7 - Exchange event part 1

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"Oh come on Nanamiiii, we have to do it!" Haibara said and Nanami just scoffed.

"No we don't." Nanami said annoyed as he looked at the field.

"It will be fun! Taking a pic with our senpai's is amazing." Haibara said and Nanami just scoffed.

"Yeah sure..."he said while you approached them.

"What are my boys doing hm?" You said with a smile and Haibara looked at you.

"Y/n chan! I was just convincing Nanami to come for the photo!"he said and you smiled.

"That's great."

"I won't go."Nanami said and you chuckled.

"Is it because of Satoru?"you said and he scoffed.

"That kid is annoying."

"He is your senpai too nanami."Haibara said and you smiled.

"Oh come you two we have to take the picture for the Kyoto sister school exchange event too."you said and Haibara smiled.

"The best exchange event for sure!"he said and you smiled. As you got your kimono ready you left with the boys for the place where you would take the photo.

"Y/n after can we go to the store to get some milk tea?"Haibara said excitedly and you smiled.

"Sure thing Haibara-kun!"

"You two just be careful at night, you know that curses are more active starting from the evening."Nanami said and you looked at him, you knew that this was his way of saying that he cares for you.

"Of course Nanami!"Haibara said as you saw Suguru, Shoko and Gojo come dressed in the same kimono's as you.

"Hello kiddos!"Gojo said with a grin as you looked at him

"Your older with 1 year Satoru, that's not a big difference."you said and he came to ruffle your hair.

"Awh always acting like the smartie are we.'he said as you started yelling at him

"Gojo not my hair before the picture!"you said and he laughed.

"Are they always like that..."Nanami asked tiredly and Haibara kept smiling.

"Mostly."Suguru said with a smile while Shoko kept eating her lolipop.

"Okay you all are here, please stand right on those stairs."Yaga came with a camera.

You all sat on those stairs, you and Shoko sitting in front of the boys.

"Okay smile in 3.....2.....anddd 1!"Yaga said and Satoru, who sat at your back suddenly put his hands around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder smiling.

Yaga took the pic and you looked at gojo.

"Satoru, just what was that move hm?"you said in a whisper and he smiled.

"Come on y/n, in the future you will show this picture to your kids telling them just how handsome the honored one was and how lucky you were to have a picture like this with him!"he said and you looked at him with a hopeless look.

"I hate you."you said as you turned around to walk away since only you and him were still in that area.

"No you don't."

"Oh yes I do."you said and suddenly you felt 2 strong arms catch your waist. In no time you were lifted into the air and thrown over a shoulder.

"SATORU!"you said as he started walking.

"What? I'm just doing you a favor you could be nicer you know."he said and you just let your head down hopelessly.

Your hair brushed against Satoru's face and he just smiled.

"We are here."he said as he put you down.

"Here where?"you said as you looked around. It was a pond near the lake from jujutsu high.

"This is my secret spot! No one ever comes here and it's quiet and nice, I wanted you to see it too.'' he said and you just looked around.

"Hmm it's really calm, I didn't know that you had secret spots too."you said and he smiled.

"I need time with myself too sometimes you know."he said and you looked at him.

Of course, after Riko's death he must feel guilty and sad.

"Satoru...I just want you to know that your not the one to blame for what happened to riko."you said and he just looked away. Even if he had his sunglasses you could see the sad look in his blue eyes.

"But I'm not innocent either, maybe if I didn't lower my guard she would still be alive, maybe if I didn't drag you all into that vacation you wouldn't got hurt and she would be just fine."he said and you approached him putting your hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, you wanted her to enjoy her last days, even if she died, at least she got to live her best days and all that because of you, what would she do if she was here right now hm? She clearly wouldn't want you in this state."you said and he took his glasses off looking at you. You looked into his eyes as you were lost literally.

His eyes were too pretty,  you knew that he suffered a lot, being the strongest wasn't easy at all.

If only jujutsu world wouldn't be full of suffering. As you were lost in thoughts you felt his arms around you.

"Sa.....toru?"you said and he just chuckled.

"You must think that something is wrong with me right now hm?"he said and you relaxed in the hug putting your arms around him too.

"Actually no, if this is your true side then im really happy to see it." You said and he stepped back to look at you.

"You may be the only one to see my true side, except for Suguru."he said and you smiled.

"I'm glad to see that, at first I thought that we wouldn't get along at all actually, rumors said that you do things your own way and that your really arrogant, I was almost scared to talk to you on my first day here."you said as you looked at the lake and he chuckled.

"Is that wrong too? You know I didn't give a shit about anyone before, except for my friends of course, but things have changed."he said and you nodded.

"Yeah I agree, things did change, but I hope that for the better."you said and he just looked at the lake.

"We'll see."he said.

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