Two Forms, One Hull

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With the Orochi finally destroyed and on its way to the ocean floor, an official declaration of unconditional surrender was given to Crimson Axis. This finally ended months of conflict between the two sides once and for all. As a result, Crimson Axis was formally disbanded with all factions succeeding into Azur Lane, bringing the alliance back into its former glory. However, the official surrender needed to be signed to make it concrete.

Nagato: I'm aware of what Akagi and Kaga were completely irresponsible how, I will take full blame for not attempting to stop them.

Prinz Eugen: Und Iron Blood was misguided by 1st Carrier Division.

PoW: That leaves the Sardegna Empire and Vichya Dominion to accept the disbanding of Crimson Axis.

Z23: Lord Bismarck isn't going to be very happy.

Prinz Eugen: I'll handle Bismarck once we return to Iron Blood.

Kormoran: I want to come too. In technical sense, I'm an Iron Blood like yous.

Z1: Your name?

Kormoran: Auxiliary Cruiser HSK Kormoran, originally from the Kriegsmarine.

Spee: Checks out.

Enterprise: Right, where will we sign the surrender of Crimson Axis.

Melbourne, Jeremiah O'Brien and Darwin looked to Bulolo. The Armed Merchant Cruiser knew exactly why as in her old world, she was used in the surrender of Japan in Singapore at the end of World War Two. She disengaged her rigging and saw there was a table set up near the forecastle, smiling as she knew why it was there. Laying down their arms, the girls of both Azur Lane and Crimson Axis disengaged their riggings in a patch of ocean where the final battle of the Orochi just happened. Nagato, Enterprise, Prinz Eugen, Prince of Wales and several shipgirls boarded the Bulolo to witness everything.

 Nagato, Enterprise, Prinz Eugen, Prince of Wales and several shipgirls boarded the Bulolo to witness everything

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Nagato: I know what needs to happen.

Bulolo: Once you sign this document, you agree to all the terms and conditions outlined in it. Are you aware of that?

Nagato: Yes. I am aware.

Enterprise, Prince of Wales, Melbourne and the armed merchants looked on as the shipgirls of Crimson Axis in front of them were in silence. Nagato read the conditions of unconditional surrender and after reading, signed on the line on behalf of the Sakura Empire and this was followed by Prinz Eugen as the representative of Iron Blood. Finally, after months of conflict between the two alliances, Crimson Axis was finally over and the fleet was escorted to Azur Lane base.

Reliant: Right... anyone suffer severe damage that the engines can't be used?

Yamashiro: Just a damaged tripod.

Zuikaku: Some to the flight deck but not severe. 

Z1: My engines can operate at only half-power but are still functional.

Azur Lane: Ship of Fate, Unsinkable BuloloWhere stories live. Discover now