You make me forget

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Zayn was hazed, he knew that he wanted this moment to happen a long time ago.

He looked at Harry's eyes and his ruby-red mouth parted open, so inviting, he just licked his lips and kissed him.

They kissed slowly, their lips getting acquainted, savoring each other.

Harry licked Zayn's lower lip and he let him in, tongues caressing each other, so soft and wet.

It was the best first kiss that both ever had. Unbeknownst sensations invaded them cell by cell, igniting their bodies that they never felt before.

Harry grabbed Zayn's head and kissed him harder, lightly moans were filling the room. He didn't know what possessed him the minute he touched Zayn's lips, all of his insides exploded in ecstasy.

"God, I like you so much, Harry. You're special to me too," Zayn whispered between kisses nudging his nose and lips.

"Zee... I " Harry said looking at him and caressing his stubble, getting lost in those hazel sweet eyes.

"Shhh..." Zayn shushed him. "Do you want this?" He asked and Harry nodded slowly.

Zayn smiled at him, he kissed him again so soft and tender. His hands carefully began roaming Harry's upper body, slowly exploring the warm flesh below his sweater.

Zayn kissed that cute mole he had next to his lower lip and went down his neck making Harry moan in pleasure.

He straddled him and began taking off his T-shirt, but then he noticed Harry watching him surprised.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want okay?" Zayn said looking into Harry's bloodshot eyes.

"It's okay, I want it..." Harry said sitting up to kiss Zayn and taking off his sweater and T-shirt too.

Zayn nodded and kissed him back with more force, eager to savor his tongue and biting his lower lip. He was incredibly turned on by Harry and because of the weed of course.

Zayn went to his neck and he whispered how much he'd been missing him and then he found his sweet spot.

"Oh, I like that...Zee, there," Harry whispered in a haze too. "Kiss me, I just want to feel you," Harry said and Zayn obliged.

Harry's skin and lips were perfect as he imagined, he was mesmerized by him.

"Wha..?" Harry asked a little self-conscious when Zayn stared.

"Nothing is just that... you're so fucking beautiful, babe," Zayn said and then kissed him softly on the lips and savored his tongue in his.

"Zee..." Harry said and he stopped.

"Yes, babe?" Zayn asked him.

"Make me forget, please," Harry pleaded "I just want to think about you," he continued and Zayn felt a pang in the stomach.

He hesitated for a minute to continue with this but then, Harry kissed him in a way he couldn't say no to and he surrendered to this moment.

God, how much he likes his kisses. They were addictive and treacherous and he could do anything he asked for if he kissed him like that.

Harry wanted to forget everything
about the guilt and the sadness that was eating him inside. Zayn made him feel butterflies, they were good and calm. He liked Zayn, even more than he wanted to admit.

Zayn kissed him all over his naked chest, inch by inch, feeling how Harry's skin was hotter by the minute.

He put his lips around his left nipple first, sucking and lapping it with his tongue, making Harry moan and God it was the best sound he ever heard in ages.

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