27 - Girls Day Out

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As you finally recovered some of your memories Utahime together with Shoko and Mei Mei proposed to go out as girls.

You were more than happy with the decision, till you heard that they wanted to go to a night club.

"So uhm, don't you remember what happened last time we were in a club?" you asked Shoko and she just laughed.

"Yeah right Utahime got drunk and we all had to take her home, the only issue was that a man tried to kidnap us." she laughed and you looked seriously at her.

"Exactly! What if that happens again??" you asked and she just laughed.

"Come on y/n, we are sorcerers we can knock off a man in seconds." she said and you nodded.

"yeah but we shouldn't harm them... Ah you know what forget it, are you ready?"you asked and she nodded. She had a black dress on while you had a white one.

You both exited her dorm room from jujutsu high and you saw Gojo talking with Ijichi.

" Oh? Where are you headed to ladies? "he said and Ijichi quickly bowed at both of you.

" Ieiri-san, Kamo-San! "he said and you smiled.

" Hello guys, we're going out with the girls. "you said and Gojo nodded.

" Alright alright but take care okay? "he said as he gave you a forehead kiss and you smiled at him.

" Don't worry Satoru, you'll get your girlfriend safe and sound back. "Shoko said pushing you in front. You chuckled as you looked at the 2 men waving them goodbye.

Gojo just shook his head helplessly as he laughed while Ijichi looked nervous as always.

As you arrived at the meeting spot with Utahime and Mei Mei you saw them already waiting.

"Took you long enough, I guess that blindfolded idiot is the one behind that hm?" Utahime said and you nodded chuckling.

"Alright let's go girls, the fun is starting right now." Mei Mei said and you all headed to the club where the girls wanted to go.

As you entered you decided to start the evening with some cocktails, you decided to go for something without alcohol since you hated it.

" Ah you still don't like alcohol? "Utahime asked and you nodded.

" More of a sweets kind of person. "you said and Shoko laughed.

" Oh you and Satoru, 2 obsessed sorcerers over desserts. What about you Utahime, still love beer? "she said and Utahime nodded.

" the best thing ever! "she smiled and Mei Mei looked over at a table.

" Oh? Look I see a small curse there, hm I may exorcize it for some money right now. "she said as she quickly dissappeared.

" And there goes Mei and her obsession. "Utahime said as you enjoyed your fruity cocktail.

" She always looks for deals, she would surely be the best businesswoman out there. "you said and you all laughed.

" Well anyways, how about you and Satoru hm? "Shoko said and you smiled.

" We are very good, after I gained back my memory things have been even better, but he is kinda more protective around me that is. "you said and she nodded.

" Well of course, you almost gave him the scare of his life. "she said and you nodded.

" Didn't think that I'll see that idiot so panicked ever, he does have a heart after all... "Utahime mumbled as she kept drinking her beer.

" Oh look at Mei Mei actually dancing, wanna join? "Shoko said as she pointed to a very dancy Mei Mei. You laughed and nodded.

" Why not, let's go Utahime. "you dragged her as well and you all started to dance and have a really fun night.

After like 2 hours of hanging out in the club you decided to go home. Utahime was again too drunk for her own good, Shoko was kind of drunk as well and Mei Mei agreed to take Utahime home only if she's paid so you had to get your card from your pocket. You decided to drive Shoko home first for her safety.

"There Shoko, you were the type that was quite strong with alcohol, how did you manage to get this tipsy?" you asked as you seated her in a taxi. She just laughed.

"You knoww.... I always loved alcohol, not my blame that it took a turn on me this *hiccup* time." she said and you just shook your head.

"Fine fine, could you please take us to this address?" you told the driver and he nodded.

After a short drive you arrived in front of her house, you took her keys and opened the door leaving her in her bed. After you made sure that she was safe you locked the door and decided to go home. As you were about to call a driver you heard your phone ring.

"Where are you Y/n ?" Gojo said and you smiled.

"I'm at Shoko right now, I would have came home but she got kinda drunk so I escorted her home, but now I'm heading home toru." you said.

"Alright then, wait a second." he said.

"Huh? What do you-" he hanged down.

"What was that..." you mumbled and suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around panicked only to see Satoru smiling down at you.

"Eh?? Satoru, but why did you teleport here?" you asked and he smiled.

"To bring you home obviously." he said as he put his arms around your waist. Before you could do or say something he warped you both in his house.

"I brought you here if that's okay, wanted to spend time with my sweetie." he said and you just blushed and smiled.

"That's alright toru, thank you." you said and he just pressed a kiss on your forehead.

"With the upmost pleasure my lady." he said making a dramatic pose and you just smacked his arm.

"Hey I was being a gentleman!" he said pouting and you just rolled your eyes.

"Yeah very credibble toru, but hey don't give up, maybe next time you will convince me." you laughed and in the next second you were trapped between the wall and Satoru.

"I can convince you in many ways y/n, wanna see?" he said and you looked at him flustered.

"On a second thought yeah, I believe you." you said quickly and he laughed.

"That's my good girl." he said as he ruffled your hair.

"Now I'll go prepare for the night, I'll see you in the dorm." you said and he nodded.

You quickly did your night routine and put some silk pijamas that you had at Satoru on.

When you exited you saw him already in the bed reading some papers.

"What are those?" you asked and you sat beside him.

"Some reports on some curses, nothing special." he said and you nodded while you yawned.

"You should sleep y/n, tomorrow will be a long day as well."he said and you nodded.

" Your right, good night toru, I love you. "you said in a sleepy voice and he looked at you with a lovestruck look.

" Night y/n-Chan, I love you as well. "he said pecking your lips. You snuggled next to him as he wrapped his arms around you and you both fell asleep.

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