Chapter 4: Working Calls and Restrictions (Edited)

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When we get back to the station Matt helps me down and out of the truck and we head inside. Everyone fans out to do their own thing as I head to the locker room to get my things so I can head home. As I head through the door, Matt comes around the corner and follows me in.
We get to my locker and he sits down and asks, "Are you just planning to head home?"
"I'm gonna stop by the pharmacy to fill this prescription the doc gave me, and then I will be, yeah. Why?" I ask with a shrug.
As I start putting stuff in my bag he shrugs and says, "Well, Shay or I have to be changing your bandages daily, and we're both working today. So, what are you gonna do tonight?"
I bite my lip, contemplating my options as I realize he's right. As I finish putting my clothes and extra uniforms in my bag I shrug and reply, "I guess I'll just have to hang around at the station while you guys are working. I'm sure I could help Connie out with paperwork or something."
He nods and says, "She does go through assistants pretty fast, and doesn't have one right now. I'm sure of all people, she could put up with you. She likes you... sometimes."
I gasp and throw a towel at his head, laughing, before recoiling in pain and grimacing. Matt immediately moves closer, gently putting a hand on my arm, a concerned look on his face. I shake my head and zip up my bag before saying, "I'm fine. I just need to lay down for a little bit. Who's cooking tonight?"
Matt and I head towards the sleeping area as he chuckles, "Supposed to be you, but since you're down and out... Mouch."
I stop dead in my tracks and grimace, "Last time Mouch cooked, he burnt through two pans and only Boden, Severide, and Herman could stand to eat that weird soup he made."
Matt laughs out loud as he looks at my face of horror and doubles over when I fake a gagging motion. I shove my bag in to his chest as he stands back up and say, "Screw Mouch trying to poison us again, I'll cook. I've got nothing better to do."
Matt continues to laugh as he tosses my bag in to his office and we head to the kitchen. Mouch is pulling pans out of cabinets and searching through the refrigerator when we enter. I rap my knuckles on the counter, causing him to look up at me from his bent over position at the open fridge door and tell him, "You don't have to cook, Mouch. I'm still capable of that."
A look of relief washes over his face as he sighs out, "Thank God, I had no clue what I was gonna make and was about to start throwing stuff in pots. Take over, and I'll return to my couch."
I chuckle as he retreats back to his treasured couch and turn to Matt. He smiles and shakes his head as he watches Mouch. I smile and say, "I've got this, could you please do me a favor and go fill my prescription? I know Herman was wanting to go get some more beef jerky to snack on and Otis ran out of shaving cream this morning."
I give him a begging face and poke out my bottom lip, holding my folded hands out in front of me. He sighs and shakes his head before holding out his hand and saying, "Give me the prescription paper. You're lucky that your pharmacist knows me and I've done this before."
I grin and hug his neck quickly before letting him go. He smiles and I pull the paper from my sweatpants pocket and place it in his hand.
He turns to the living area and calls out, "81, load up, we're going for a ride."
All the guys from the truck get up and head out the bay doors as I set to work preparing dinner.

