14 - Back to work

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You lazily opened you eyes trying to get up but you felt a weight over your waist. You looked to your side to see Satoru sleeping.

"Satoru, it's time to wake up..."you said as you yawned and he groaned.

"No way, it's still early."he said as he pulled you into him even more.

"It's already 11am we have to get up you big baby."you said and he smiled into your neck.

"At least I'm your baby."he said and you smacked his arm playfully.

"Oh come on."you said and he got up.

"How should I punish you for destroying my beauty sleep."he said and you laughed.

"We have to get up okay."you said and when you wanted to get up he put his knees on each side of your leg so your legs would be caged by his and he sat on top of you with a smirk.

"S-satoru what are you doing?"you said as you flushed a little and he laughed.

"Punishing you."he said as he started to tickle you.

"No! Satoru, stopppp hahahahaha!"you squealed and you tried to escape from his grip.

"Did you stop waking me up? I don't think so."he laughed as he tickled you.

"Okay okay I'm sorry please I'm begging u let me goooo!"you said between laughter's and he collapsed next to you pulling you on top of him, your hair fell over his face as you looked at his eyes. You always got lost when you looked at them.

"So what about breakfast?"he said and you smiled.


And so, a week passed really quickly, you and Satoru enjoyed your break but you had to return to jujutsu high at last.

As you and Gojo stepped in the school you saw Suguru.

"Oiii Suguruuuu!"you said with a smile and he looked at you two.

"Satoru! Y/n!"he said as he approached you. You quickly enveloped him in a friendly hug and Gojo shook his hand as a greeting.

"How was your break?"you asked and he smiled.

"It was a nice one, I had time to rest, how about you two?"he said and you smiled.

"We also had a great time."Satoru said and you nodded.

"Oh I see Shoko, I'll go greet her as well I'll see you in a while."you said and Satoru nodded as he ruffled your hair before you left.

"So how are things between you two?"Suguru said and gojo smiled.

"Wonderful, she changed me a lot, and I think to the better, i don't know but she makes me see the good part in everything." Gojo said and Suguru smiled.

"Well that's indeed y/n."he said and gojo looked at Suguru.

"How about you man, you okay? You look like you lost some weight."gojo said and Suguru smiled.

"Don't worry about me, I'm actually okay, a little tired."he said and gojo looked at him unsure about the answer.

"Hm if you say so, what about we go to hang out a little hm?"he said and the 2 left.

Meanwhile at y/n

After I greeted Shoko I went to Haibara and Nanami.

"Hellooo boys."you said and Haibara jumped on you hugging you.

"Y/n channnn!"he said and you laughed.

"Haibara-kunnn."you laughed and Nanami smiled to you.

"Hello y/n, how was your break?"he said and you smiled.

"It was great, what about yours? I hope that you rested well.'you said and he nodded.

"Oh oh I did a lot of fun things! I even went cycling."haibara smiled and Nanami looked at him.

"Didn't you say that you couldn't cycle?"

"Well i can't."he said honestly.

"And then how did you cycle...?"you asked and he smiled.

"I out my cousin to lead the way and I stood at his back!"he said proudly and you started laughing.

"I'm not surprised by that..."Nanami sighted and you laughed even more.

"Well I'm glad to see you both here, i heard that we will have some missions these weeks."you said and they nodded

"Yes we will kick those curses!"haibara said and you continued to talk cheerfully.

When night came you prepared for bed deciding to read a book. As you got comfortable in your bed you heard a knock in your window.

You quickly went to it only to see Satoru with his glasses on smiling.

"Satoru just what are you doing here?"you said as you opened the window.

"I couldn't go to sleep before I saw you once more, it's not easy to sleep in separate rooms once you lived together for 1 week you know."he said and you just laughed.

"Your such a baby sometimes."you said and he just rolled his eyes smirking.

"Anyways, how was your day?"he said and took your hand to play with your fingers.

"It was good, I missed the others very much."you said and he nodded.

"You didn't miss them more than me though."he said and you rolled your eyes.

"Satoru, we were literally together the whole time there's not even need to miss anything."you said and he smirked.

"Yeah but i missed you today, these hours were painful really."he said and you just smirked.

"Do I have such a good effect on you in order for you to miss me so much?"you said and he approached you touching his own nose over yours.

"You can't even imagine."he said and you smiled.

"Tomorrow you got any missions?"you said and he nodded.

"Yeah a few, they aren't exactly easy but I'll be alright."he said as you played with his hair. He was way taller than you so you had to look up at him.

"Well I'll better let you rest now, wouldn't want to see you tired tomorrow."he said and you smiled.

"Yeah, wouldn't want you to be the reason behind my tiredness."you said and he smirked.

"I could make you tired in other ways too you know-"he said before you smacked his head playfully.

"Okay okay I'll stop, before I go may I?"he asked as he approached you and you smiled.

"You may."you said as he kissed you softly. After a short kiss he caressed your cheek and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow sweetie."he said and you laughed.

"See you tomorrow 'toru."you said as you waved to him. After he disappeared in the dark you decided to go to sleep. You felt a little lonely without Satoru here if you were honest...

"Ugh the effects this man has on me aren't good at all..."you groaned as you put your pillow on your face.

"Hm well i should go to sleep anyways, i have a bad feeling for some reason but..."you mumbled as you closed the lights.

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