Chapter 13.

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13. Secrets and torture.

It was the next day, I got ready and saw that people were huddled. I decided to check it out, "What the fuck is going on?" I asked Andrea who was outside. "Oh look who's finally here." She said, "Andrea. Stop, now what's going on." "I don't know, I came out to check what it is. Let's go." She said as we headed towards the gate. It was people who wanted to leave but the guards weren't letting them. It gone so far that they would point guns at them. There was a yell and I ran towards the noise. It was a walker, I started to shoot and so did the rest.

The guy was still alive and everyone was looking, "Help him...Do something." A lady said and the governor came out and shot him, went back inside. We all stood there not knowing what to do. "I'll go talk to him." Andrea said and went to talk to him. I then went to ask one of the guards.

"Hey, have you guys seen Merle?" I asked. "Oh that piece of shit. He's a traitor. He led those terrorist, to attack us." "What..." "Yeah, there was a brawl yesterday, he went to fight his brother. But then they got saved. They won't get away with this." "Brother, Merle has a brother?" I asked and they ignored me and went back to what they were doing, I scoffed.

Everyone was gathered outside of the Governor's place and Andrea was giving a speech. I slowly approach, and she was done. I went towards her, "That was inspirational." I said and she smiled. "How'd it go?" "He blew me off, he changed." "Andrea, he's always been like that...I've been here months. Hey do you know where Merle gone..who his brother is?" I asked and she stayed quiet, she was going to say something but hesitated.

"No I don't know.. I'm sorry. I bet he's okay." She said as she pat my back and walked away. "Keep me updated!" I yelled and she gave me a thumbs up. "What the fuck.." I mumbled, something is going on.

A couple days went by and Andrea would start to talking to me less and less. She was all focused on the Governor, I already knew he was bad news. I was sick of it, i planned on leaving in the morning but ever since the attack they're been more and more guards. So I spent the days, observing their routine and where would the safe places would be so I wouldn't get caught.

I knew I had to get out this sooner or later, I head outside and was stopped by the Governor. "Isn't it my medic." He said and I just looked at him. "Let me cut to the chase, I saw you follow Michonne. After she cut my eye. I saved you Y/N, i gave you a home." "Merle saved me." "Don't say that name. Follow me Y/N, let's talk." He said as he pulled me towards him and guided me to a random place. It looked terrifying, "W-where are we..?" I asked. "A place to talk." He said as he let go.

There was a chair in the middle and a table in the back of it. "Please sit." He said, i couldn't fight back so I sat down. "Now why did you follow Michonne." He said, i stayed quiet for a bit. "Answer me!" He yelled and I flinched. "S-she..she's my friend. I haven't seen her and I wanted to know why.." He then looked at me, "Really?" "Yes.." "Did she say where she is." "She..didnt say anything." I said, "Don't lie to me." "I'm not!" "I don't want to do this Y/N." He said and went behind me towards the table and I heard noises like tools.

I then felt a sharp pain on my arms and the Governor shot a needle in me.. "What the fuck!" I yelled as tried to move. He then came around me, "Like I said I didn't want to do this." "Why can't I feel anything on my arms!" "Anesthesia."He said as he had a knife. My eyes widen, he then pointed it on my neck. "Now where is Michonne." "Andrea wouldn't want this!" I yelled and he slapped me. "I don't give a shit about her, she a distraction. The reason she's always with me is because I've been giving it good to her." He smirked and I made a disgusted face. "Andrea doesn't deserve you." I spat and he put the knife closer to my neck. "I suggest you stop talking."

"Fuck you." I said, "You are making this hard Y/N. I really want to kill you but if Andrea finds out she's going to go in a rampage. I don't need that, I need her for my plan. Since you didn't helped me, I'll let you feel what I felt." He said and he dragged the knife across my eye. I yelled in pain, he didn't stab my eye, but the cut would scar. "Now we're matching! You just need your eye out. But that should teach you a lesson. "

I cried in pain, I closed one eye since blood was going over. "Go help yourself, not like you can grab anything." He laughed as he left. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. I realized he didn't do anything to my legs. I quietly got up and looked around and saw the table. There was many tools, Im greatful he didn't use them on me. There was a cloth, I tried to grab it but couldn't. I took a deep breath, and started to move my arms around. I had to wake it up, I looked stupid but I've never been glad being a nurse.

I slowly started to feel my arms. It took time but I could feel things now but I didnt have all feeling. I quickly grabbed the cloth and put it on my eye to stop the bleeding. I grabbed a knife from the table and head towards the door. "I need to get out of here." I whispered and tried to get the door to open but it was locked. I needed both of my hands so I cut my shirt and I made an eye patch. I saw that there was a window but it was slightly up. I got a screw driver and cleared the table to stand on top of it. I started to hit the window with the hard part of the screwdriver. It started to work but slowly. There was now cracks.

I could keep using it but it would take long. I took a deep breath and punched the window. It broke but my hand was left with scratches and pieces of glass. I bit my lip trying not to yell, I only let out a small noise. I plucked the glass out of hand and cleared the glass out of the way. I climbed out the window and I saw where I was. I looked around my surroundings and found a way I can leave to go to Michonne. I needed to get my bag first so I quietly made my way over there.

Everyone was busy so It was simple to go pass them, it took forever but I made it to my house. I ran to the bathroom and took of my "eye patch". I grabbed a cleaning pad and alcohol and cleaned it, I then cleaned my hand as well. I winced and then grabbed a bandage roll and I covered my eye and rolled my hand up. I then looked in the mirror and saw a mark when the Governor slapped me. I quickly packed medical supplies into my bag. I changed and packed some clothes. I sat on my bed and watched the door.

"Im leaving tonight." I mumbled.

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