The First Joint Exercise

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The next morning, all but 13 of the Azur Lane expedition fleet left Hiroshima naval base for the journey back to their own world but not before Enterprise transferred the flag to Bulolo as the leader of the foreign world station fleet. With a fleet of 12 shipgirls under her command, she felt that keeping strong relations with their new allies was important so she went to the Admiral's office to see if she can arrange for something however, she was held up but by the three American shipgirls Tingey and The Sullivans assisted yesterday.

Johnston: You must be the flagship of those shipgirls from where you're from staying behind here?

Bulolo: Sure, I am. Who's asking.

Johnston: I'm Johnston DD-557, Fletcher-class destroyer and I just wanted to thank your girls for helping me, my older sister Fletcher (KC) and Sammy B yesterday.

Bulolo: Well, it's an honour. I guess they're hard for yous to face against?

Samuel B. Roberts: Mind me asking but what kind of warship are you? You're quite large for a cruiser.

Fletcher (KC): Don't be rude, Sammy.

Bulolo: It's ok. I'm a special kind of cruiser, known as an 'armed merchant cruiser', hence mine and Aquitania's hull having a civilian outline. Me and her were passenger ships as built but when war broke out, we were modified to fight back if attacked. Name's Bulolo, Royal Navy.

Fletcher (KC): So, what are you doing, Bulolo?

Bulolo: I'm heading to the Admiral's office. Need to arrange something to start strengthening relations with here in this world and Azur Lane, where I'm from.

Johnston: What do you have in mind?

Bulolo: A joint exercise. Back in Azur Lane while we are an alliance, we're still separate factions and we do joint exercises to both increase our relations and our skills against our threat of the Sirens.

Samuel B. Roberts: We often do joint exercises with everyone but we often run into Abyssals during them. We could join in, just need the Pentagon to approve of it.

Bulolo: I'll take that into consideration. Thanks anyway. (heads back on her way to the Admiral's office)

Fletcher (KC): Those Azur Lane girls are strange.

Johnston: But they sure are powerful.

Samual B. Roberts: Torpedo Squadron Three can confirm that. Yesterday before two of them helped us, they assisted them when outnumbered as those girls just turned the tide instantly.

Fletcher (KC): Not to mention some of them have Japanese names but have animal features.

Johnston: Something on your mind sister?

Fletcher (KC): Never mind.

Azur Lane base 

Back at in the Azur Lane girls' world, the returnees from the expedition fleet had finally arrived home and Reliant steamed out to get them. The tiny paddle tugboat noticing that not all of them were present.

Reliant: What happened to the others?

Enterprise: Bulolo and 12 others have stayed behind as a somewhat station force. We'll be sending seven more to so we can have a minimum of 20 over there. Bulolo is the flagship for it now.

Reliant: Explains a few things. What is that world like? Beyond the gate?

Nagato (AL): It's just like ours, but the shipgirls there can't form ships like us and don't have Wisdom Cubes like us. Moreover, we now have a name for those mysterious creatures from last month.

Azur Lane: Ship of Fate, Unsinkable BuloloWhere stories live. Discover now