Operation: Sakai (Part 1)

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After a long while of planning, Azur Lane's plan to assist the local shipgirls was finally complete and was now official by the Admiral in Hiroshima. Bulolo had made sure to account for all variable in their coming assault on their target; Iwo Jima. With their Torpedo Squadron 3 under the Armed Merchant Cruiser's command, this was certainly going to be a real "trial by fire" for them all. One thing that was on everyone of the Azur Lane girls was the name of this mission was still not revealed. From aboard the Bulolo, the Jervis Bay had went to check in her friend.

Jervis Bay: (Knocks on the door)

Bulolo: Enter.

Jervis Bay: (Opens the door and enters) Wow. You've been busy with this Iwo Jima mission, haven't you?

Bulolo: Our operation begins at 0500 hours tomorrow morning as to maintain stealth. The hostiles wouldn't have realised we'd left until it's too late.

Jervis Bay: Figures. By the way, what are we naming this island-hopping campaign alongside the local girls not coming with us?

Bulolo: Jervis Bay, they're assigning it "AO" for their side of the operation while our one to Iwo Jima will be codenamed "AK", but I've dubbed it as "Sakai" after an famous Japanese naval aviator.

Jervis Bay: Who now?

Bulolo: Oh, yeah. You were sunk before he because famous. I'll head to the Japanese Navy's Admiral to inform them my part of the mission will depart at 0500 tomorrow.

Jervis Bay: Ah, same old Bulolo. Even if we're in another world, you always think of a plan.

Bulolo: And you never change too, Jervis Bay. I'd be off. (Leaves the plotting room)

Jervis Bay: Bulolo's got to be careful with herself. While she maybe the most powerful of us Armed Merchant Cruisers, but even we have our limits. You better not push yourself, young motor vessel.

Jervis Bay wasn't the only one worried for Bulolo as pretty much every shipgirl under her command as the flagship were concerned for her. She had been busy with the plan of attack that she hadn't been active like during Christmas and New Years. They all knew that for their flagship, it was bad for her health but was unfortunate that Akashi (AL) is not as effective as Vestal when it comes to stubborn warships, partly because she was with Hammann. Aboard the Sims-class destroyer, the two were just waking up after a long night. At this point, a rumour had started to circle around the fact that Hammann was in love with Akashi (AL) despite her denying it.

Hammann: (Yawns) Must be morning already. (Opens her sheets) Ok, time to... wha...? Does it look like my... Did I just... No. Pull yourself together Hammann! I'm not what they think I am! I'm only on guard duty! (Hears someone knocking) Coming!

Shigure (AL): (Is at the hatch under the bridge until Hammann opens it) Morning, Hammann. How are you enjoying your last morning before that big mission begins?

Hammann: Wait? That mission? You mean the attack on Iwo Jima we're to do?

Shigure (AL): Hai! We're departing tomorrow at... (Looks down in the direction of the crotch of Hammann's sleepwear) Did you cream yourself last night?

Hammann: Uh... No! Isn't it natural for us as even if we're not human, we are technically girls?!

Shigure (AL): Nope, but I do it when I get really into it with Ayanami (AL).

Hammann: (Mutters) Horny bitch. (Normal voice) Of course you'd bring up your girlfriend!

Shigure (AL): (Chuckles) Don't worry. We all fall in love, even if it's the most unusual of ways and the most unlikely of pairings.

Azur Lane: Ship of Fate, Unsinkable BuloloWhere stories live. Discover now