Calm before the Storm

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Finally, after weeks of work, the Aquitania was released from drydock. Reliant towed the mighty grey-clad troop transport out and into the waters of the base, moving the four funnel liner over to where the armed merchants were. It was a cause for celebration as the Aquitania was the largest ship in Azur Lane its return to active service meant that its own weapons can provide an extra amount firepower. While this was a great day, there were still more pressing matters. Prince of Wales and Cleveland headed down the hallway of the main building of the base.

PoW: The Sakura Empire's taken a bit of a hit. They'll going to need time to recover. Unfortunately, we ourselves aren't in the best position to pounce at such an opportunity.

Cleveland: Let me guess? You're talking about the black Wisdom Cube and Enterprise's strange behaviour, right?

PoW: There are plenty of reasons.

In side a hallroom, the black Wisdom Cube stood before Pennsylvania, Amazon, Akashi, Hornet, Belfast, Baragoola and Langley. Baragoola was trying to use her laptop to try and break down the Wisdom Cube to understand it better, but will little luck.

 Baragoola was trying to use her laptop to try and break down the Wisdom Cube to understand it better, but will little luck

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(A/N: Imagine Baragoola on her laptop standing near Belfast appearing slightly frustrated.)

PoW: Did you learn anything new?

Amazon: I'm afraid now. We're completely stumped.

Baragoola: I've attempted scanning it with my laptop and not a result.

Langley: It's difficult to know what we're looking for when we don't know anything about Wisdom Cubes in the first place.

Ark Royal: (huffs) I can see quite clearly that it's literally a black box.

Baragoola: (turns to face Ark Royal) No shit, Sherlock.

Cleveland: Ok, hold on. From here, it looks like the glow is getting stronger.

PoW: Since it's related to Sirens, we should assume that it's a very bad sign.

Hornet: If those Sirens are even thinking of messing with my sister, they sure aren't getting away with it.

Cleveland: It's more than just Enterprise, but Bulolo as well.

Amazon: As ill-tempered as the Armed Merchantman is, she's just not acting like herself lately.

Akashi: Akagi is the worst, nya! Why did you have to cause so much trouble for us, nya?!

(A/N: Because she's Akagi. Simple.)

PoW: Akagi was the one principally aligned with the Sirens but now that she's gone, I wonder how Kaga would act?

Akashi: I want answers, right now, nya.

Sakura Empire

Kaga: You want to seal way OROCHI?!

Nagato: Temporarily. We just want to pause it. If Akagi is gone, we won't be able to push forward.

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