You were the one that I hurt the most

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Two years later

"I told you that I don't want to go, I'm not in the mood," Harry said.

"You're never in the mood. I'm not surprised," Silas whispered to himself.

"You... know it's not easy for me," Harry said.

"I... know. Anyways, don't wait for me," Silas said and left their room.

Harry started going out more seriously with Silas after he learned that Zayn left school and later the country.

He wasn't doing good and that was the trigger that sent him to a mental facility after he attempted to take his life for a second time.

He couldn't take it, he lost another important person in his life. He felt so guilty now because he forced Zayn to leave the country.

He just got out of the mental facility he was in for the last couple of years and he was staying at Silas's apartment.

He had nowhere else to go. He had to leave school and gave up his dorm, of course.

He wasn't feeling like going out or going back to his old self, he didn't even know who he was now. Nothing was the same as it was.

"Hello, baby, how are you?" his mother said over the phone.

"Good mom, I'm... all installed," Harry said in a low voice.

"Are you sure you don't want to come home with us baby? We miss you," Anne said.

"I don't know mom," Harry said.

"We'd love that, honey. Think about it, please," she said.

They talked for a few more minutes and Harry said goodbye to her.

This place wasn't feeling like his, he felt like an intruder. He decided to go to the living room and grab some books to read or do something to distract him.

During his stay at the mental facility, he read a lot, since he didn't have any communication device inside and, he used to it very easily.

A copy of  "The Notebook" caught his attention among all the books that Silas had. He has seen the movie so many times that he lost count, lately, he related so much to the history. He yearned to have a love like that, an ever-lasting love. He grabbed it from the shelf and sat on the couch.

After a few hours of reading, he fell asleep. It was raining and dark outside, so he got up and went to bed.

Silas didn't come back home that night, he did that a couple of times since Harry was staying with him.

The days passed and Harry wasn't feeling any different, Silas was a roommate more than a partner, they barely even talked and he barely stayed at his own house.

Their relationship wore out due to Harry's mental illness, Silas was with him all the way when he was committed but after a year he was getting tired of Harry's apathy and that he wasn't showing him any affection.

He knew he was physically there with him, but his mind and heart were somewhere else.

One day Harry, decided to end everything after Silas mentioned that to him. They fought and they made up, but not like a couple, at least not for Silas. He stopped visiting him every week and he wasn't affectionate with him anymore, Harry didn't seem to care enough to notice that.

When Dr. Corden decided to release him, he had no other option than to go home with him.

"Harry, I want to talk to you about something," Silas said while they were having breakfast on a Monday morning after he'd been out the whole weekend due to a work assignment.

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