Chapter 29.

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29. Bad run.

I woke up early in the morning because I had to go on my run today. I slowly got out of bed and kissed Daryl in the forehead. I changed into jeans and a long sleeve, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I head downstairs and made breakfast for both me and Daryl. I wrapped his breakfast so it wouldn't be cold and left it in the counter, i head out and met up with Tara and Noah. "Good morning Y/N!" Tara said and I hugged both of them. "Morning Tara, Noah. Ready for todays run?" I asked, "Yeah. Don't know why but I feel excited?" Noah said, "Yeah same. Maybe it's the adrenaline." Tara said and we talked. We met up with Glenn and we all put the things we need into the van. Aiden was talking to his parents, Maggie and Glenn were talking to when from the distance I saw someone.

"Y/N, it's your man." Noah said with a smirk and I nudge him. I felt Aiden eyes on me and i walked towards Daryl, "Was wondering where you were." He said, "I have a to go on a run today, I'll be back." I said as I placed a strand of hair behind his ear, "Be careful okay and thanks for the breakfast " "I will and your welcome." I said and we kissed, I felt his hand go lower. "Did you just grab my ass?" I asked him with a smile. "Someone was looking." He said and I turned around and saw Aiden look but quickly turned around and went in the van. "What's his deal?" He asked, "Not sure." I mumbled. "Y/N! We're about to leave. Hurry your ass up!" Tara yelled, "That's my cue. I'll see you later." I said and gave him a finale kiss. "Take a shower!" I yelled as I walked towards the car and he stuck the middle finger which caused me to laugh. I hopped in the van and they drove off.

"No seriously though, what's her story?" Tara asked Noah and a song started to play. "Great another mix." Noah said and we all laughed. "Helps draw them away." Glenn said, "I don't know about you guys but this is a real party." I smirked. "I agree, Im about to start dancing." Tara said as she put her hands up and we all laughed. We arrived and hopped out the van, and got our guns ready.

"This is it?" I asked, "That's the warehouse. Looks like that door is our fastest way in and out." Aiden said. "We should know all the exits first. So there's a plan of things go south." Glenn suggested, "Already got one. It's called going out the front." Nicholas said. "Noah heads up." Tara said, "Got it." He said and shot the walker. "Look at you with the aim...Glenn's right, we should do a perimeter check. Know our exits just in case." Aiden said, we split apart and I stayed with Tara and Eugene.

Tara killed a walker and we kept walking, "So you are aware. I'm on record as stating that I should not be here. You will know that I'm not combat ready or even from that matter. Combat incline."Eugene said, "You never are until you are. But you gotta start pulling your weight." Tara said, "Have faith in yourself Eugene." I said, we stopped walking. "All things being equal, i do believe my weights been pulled. I got you all to D.C. which in this man's opinion is damn near nirvana by current standards." Eugene said, "Except you didn't get us here. We got you here." Tara said and we kept walking. "But we're it not for me and my mention of this city's potential for home and hearth not a one of you would had the vision to come here. Let alone the cojones to travail such a fraught and punishing pilgrimage. And that sister is a fact. That's just cold and hard as they come." Eugene said.

"You really a coward." Tara said, "Yes I am. I told you guys I was." Eugene said and Tara kept walking. "You gotta believe in yourself Eugene and for the love of god speak English." I said and walked to Tara. We walked back to meet the others and entered the warehouse. We circled around eachother and looked around, we checked some isles and saw a bunch of walker on the other side on the fence. Me, Tara and Eugene went to check on an aisle and Eugene said that it was this box which Tara opened it and we found them. We were stuffin them into our bag when everything faded to black.

My head was pounding and I could hear faintly screams. My body was in so much pain, I looked down and saw a deep cut on my shoulder. I then looked up and saw Eugene being attacked. I quickly grabbed my gun and shot the walker, "Y/N! Are you okay! Is Tara okay?" Glenn yelled and I slowly got up. "I'm okay!." I yelled back and went towards Tara and checked her pulse, "Tara needs help! She's loosing a lot of blood!" I yelled back. "I'm coming Y/N stay there and protect Tara!" Glenn yelled and I nod. I teared up my sleeve and wrapped Tara's head stopping the blood. I then saw Glenn, "I thought you said you were okay?!" Glenn said as he looked at my cut. "I'll be okay, we need to help Tara fast!" I said and we both carried her into an office and lay her down.

