Chapter 27

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27. New home.

The gates open and we headed inside, a man asked us to turn over our weapons and Rick didn't agree and said that we don't know if we'll stay. Aaron said it was okay that we'll talk to Deanna, Abraham asked who she was and turns out she is the leader. Aaron suggested that Rick should talk to her first. We followed Aaron as he led us to where Deanna lived, and waited for Rick. They both came out and a lady came in with a cart, Deanna said that we had to turn over our weapons but we can used them when it's necessary. We all placed our guns and weapons in the cart except for Daryl and the lady left. Aaron showed a house that me and Daryl can have. "Thanks Aaron." I smiled at him, and he smiled back, "There's fresh clothes inside." He said and left. We both went inside, Daryl pulled out his crossbow and checked the place.

I went to the sink and turned on the faucet, and water came out. I smiled and turned it off, Daryl came back. "There's water. This place is like a dream." I said as I went towards him and kissed his cheek. "Ima go and shower okay?" I said as I was going upstairs. "Don't leave or else I'll start to freak out." I said and he smiled. "I'll wait." I went upstairs to the bathroom and quickly took of my clothes and turned on the shower and got in. I washed myself and saw all the dirt and dried blood wash away. I then got out and dried myself with a towel and wrapped it around my body. I looked in the mirror and couldn't recognize myself, it was just odd seeing myself "clean"

I then left the bathroom and head to the bedroom and saw Daryl. "You look different." He said, "I feel different, more cleaner." I said as I walked towards the closet and saw a bunch of clothing. "Go and shower." I told him, he groaned and went into the bathroom. I changed into pants and a tank top, I dried my hair with the towel. I then saw a hair brush, I grabbed it and went to the mirror. I brushed my hair and saw how long it got, it was now down to my waist. I then heard the bathroom door open and it revealed a clean Daryl. He had a towel around his lower body.

"Quit staring weirdo." He slightly blushed and I smiled. "What I can't admire my boyfriend?" I said as I kept brushing my hair. "Your annoying." He said as he opened a drawer and got some clothes. "I'll go wash your vest, since you'll be wearing it." I said as I got up and went to grab it, "Your perfect." He smirked and I smiled at him. I went downstairs and washed his vest in the kitchen. I then lay it down so it'll dry, a while passed and I then heard him come down. "Ima go talk to Rick." Daryl said as walked up to me. I handed him his vest and he took it and put it on. We both walked out the door, he kissed me and we parted ways.

I walked around the community, it was beautiful. Everything felt unreal, I then heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw a man, "You must be new here, Ive never seen you around." The man said, "Uh, yeah. I just got here." I looked up at him, "Figures, I would of remember a pretty girl like you. My names Aiden." He said as he held his hand out, "My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you Aiden." I said with a small smile and shook his hand. "So are you alone or did you come with people?" he asked as we walked around. "With a group, a large group." "Interesting, I'm guessing you've been with them for a while now." "That's right, most of them I've known for a long time. They've became my family." I said with a smile and he returned it. "That's nice, so do you have a boyfriend?" He asked as he smirked, I was about to respond when someone called for him. "I gotta go beautiful, hope I see you around." He winked and I rolled my eyes.  I walked back towards the house Rick and Carl will stay in. I entered and saw that everyone was there except for Rick,Daryl and Carl. They were moving things around for us to stay, I smiled and helped out.

We were done and a sat down next to Judith crib,"Hey Y/N.." I looked up and saw Tara, "Hey Tara! Need anything?" I asked. She sat down next to me, "Uh not really. I just want to get to know you. I know we aren't that close but I would like to be friends." she shyly said and I smiled. "Of course we can be friends Tara!" She sighed in relief and we both quickly got along, she introduced me to Rosita and the three us hanged out and became friends quickly.

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