10 - Second year

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The time passed and you were already in the second year.

It was year 2007 and you started having more and more missions.

"And done...phew that curse was pretty though."you said as Suguru ate the curse that you both just defeated. He made a disgusted face for a bit and then nodded

"Yeah, lately they all are way worse than before."he said and you looked at him.

"Mm, Suguru are you fine? You look kinda tired, if you want I can talk with Yaga to give you a break."you said as you bandaged your wrist where you cut your skin to get access to your blood.

"I'm fine really, but how is your wrist."he said as he looked at your wound.

"Oh my wrist? Don't worry, it's fine really, i got used to the pain by now since I'm doing this for a while and I can close my wounds really fast so I won't lose too much blood"you said and he nodded

"Y/n, do you think that humans deserve to be protected?"Suguru asked all of a sudden and you looked at him quizzically.

"Well yeah, just like you said last year, jujutsu sorcerer's exist to protect the weak, it's our duty to do that. Just think how terrifying it must be to feel the evil and yet to not be able to beat it no matter what."you said and he nodded.

"I guess your right."he said and you looked at him. You approached him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Suguru you know that if something is bothering you your free to tell me what happened. I'll always listen to you."you said and he just smiled.

"It's nothing really, i was just thinking at those humans that laughed when riko got killed."he said and you nodded.

"Well they didn't want Tengen to get the vessel, so of course they were happy, but you know just like there's good and bad in jujutsu the same goes for humans, there are kind ones that deserve protection and well the bad ones that just need to be illuminated so they realize that there is always a better way."you said and Suguru looked at you.

"You didn't change a bit."he said as he chuckled and you smiled.

"Oh course I didn't, I'll always be your friend after all."you said and he smiled.


"No problem, oh and here you go!"you said as you hugged him. He looked surprised but hugged you back.

"I know that jujutsu can be hard from times to times, and that it may look useless, but we have each other don't we?"you said and he nodded.

"Your right, thanks for helping me."he said and you gave him a smile.

"No problem! Now we should go back to Yaga to report the whole thing but you don't have to worry about it, I'll do it."you said as you both left.


Later you decided to read a book outside in the gazebo near the lake.

As you got to the interesting part you felt a very strong cursed presence.

"Heyoo y/n."Gojo said as he plopped on a chair next to you.

"Hello to you too Satoru, done for today?"you asked and he nodded

"Yeah, had to defeat a special grade curse that bothered a whole hospital."he said and you sighted.

"Aren't you tired from all these missions hm?"you said and he looked at you quizzically before smiling.

"Nah I'll be fine, these aren't hard missions too so no need to worry."he said and you just smiled.

"Right, I forgot that your Mr strongest for a second."you said and he just laughed.

"Did you see Suguru by chance?"he asked and you nodded

"Yeah in fact we had a mission today, he should be in his dorm right now, but I'm warning you he's not in a good mood today."you said and he looked at you curious.

"Uh well, I can see that he's tired but he won't admit it, anyways I won't keep you if you want to see him, I bet he misses to hang out with his best friend"you said and satoru nodded

"Alright then, I'll see you later y/n"satoru said as he got up and ruffled your hair before leaving.

"Tsk that walking mop head with glasses."you said as you chuckled at his attics.


"Suguru you there?" Gojo said and Suguru opened the door.

"Oh Satoru what brings you here?"Suguru said as he opened the door letting his old friend inside.

"Well I just finished a mission, decided to hang out with you."gojo said as he looked at suguru.

"I thought you would stay with y/n."suguru said and gojo smiled.

"I just left her in fact."he said and geto looked at him and chuckled.

"Is Gojo Satoru lovesick by any chance?"Suguru said and gojo took his glasses away sitting on the window side.

"Is that so obvious?"he said as he looked out the window.

"Well to a stranger no, it's not noticeable, but I'm your best friend so I know all too well that look in your eyes, when will you tell her?"Suguru asked and Gojo just shrugged.

"Not so sure, a lot has been going on lately and I don't really have time, but i should tell her soon, i don't want to hold it a secret anymore."gojo said and suguru out an arm on his shoulder.

"Well I'll be here to support you both, from what I see she likes you a lot as well so that wouldn't be a problem."he said and gojo just smiled.

"You mean the way she gets flustered when I tease her?"he said and geto smiled helplessly.


"Man but she has such a cute face when she's flustered, too precious."gojo said and they both laughed.


"Achoo~"you sneezed as you chatted with Shoko while sipping some tea.

"Bless you, you didn't catch a cold did you?"she said and you smiled.

"Don't worry Shoko I took care of myself!"you said and she smiled.

"Good, so how are you and Satoru?'she asked and you looked at her nervously.

"Uh what do you mean by that?"you said and she just rolled her eyes.

"Come on y/n I know that you like him, do you plan on telling him?"she asked and you looked at the sky.

"Hm I'm not so sure, he's too busy with missions right now too, and I'm too shy to actually confess, what would I do anyways, go up to him and be like oh hey satoru yk I have a crush on you and we'll, if you don't feel anything for me let's forget it and pretend that nothing had happened? Yeah that wouldn't work out too well, and I don't want to make things awkward either.'you said and she just nodded.

"I guess you got a point."she said.

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