"Tara is loosing alot of blood." I said. "How do we stop it?" Noah asked. "Medkit was in Aiden's pack. It got blown to hell." Nicholas said, "There's another one in the van." Glenn said, "Shes on her way out. We need to get her there." Eugene said as he checked her. "All right we'll get her there." Glenn said when we heard yells, "Help! Somebody!" Aiden yelled. "He's alive?" Glenn asked, "I-I checked him. I thought..." Nicholas said. "We gotta get him." Noah said, "it's gonna take atleast three of us." Glenn said.
"We got that kind of time?" Noah asked, "We pulled Aiden off there we can kill him." Nicholas said, "Your saying we leave him?" Noah said, "You guys just go! We'll take care of her." I said and they nod and left. "Please Tara.." I said as tears came out. I cut my other sleeve and wrapped it around her head, "Y/N your bleeding." Eugene said and I looked down at my shoulder, "I didn't even notice it got worse.." I said as it was now bloody, "Here." He said as he teared up his sleeve and wrapped it around my shoulder. "Thank you Eugene." "I should be thanking you. For rescuing me back there." He said and I softly smiled. "I wouldn't leave you out there." I said and he returned the smile.

"If they don't hurry we'll have to go." Eugene said, and I looked at him. "I promise you Y/N. I will get you both out of here." He said and I nod. "I got your back." I said as I grabbed my gun, he carried Tara and I was behind him. He shot the walker and I smiled, we killed the walkers in our way and made it to the exit. We made it to the van and Eugene layed Tara down. "I got it from here Eugene. We need to go find them." I told him and he nod as he went into the driver seat and started to drive. I got the medkit and cleaned Tara's blood. I stitched up her wound and covered her head with a bandage roll. "You'll be okay Tara.." I said as I cried and gently touched her face. "Please stay with us.." Eugene kept driving, "I see them! They are surrounded by walkers, go and put some tunes on!" He said and I turned on the music, Eugene guided the walkers away from them. I stood up behind Eugene, "Is that Nicholas?" I said as I pointed at the man running towards us. "Seems so." He said and we stopped.

"Move over we're leaving!" Nicholas said as he opened the door and Eugene turned off the car and got out, i followed behind him. "Get back in the van!" Nicholas said, "Not until you tell me where they are." "Either you guys come back with me, or you stay here and die with your friends. Those are your choices. " Nicholas said and Eugene was gonna grab his gun when Nicholas attacked him and threw him in the ground, he ran into the van and I grabbed him by the leg, he kicked me in the face and threw me into the truck behind us which caused me to hit my head. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Glenn. "Y/N, get up." Eugene said as he pulled me up to my feet. Glenn was beating up Nicholas. "Help me get him in the back.." Glenn said, "Where's Noah, Glenn?" I asked and he looked at us with tears. I then realized what happened and started to cry and hug Eugene. We got in the van and I sat next to Tara, we were all quiet. Eugene was checking my head and saw that I was bleeding, he bandage me up. He pat my back and told me he was done, I nod and looked at Nicholas. Full of hatred, i wiped my tears away and looked after Tara.

It was now night and we made it back. I was asleep and felt someone carry me, I was going to move when someone stopped me. "It's okay Y/N, your going to the infirmary. You need to rest." Eugene said, "Tara..?" I asked, "She's being taken care of." He said and I sighed in relief and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw Carol, "Carol?" I softly said and she looked at me. "Your awake!" She quickly hugged me and I smiled. "Is Tara okay..?" I said with trying not to cry, "She's hasn't woke up yet but she is okay.." she said,"Noah, Aiden they-" I said with tears and Carol wiped them away. "I know.. I'm sorry.." she said as she hugged me and wiped my tears. Glenn then came in and smiled, "Your okay." He asked, " are you feeling." "Better." "What happen with..Nicholas.." "Don't worry. I got it." He said and I smiled at. He left, "Rest up okay." Carol said as she held my hand, "Where's Daryl?" I asked, "He's at work, he has a job now. He's a recruiter with Aaron." She said and I smiled. "Now go and rest." She said as she kissed my forehead and left.

I lay back down and heard someone come in, I saw and it was Eugene. "Are you feeling better?" He asked, "Yeah..Thanks to you. Thank you Eugene." I said with a smile. "Thank you for believing in me. I'm glad to see that you are alright." He said as he walked towards the door. "Hey Eugene." I said and he turned around, "I'm proud of you. I saw when you took down those walkers. Your manning up now." I said with a smile and he smiled back. "Had two teachers." He said and left the room. I smiled and closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.

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