You know for me, it's always you

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Earlier that night

"Babe, you did awesome out there! You were born to be on the runaway," Gigi said while Zayn was taking off the makeup and the glitter off his face.

"Thanks, G," Zayn said.

"What's going on babe? You've been so quiet, all the way here and now. Is something wrong? I know you don't like coming to the States but... you agreed to come," Gigi said.

"G, we... I need to talk to you," Zayn said looking around the now empty dressing room. They were alone and this was his perfect chance to deal with this.

"Sure, babe, what's going on?" Gigi said sitting next to him on an empty chair.

"I love you, you know I do, right?" Zayn asked.

"Of course, silly, I love you too and, that's why we're getting married," Gigi said. And at that, he felt cold from head to toe.

"G... I don't think I'm ready to get married. I... love you but..." Zayn said.


She stood up and turned around. Zayn could tell that she began to cry and, she hates when people see her crying.

"You're not in love with me," Gigi said after a while sniffing and with a broken voice.

"G, it's not you. You're such a wonderful woman," Zayn said.

"Why Zayn? Why did you give me that ring?" Gigi asked.

"It was a... misunderstanding, I... I saw that you loved that ring at the Vienna auction and I bought it for you. As... a gift, because you've been so good to me," Zayn said.

"A misunderstanding? Good to you? Oh God..." Gigi turned around and shouted at Zayn.

"Ba... G, it was. When you opened it and you said that you'd marry me I couldn't tell you the truth. And at that moment I thought: "Why not? She loves me, let's give it a try." But G, I've been a mess since people started harassing me with questions about the date, the venue, and how it's everything is going to be. The anxiety came back, I've been having trouble sleeping and I had to take my pills again. And I realized that I'm not ready for marriage. Maybe later if we...," Zayn was saying but stopped.

"No, I'm done. I've waited all this time for you to "fall in love" with me. Because I know that there's someone else in your heart," she sighed. "I'm setting you free Zayn," Gigi said firmly, looking down at the ring Zayn gave her. Wiping her tears to face him.

"G, babe, we can put on hold the wedding and maybe..." Zayn said.

"Love is not a maybe thing," she said caressing his face.

"So, this is it?" Zayn asked.

"I love you Zayn and, that's why I'm doing this. I don't want my love to be an imposition on you. And I don't want you to stay because I'm good to you and feel that you... owe me. That's not... what I deserve," She said taking off the ring and putting it in Zayn's hand.

"G... this is... yours, come on," Zayn said and she shook her head.

"I'm staying at T's and I'll be sending someone to pick up my belongings in London. Goodbye, Zayn," she said kissing his cheek and walking towards the door.

"G... please," Zayn said trying to stop her but she didn't listen.

Zayn was left alone in that dressing room, looking at his reflection in the mirror he realized that Harry was the love of his life. He stayed there in silence thinking about him until someone knocked at the door.

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