Operation: Gallipoli (Part 1)

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The news rocked through the base. Four of their own were on the run from the Sakura Empire after nearly getting caught. In the office, Prince of Wales was briefing those who bothered to attend.

PoW: From what Sheffield has sent us, her, Curlew, Kormoran and Edinburgh have acquired a mysterious black wisdom cube and a shipgirl who escaped with them.

Hornet: How bad is the response from Crimson Axis?

PoW: The Sakura Empire were delayed thanks to Kormoran doing some damage to the docks, meaning the Iron Blood ships were able to sail out. They're heading to here. (points to an island)

Cleveland: That place has been abandoned since the sirens appeared.

Enterprise: It seems a logical place to take cover until rescue arrives.

PoW: Correct there, Miss Enterprise.

Bulolo: Do you ever rest up for repairs?!

Enterprise: I've already been repaired and been made battle ready.

PoW: Right..... our plan is commence a fleet to retrieve them but also deal with the Crimson Axis if they show up. I'd make a guess that they would include some siren ships.

Jervis Bay: How big would the fleet be?

Adelaide: If the Sakura Empire come in guns blazing at full force, we would need some heavy firepower.

PoW: However, the island is risky because it's surrounded by fog.

Bulolo: Nothing my radar can't find in fog.

PoW: It's what's in the fog that's worrying. Mysterious reports of shapes, dark ones, have been sighted. One looks like an unfamiliar aircraft carrier and the other is fairly large with four funnels. Odd objects have even been seen in the skies making a roaring sound too, which reports claim our planes can't catch them.

(A/N: In the business, we call this "foreshadowing".)

Bulolo: Something seems off, and familiar to me.

Cleveland: You know something?

Bulolo: Can't put my finger on it.

PoW: Miss Bulolo, I would like you to become the de-facto leader of this rescue mission with me. This mission is too large for one to lead, so two is needed.

Jervis Bay: Go for it, Bulolo.

Adelaide: You know what it means to be a leader. Torch, Shingle, Overlord.

Bulolo: (sighs) I'll accept the offer.

PoW: Right, now we need to figure out how large the fleet should be. Your thoughts?

Bulolo: We'll need at least 30 ships, including but not limited to, seven capital ships and six aircraft carriers, both fleet and light.

Adelaide: I guess the big number also refers to an anti-submarine and anti-air screen?

PoW: Looks to be that way. What shall we codename this?

Jeremiah O'Brien: Judging by our estimates, the fleet would most likely arrive in those waters on the 25th April. I think Aussies like Adelaide, Jervis Bay and Bulolo hold this day in high regard.

Adelaide: Anzac Day. The anniversary of Gallipoli landings in 1915.

Bulolo: Then, if we're arriving on Anzac Day, then I'll name this "Operation: Gallipoli", in honour of them. All in favour, say "aye".

All: Aye!

PoW: Well, get as many ships ready to move out! Commence Operation: Gallipoli!

Everyone soon left the office to get to the docks and ready to move. Right after they had assembled it, the fleet comprised of 42 ships of the following:

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