26 - The Moon Is Beautiful, Isn't It?

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The next day Satoru said that he would have some mission and he would pick you up at like 6pm to go to Kyoto.

The way there would take you some hours so you prepared and took a dress, left your hair untied and waited for Satoru. Once he came to pick you up you smiled.

"Ready to go?" he said and you smiled.

"I am, I'm really curious about that place." you said and he smiled.

"Heh, then let's go." he said and he lead you to his car.

"I didn't know that you could drive." you said and he laughed.

"why are you always so surprised about my driving skills, I am quite accustomed to it." he said and you laughed.

"Then I'll trust you, Mr driving skills." you said and he smirked.

After some hours of driving you got to the place where he wanted to take. It was a pastry shop in Kyoto.

"Since you used to love desserts as much as I did I thought it would be good to take you to this pastry shop. We were here in the past as well." he explained and you nodded.

"Oh that's amazing!" you said and he laughed. As you both entered and took a seat Gojo ordered 2 lemon cakes.

"Lemon cakes?" you asked and he smiled and nodded.

"Used to be your favorite type of cake." he said and you nodded.

"I have a deja vu feeling honestly, as if this happened already." you said and he smiled.

"Well we were at this pastry shop in the past too so it makes sense." he said.

After the orders came you both enjoyed the desserts together.

"Wait really? You, Shoko and Geto forgot to cast a veil when you had a mission to presque me, Utahime and Mei mei? Haha I bet Yaga went feral." you said and he smirked.

"Oh yeah he did, he event gave us detention." he said and you laughed.

"Well now we would better get going, there's still a place where I want to take you." he said and you looked surprised.

"Oh? But isn't it late already?" you said looking at the clock, it was already 10pm.

"Dont worry, I can just warp you home after." he said and you nodded. He offered you his amr so you would stay close to him and you both left to the place that he wanted to see.

In some minutes you arrived at a lake. The pond next to it was full of small lights and you could saw the fireflies flying in the sky across the water.

"This is gorgeous..." you said amazed and Gojo smiled.

"Indeed, this is the special place that I wanted to show you."he said and you smiled.

" It's wonderful, thank you Satoru. "you said and you approached the lake.

When you looked at the water and you saw your reflection you also saw satoru at your back smiling, he took off his glasses.

All of a sudden your eyes widened. You knew why you had that déjà vu feeling.

Scenes of you and Satoru appeared before your eyes, how you went on your missions, how you were almost killed by toji and how you sacrificed your life for gojo, and lastly how he confessed. You did have a boyfriend, and he was no other than Gojo Satoru.


"The moon is beautiful tonight."he said and you looked at it.

"Yeah it is indeed"you said and he just laughed.

"What's so funny?"you said and he just shook his head.

"Your still as clueless as ever."he said and you looked at him confused.

You looked back at the moon seeing some cherry trees around.

"When someone tells you that the moon is pretty they may mean something else."he said as he gave you a hint and you looked at his puzzled.

"Other meaning? Well, as far as I'm aware it also means I love you but that wouldn't be possi- wait, your serious??"you said and he took his glasses off.

"Wasn't it obvious?"he asked and you just looked at his eyes.

"Well, maybe it was but i was too caught up in everything to notice..."you said and he smiled.

"You know, I always thought that love is the most twisted curse, but if loving you is a curse, you already cursed me beyond salvation."he said as he looked at you with his ocean blue eyes. As you looked at him you could see how honest he was.

"Then...what about we 'curse each other'?"you said and he looked surprised at you then started chuckling.

"With all the pleasure, my dear."he said and you smiled while you blushed.

End of flashback

You turned to Satoru and he smiled at you. You got closer to him and looked at the moon.

" The moon is beautiful tonight, wouldn't you say so.... Toru? "you said and he looked at you taken aback.

" You remembered-"

" I did, to think that you fooled me this whole time so smoothly, should have guessed that your are not my best friend after seeing your clothes, pictures and objects in my apartment."you smirked and he just laughed.

" You caught me, I just wanted you to remember on your own, I couldn't have risked losing you by scaring you away"he said and you caressed his cheek. He leaned in your palm and you smiled.

"May I?" he asked and you nodded. He quickly pulled you into him and kissed you softly, you smiled and kissed him back with the biggest love that you ever had. This felt so right, like you finally found the lost part from you.

After you broke up from the kiss he looked at you and smiled.

"Your really back." he said and you laughed.

"Of course, it takes more than a curse user to get rid of me." you said and he cupped both your cheeks bringing his forehead to yours. He looked at you and smiled.

"Promise me that you will never scare me like that." he said and you smiled.

"I promise you that I will be more careful next time, this was clearly planned and I was stupid enough to fall in their trap." you said and he just hugged you.

"It's okay now, we will catch them now that you recovered your memory." he said and you smiled.

"I love you so much toru." you said and he smiled looking into your eyes.

"I love you too, y/n, and I will always do." he said and he kissed you again.

"How about we get a hotel room in Kyoto tonight hm? It would be amazing if we spent more time together now that we were reunited." you said and he nodded.

"Getting needy already?" he said and you looked flustered at him.

"You know that I didn't mean THAT." you said in a exasperated tone and he laughed.

"Alright alright let's go then." he said and you both made your way to a hotel in Kyoto. After you both took a room together you were finally able to spend your night with your lover. (i didn't hint anything okay, if yall understood smt else that's not my fault 👀)

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