You're made for me

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"Hi T! How was the drive?" Zayn greeted her.

"Fine, long time since I wasn't behind a steering wheel. It was fun," She said handing him a pink square box. "I brought your favorite cupcakes, even though you don't deserve them,"

"You're the best. Come and sit," Zayn said.

"So, cute place. But, why aren't you at a hotel or something?" She asked.

"Something came up," Zayn said scratching his neck.

"You better start talking Malik," Taryn said sitting on the couch, making herself at home.

"I want you to meet someone first and, you'll understand," Zayn said.

"Alright," she said opening the box that Zayn left on the coffee table and grabbing a treat.

"Haz? Taryn's here, can you join us?" Zayn said out loud.

"Haz? What the..." she said and then Harry entered the room.

"Hey, I'm Harry," he said in a deep voice.

"Oh, hey, Harry. I'm Taryn. Nice to meet you. Erm, so, nice place you have here. Very cozy," she said looking back and forth between them.

"Thanks. Good to have you here. Erm, maybe I should get out and grab something for us to eat later while you... work," Harry said nervously.

"Oh, no worries babe. I can call Tom and he'll arrange it," Zayn said.

"Give that man a break Zee. I'm perfectly capable of getting some decent food," Harry said smiling.

"Alright," Zayn said putting his arms up in the air.

"It won't take long. Make yourselves at home," Harry said and left the apartment.

"Babe? Zayn Malik, why you didn't tell me?" She said smacking his arm. "He's... Harry? Your Harry?" Taryn asked surprised.

"Yes... he is," Zayn said scratching his neck.

"Wow... he's... dashing, though. I mean, that long hair and those eyes. Phew! So sexy," Taryn said. "And I'm not even into guys. Start talking, now," she said seriously.

"All happened so fast, It hasn't been even 24 hrs. since Gigi broke up with me and I reconnected with Harry," Zayn chuckled.

"Spill the beans. Now. Did he was the real reason you wanted to push the wedding, though?" Taryn said.

"Erm... yes and no. It was a coincidence that I met him again the same night she called it quits. Fate maybe. It turns out that he was working at the local bookstore. The business that I have with Niall," Zayn said and he filled her in with all the details.

"Wow, I can't believe it. That's quite a happenstance, for sure. I'm sorry for what he had to go through and, I'm glad he's doing better now," Taryn said.

"I know, destiny has a twisted sense of humor. I still feel so guilty for not being with him, for leaving," Zayn said.

"No, I'm not letting you go down that road. It wasn't your fault. And now, you two... deserve to be happy," she said.

"I am happy, I was happy before. Today I'm happier," he said.

"Listen, I know that you weren't in love with Gigi, and, in a way I'm glad you guys have broken up. Don't take me wrong but, you looked sad all
the time, like even in the nicest places and surrounded by lots of people. Your eyes looked sad and your smile never reached them. Not like they do now when you look at him. And I've only watched you for a few minutes while you were interacting with him," she said seriously.

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