21 - Moments like these

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As you finally arrived at gojo's quite remarcabile flat you decided to go take a shower while your boyfriend ordered some take out.

You quickly slipped in your pair of pants that you had at his house and out on one of his shirts, it was indeed oversized but very comfy as well so you were very happy.

As you made your way to the kitchen you saw gojo preparing some hot chocolate. He knew very well that you were a fan of that drink.

"You really want to seduce me don't you?"he said in a teasing tone and you looked at him innocently.

"What do you mean by that toru i didn't do anything really."you said as you tilted your head to the side to look like a puppy that was caught doing some mischief.


As you blinked you saw that he already took a picture of you.

"Uh, hey at least show it to meee!"you said as you got closer and he chuckled for himself. You looked quite cute in the pic, only if that light didn't disturb your eyes.

"You don't feel good if you don't snap a pot of pictures do you?" You said and he just laughed.

"Oh by the way, i visited Megumi and Tsumiki today, they miss you a lot."he said and you smiled.

"I miss then too honestly, those kids made their way to my heart way too quickly."you smiled and he laughed.

"Remember when we met them?"he said and you smiled.

"How could I forget..."you said recalling that day.

5 years ago...

"So tell me again, basically Fushiguro told you that his kid will be sold to the Zen'in clan before you killed him?"you asked and Gojo nodded.

"Yeah, even if I hate that asshole I decided it's best to see what that little Fushiguro is capable off. May as well annoy the higher ups and the Zen'in clan."he added and you smacked him in the arm.

"Oh come on Satoru be serious at least once."you said and he smirked.


"Pfft, your just beyond any hope- oh."you said as you almost bumped in a black haired kid.

"Ah look who's here!"Gojo said as he lowered himself to look at the boy.

"Your Megumi-kun?"he asked and the boy nodded.

"Who are you?"he asked in a very cold tone and you looked at him. He resembled his father a lot

"And why do you have that face?"he added and you looked at Satoru just to see his annoyed expression.

"He looks just like that rat..."Satoru whispered and you smacked his arm again.

"Toru be nice, hello Megumi-kun, you see me and this white haired idiot are sorcerer's. We came to see you."you said and Gojo scoffed at your nickname for him.

"Yeah right, lemme tell you the story kid. Basically your pickle of a father- ow! (You hit his arm again) yeah, anyways, he tried to sell you to the Zen'in clan, basically a bunch of useless walking shits-"

"Satoru!"you said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, okay one of the 3 big clan's in jujutsu, and you may get sold to them, but there's a way to stop that if you wish."he said and megumi looked at you to see if he can trust gojo. You nodded and then he looked at gojo.

"If I get in the Zen'in clan, will Tsumiki be happy? My answer depends on that."he said and Gojo looked at him.

"I can guarantee that she won't, however if you work hard she will be happy."gojo said and you nodded

"The Zen'in clan is not the best clan out there 'gumi, so its best if  you join the jujutsu world, and when time will come you will start studying at jujutsu high.'you said and he nodded

"Okay, but what is your name?"

"Oh right, I'm Kamo y/n and this is Gojo Satoru."you said and he nodded.

"Okay Kamo-san, i will do it for Tsumiki."he said and you smiled.

"Thank you."you said and you pat his head lightly...


"Well your way of explaining the situation wasn't very clever."you said and he just laughed.

"It was the best way possible, i could have destroyed that guy all over again just with words as well!"he said and you rolled your eyes.

"If you say so Satoru, now what about we go eat before the food will get cold."you said and he smiled putting an arm around your shoulder and leading you to the table.


The clock stricked 11:00 pm as you made your way to Satoru's bedroom with him.

After you changed into your pijamas you quickly did your night routine and waited for gojo on the bed.

When he finally came back from the bathroom he wore only a pair of pants and he didn't have his glasses either.

"Tired?"he asked as he sat next to you and pulled you into his bare chest.

"Sorta..."you said sleepily and he chuckled.

"I love you so much y/n."he said all of a sudden and you quickly shot your head up to look at him, yeah, he didn't tease you, you could see the honesty in those blue eyes.

"I love you too but did something happen?"you asked and he smiled

"Nothing actually, i just felt like saying it, your the most precious thing in my life, it feels unreal that soon we will be a family as well"he said and you smiled.

"Who would have thought that the honored one, the strongest and one and only Gojo Satoru will settle down with the most quiet and shy heir of the Kamo clan?"you said with a smirk and he laughed.

"As a matter of fact even the strongest needs someone in his life, and that someone is the strong and very brave Kamo Y/n."he said and you smiled.

"You flatter me."you said and he just nuzzled his nose in your neck leaving chaste kisses on it.

"Toru..."you said and he smirked

"What about we skip sleeping tonight?"he said and you blushed.


"I want to enjoy tonight with my future fiance as much as possible, anyways after i will go on a mission, only if you want too of course."he said and you smiled at him.

"Of course that i want too, well guess that we won't sleep too much right?"you said and he smiled.

"You bet dear."he said.

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