclaimed.

"PopPop it is." Burt decided happily.

"I like it." Finn smiled.

"Mommy said she'll be right there." Beth told Finn.

"I'm gonna go see if she needs a hand." Judy decided, excusing herself.

"What about you, Mom?" Finn wondered, scooping Beth up and putting her on his hip.

"I've actually been thinking about this for a while." Carole admitted. "What do you think about GiGi?"

"I like PopPop and GiGi." Finn noted. "Beth?"

"I like it, too." Beth replied.

Finn smiled as he sat down on the couch. "Well, when Mommy comes out here, you can tell her, okay?"

"Okay." Beth nodded happily as the bedroom door opened and Quinn exited.


"You look great! How do you feel?"

"It feels good to be surrounded by family." Quinn noted, curling up with Finn on the couch and kissing him lightly.

"Do you need anything?" Finn offered.

"I'm okay, thanks." Quinn shook her head. "My mom will be right out with the baby."

"My mom and Burt are going with GiGi and PopPop." Finn added.

"Oh, I love that." Quinn smiled. "And did Kurt and Blaine say yes?"

"Say yes to what?" Kurt wondered.

"I didn't get to that yet." Finn noted, wrapping his arms around Quinn as she leaned against his chest. "We want you two to be the baby's godfathers."

"We would love to." Kurt grinned. "Thank you."

"Yeah, thank you." Blaine nodded in agreement. "And congratulations."

Quinn smiled as her mom returned to the living room with the baby. Everyone kept their eyes on the tiny brunette in Judy's arms.

"She's beautiful." Carole noted. "Can I hold her when you're done?"

"You can hold her now." Judy smiled, passing the baby to Carole before taking her seat.

"Does she have a name yet?" Burt questioned Quinn and Finn.

"She does." Quinn nodded, tilting her head back to look at Finn.

"What is it?" Judy asked.

"Well, we figured we'd let the big sister help us decide." Finn explained. "But Beth wanted to name her Barbie or Beyoncé."

"Those are good names." Kurt noted as Carole  passed the baby to Burt while Blaine shook his head.

"We decided to name her Claire Judith Hudson." Quinn announced happily.

"Quinny." Judy smiled proudly.

"We originally wanted a B name, but once we chose her middle name, we decided we wanted a C first name like her other grandmother." Quinn continued.

"I really like it." Kurt stated as Burt passed the baby to him. "And I like the one-syllable name theme."

"Yeah." Finn said. "We wanted to keep that going. And since the only people whose names don't fall into that are the grandmas, we wanted to honor both of you in her name."

Carole wiped tears from her eyes and laughed lightly at herself as Kurt passed the baby to Blaine.

"Mom." Finn frowned. "Don't cry."

"It's a beautiful name." Carole stated, and Judy nodded in agreement.

"Finn chose it." Quinn explained. "Claire means bright and clear, and that's the life we want with her, with Beth, and with each other."

Finn smiled as he hugged Quinn. "I love you so much."

"I love you." Quinn replied, leaning back to kiss Finn. "And I love our new roommate."

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