You're so good to me

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After that day, they spent every moment they could together. They just stay at Zayn's dorm without saying a word, just hugging, or... having sex.

Harry was feeling better some days and others he felt down. One of those bad days - as Zayn knew them- Harry was waiting for him to finish his shift at the campus cafeteria.

"Hey, babe," Zayn said as he walked out and saw Harry. "How was your day?"

"Erm, uneventful, yours?" Harry replied.

"Same, I want you to come with me to a special place. Is that okay?" Zayn asked.

"Erm... sure," Harry said.

They started to walk in silence. Harry wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Are you okay H? You haven't said a word all our way there," Zayn asked.

"I just... don't have anything to say," Harry shrugged.

"Right..." Zayn said, continuing their way in silence. He felt so inadequate sometimes.

Zayn was so happy that he could be with Harry sharing special moments, he always thought he wasn't attracted to him and, that they were just friends. And now that he has this chance, he wants to know him better and share more intimate moments, not just the sex.

Even though it was the best sex Zayn ever had, alluring, intoxicating, and addictive. He couldn't think clearly when Harry asked for sex when he needed it when he needed him.

Sex has become the way they communicate most of the time and Zayn wanted to change that.

"We're here," he said after a while when they got to the building.

"Oh... the butterfly conservatory? But it's closed already," Harry said.

"Come, don't worry. We have a place for ourselves," Zayn said.

"How?" Harry asked.

"I worked here last summer," Zayn explained and opened the door for them. "I asked for a special favor and we can stay for a while, without any disturbance," he continued.

"Oh, okay..." Harry said following Zayn. They crossed the lobby took off their jackets and walked towards the conservatory glass doors.

"It's a little hot inside," Zayn explained.

"Okay," Harry said.

"Have you ever come?" Zayn asked.

"Erm, once. But we had to leave soon, Ezra, erm, he had allergies, and well, this place wasn't exactly good for them," Harry said looking around.

"Oh, I see," Zayn said."Do you like the place?" He asked.

"Ye-yes. It's beautiful, I love butterflies," Harry said walking around and watching their surroundings.

"Me too, this place gives me peace," Zayn said and watched Harry in awe. How he was observing the butterflies and how he was in his world inside his thoughts.

"Are you okay, babe?" Zayn said approaching him and hugging him from behind.

Harry likes it when Zayn gets affectionate when they are alone. He was okay with it, he likes having Zayn close.

"Yes, why?" Harry said.

"Harry, look at me," Zayn said, turning him around. "I just want you to be alright, happy," he continued grabbing his face and nudging his nose.

"You're so nice to me, I..." Harry said with a low voice.

"Because I care about you, so so much," Zayn said. "Come on, let's lay down," he continued and kneeled on the floor putting on a blanket that he took out from his backpack.

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