You were the love of my life

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The next few days passed quickly and Harry was feeling better than ever. He decided to use some of his overtime and well-earned money to buy a ticket to London as soon as possible.

He hasn't decided yet if he wants to contact Zayn once he's there but he was toying with the idea, it could be a possibility. He wanted to see his family first.

He told Niall that he had to travel for some family business by the beginning of next month and that he'd need some personal days after finishing the bookstore remodeling.

"So, Harry, when are you planning to go back to school?" Niall asked while Harry was putting some new books on the shelves near the front desk.

"Erm, probably after my travel," he said smiling.

"Oh, good. You look very happy lately, just out of curiosity, is it some good news or maybe a new love interest? I'm not going to lie if I tell you that I've noticed that a lot of girls from town and colleges nearby are coming here to buy a lot of books lately," He said. He was running out of time and he had to get something out of Harry.

"If it's good for the business..." Harry said smiling showing his dimples.

"Oh yeah, I mean, I'm not complaining though," Niall said.

"But no. I mean, I'm just happy," Harry said smiling.

"Come here a bit, let's take a break, yeah? " Niall said, he decided to try something else.

"Remember the other day when you received an early visit?" Niall started motioning to sit on some of the new couches they have for the customers.
"I couldn't help to notice that you were upset and, to be honest, I was worried," he continued.

"Erm, yes. He was Silas, an old friend of mine, well sort of. I lived with him for a while after... my break from school and he brought me some things I left at his house," Harry explained nonchalantly.

"I can't believe he was with that Silas guy Ni! Why him? Is it because he's older than us? Is it because he's a TA?" Zayn asked Niall. He woke up Niall and told him everything that happened that night at the party.

"I don't know Zayn, probably they were just talking and not... Y'know?" Niall tried to comfort him without avail. That night played a good part in his decision to go to the UK and never come back.

Niall remembered the moment he heard that name.

"Erm, you never told me why you ditched school, if there's anything I could do to help you go back, just name it," Niall said honestly.

He realized during this time that Harry was a good guy, he noticed he was a hard worker and even humble.

He thought that he was selfish and careless because he never looked for Zayn after he left. He thought he just playing with his best friend's heart.

But he realized Harry was so self-conscious when someone gave him a compliment or a girl openly flirts with him that he doesn't think that way anymore.

"Oh... well, I think I can tell you now that we're... sort of friends," Harry said.

"Of course," Niall said.

"Erm, back in the day, I...had some mental health problems. I... attempted suicide twice and after that, I was committed to a mental hospital for a couple of years," he said lowly looking down.

Niall was dumbfounded and speechless, he wasn't expecting him to be that open.

"Oh... I knew you... erm. I'm sorry..., I'm sorry to hear that Harry," Niall said.

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