Chapter 25

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25. Lost.

I was sitting down, playing with Judith. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Michonne walked towards me, "Couldn't sleep." I said not looking at her. "I have to show you something." She said and pulled me up. I groaned but followed her outside, "Why are we outside?" I asked and then she pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Daryl, I stood there and he walked towards me.
He was going to kiss me but I backed away, "Where the fuck were you?! I was worried sick! Why didn't you both say anything? I came out to look for yo-" Daryl cut me off by kissing me. I just stood there and he looked at me. "You talk to much women." He smirked, i softly smiled and hugged him. We stood there for a second when I saw a man behind Daryl.

"Who's that? And where is Carol?" I asked and Daryl face expression changed. "We should go inside and talk about it there." Michonne said as we all went inside. Rick hugged Daryl and was confused on the man next to him who is named Noah. We all sat down and he told us that they both followed a black car which had took Beth. Noah had taken their weapons and they chased him down, turns out Noah knew Beth and where she was. They then were chased by cops and Carol got hit by a car and was taken to where Beth was.

"This is your fault! Carol better be okay. Or te juró, te voy a matar. (I swear, i will kill you.) " I said as I pointed at Noah. Daryl grabbed my hand, and calmed me down. "Sh-She is okay..she's in good hands I swear." Noah said.

"If anything does happen to her. You'll regret being alive." Rick said as glared at Noah. "We'll continue tomorrow. Everyone else is resting, we'll take shifts for look out." Rick continued, "I'll take most of the shifts." Daryl said, "You sure?" "Yeah." "Alrigh', Michonne will take the next, and so will I." Rick said and we nod. Daryl went towards the entrance and sat there, I walked towards him and stood infront of him.

"M' sorry." He said as he hug my waist and I played with his hair. "Just tell me where your going next time. I was worried about you two, I didn't want to loose you..." I whispered and he kept hugging me. "Yer wont loose me...not again." He mumbled and I smiled, he looked up at me. I leaned closer to him and kissed him, it was fast but passionate. "I'll stay with you." "Sleep." He said as he let go of me, "I can stay up." I said as I sat next to him. "Fine, if your tired you...can sleep on my shoulder." He mumbled and I smiled. "Thanks mi amor." I teased and he slightly chuckled. We talked through out the night but I eventually fell asleep.

It was now morning and we started to take apart some of the things inside the church to secure the outside of the church. I finished covering the windows with boards and glanced at Gabriel. I felt bad for him since it was his church and we're basically destroying it. I put my things down and walked over to him,

"Hey.." I said and he jumped. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." I said apologetic, he turned around and softly smiled. "No it's alright. Do you need anything?" He asked. "Actually I just wanted to talk to you. I'm Y/N." I said as I held my hand out and he shook it. "Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Gabriel but you uh..know that." He said and I smiled. "I'm sorry about your church." "'s okay. It needed some decorations.." he joked and I slightly laughed. "Your not bad. Sorry if they are tough on you. It's just...we have trust issues." I explained and he nods. "Thank you for your kindness. Really appreciate it." He softly smiled and I smiled back.

Rick, Daryl, Ty and Sasha went to find Carol and Beth. I choose to stay with Michonne, Gabriel and the kids just in case of anything. "Be safe out there.." I said as I softly kissed him, "I will. You'll be okay here...right?" He asked as he gently touched my cheek. "I will. Be back with both of them." I gave him a quick kiss, and said goodbyes to the rest. Michonne handed me Judith, so her and Carl will block the entrance. I glanced at Gabriel, who was minding his business.I shrugged it off and played with Judith.

Carl went up to Gabriel and told him to pick a weapon to defend himself, and talked to him. Gabriel grabbed a machete and Carl was teaching him but Gabriel excused himself. "You did great Carl." I said and he softly smiled, "Thanks." he shyly said. "Ima go talk to him." Michonne said as she pats my back and I nod. I spend the time to teach Carl more and Michonne joined in, she taught both of us things. Then we heard yelling outside and it was Gabriel. Me and Michonne started to break down the door.

It opened and Gabriel came running inside, then walkers showed up. Me and Michonne started to kill then but it was to many, Gabriel then guided us to his room and showed us his secret escape route. Carl went down first with Judith and then Michonne, Gabriel nodded at me and I went down. We just waited for Gabriel and he crawled out. "I can't run anymore." He said, "Your not running." Michonne said and we sneaked back to the entrance and barricaded the door. Trapping the walkers inside.

We all just stayed outside and Michonne asked where he went and he said at the school. We then heard the door started to break and we backed away. Until we saw the truck drove in front of the door. I sighed in relief, and ran towards Maggie and we both hugged, I then hugged Glenn and so did Michonne and Carl. I just smiled at the rest of the group. "Your back." Michonne said, "Eugene lied. He can't stop It." Glenn said and our smiles faded. "Where are the others?" He asked. I looked towards Maggie and smiled. "Beth's alive, she's staying at a hospital in Atlanta. The others went to get her back." And she started to tear up and hugged me. "Oh thank goodness.." she mumbled, I hugged her back.

"D-Do we know which one?" She asked, "Grady Memorial." Michonne said with a smile and Maggie started to cry and hugged Glenn. I smiled at the scene, then Tara told us that we should go and find Beth. It was a long drive but we made it. We killed the walkers that were in our way and then spotted the group. I saw Carol and ran towards her, hugging her but stopped when I saw Daryl carrying Beth's..dead body. Maggie yelled and sobbed. I was shock and started to tear up, "No...this isn't real.." I cried and Carol hugged me.

We dug a grave for Beth and did a funeral. I hugged Daryl and he hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled to him and he didn't say anything, but cried. I then cupped his face and wiped his tears, "Don't blame yourself..please." I whispered trying not to cry. He slowly nodded, and I softly kissed him. I then made my way towards Maggie and she ran to me and cried. I started to cry, "Maggie...oh my god.. I'm s-sorry." I said as I rubbed her back and she hugged me tighter. "She didn't deserve this..." "I know she didn't..." "I don't want to loose anyone else..not you.." she whispered and I softly smiled. "You won't Maggie,I don't want to loose anyone else too..." I mumbled the last part and she calmed down, I wiped her tears away and she walked back to Glenn.

Rick had told us that they were going to go to Virginia to check out the place Noah and Beth were gonna go, the rest stayed in the woods. Everyone had gone their own path, which was understandable.

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