Time Skip

I'm finishing up preparing the last of the mashed potatoes and rolls as the truck crew walks back in, each one with a bag of groceries. Matt walks up to me as I wipe my hands off and says, "I got your meds and they gave me extra stuff for your bandages. I also got you a couple Hershey's bars. It's your favorite stress food, so I figured you'd want a few."
I smile and take the bag from his hands.
"Thanks, Matt. I appreciate it."
He nods and then snaps his fingers and says, "Oh! So there's a burn cream that we have to put on your back when we do your bandages, a pain med, and an anti-inflammatory in there. You have to eat with the pain meds and anti-inflammatory, and you have to take the anti-inflammatory twice a day and pain meds once a day for five days and then as needed afterwards."
I roll my eyes and sigh out, "Damn, I was hoping to avoid having to take any meds becomes the burn cream."
He shrugs and walks over to the dining table and sits down. I look in the bag and shake my head at the three different med bags before heading back to Matt's office to put everything in my bags.
I put the sack Matt had brought me in to my bag and zip it up before heading back to the kitchen and living area. When I walk in to the kitchen the timer on the stove goes off and I grab oven mitts and pull the pork chops out of the oven before calling out, "Chows ready! Careful it's hot."
Everyone fills their plates and Shay, Matt, and I take ours back to Matt's office. When we all get there Shay sits in his chair as I sit cross legged on the bed and Matt shuts the door. He sits down beside me and says, "After we eat, we should probably change your bandages."
Shay nods in agreement and says, "Definitely. It's almost eight o'clock already."
I nod in agreement with a mouthful of food. As we all sit eating the bells go off, "Ambo 61, Truck 81, Squad 3, Pumper 51, Battalion 25. Structure fire at 238 Kensington Road. Structure fire at 238 Kensington Road."
We all groan and all stand up, headed for the door. Matt turns on me and says, "Gabs, you can't come. You're restricted to desk duty for four weeks."
We all continue towards the bay doors and I say, "I can ride with Boden, and just watch. Come on?"
He gives me a frustrated look before Boden runs by and calls out, "Dawson, you're with me. Grab an extra set of turn out pants and your radio, you don't work it, but you can come."
I grin and everyone continues to the bay area as I grab my radio and jacket. I hop in to the battalion truck with Chief Boden and we race out of the bay.
"You can not work this call, Dawson. You stay outside, and either in this car or right outside of it. Are we clear?" Boden orders as we race towards the fire.
I nod my head and say, "Yes, sir."
When we reach the fire the building is already engulfed in flames. Everyone gets out of their rigs and immediately sets to work. Boden sends Severide, Casey, and Cruz in to check for anyone trapped in the blaze of the small, one story house fire. It takes them less than ten minutes to clear the building and determine that no one is home. The blaze is quickly subdued and put out, but nearly the entire house is destroyed, burnt and charred.
After packing up all of our equipment, we head back to the station.
When we get back to the station Casey, Shay, and I all head back to Casey's office to finish eating. Once we finish eating they get ready to change my bandages. Just as Shay is about to put gloves on the bells go off.
"Emergency Medical. Ambo 61. Emergency medical. Man down at 803 Remington Place."
Shay sighs and asks quickly, "Casey, you got this?"
Matt nods and says, "Yeah, we're good. Go."
She nods and runs off to meet up with Mills. Matt turns to me and says, "Welp, looks like it's just you and me."
I roll my eyes and chuckle lowly before saying, "Just shut the blinds and door and let's get this over with."
He chuckles and replies, "Yes, ma'am."
He shuts the blinds and locks the door before coming back over to me and helping me lift my shirt up over my head. He pauses for a split second, staring at me, before shaking his head, clearing his throat, and mumbling out gruffly, "Lay on your stomach and let's get this done."
I nod and lay down on the bed as he puts on gloves. He gently pulls the tape from the bandages already there off and rolls the white gauze off of my back. As his hand runs over the middle of my back, I wince in pain, eliciting a quiet sorry from Matt as he tries to work quickly while at the same time being gentle. After finally getting the old bandages off he begins putting the burn cream on the worst parts of my burn and I grit my teeth in pain. Pushing my face down in to the pillow as he rubs the cream in to the burns.
Tears prick my eyes as I groan in to the pillow. Matt mumbles another sorry before he finally finished putting the cream on to my back. He quickly puts gauze over the burns and after he finishes taping it down says softly, "I'm going to go grab you a glass of water so you can take your meds, okay?"
I slowly nod my head as I turn on my side, away from him. He leaves and returns just a few minutes later. He sits on the edge of the bed as he fumbles with the two pill bottles in his hands. He gets both my pills out and I sit up, crossing my arm over my chest.
He places both pills in my open hand and I pop them in my mouth before taking the water glass from him and swallowing the pills. I slowly lower myself back down and groan out, "I just need to lay down for awhile."
Matt nods and licks the door shut before coming back over and laying down beside me. He pulls the blanket up over us as I turn on my side to face him. He pulls me in to him gently and I quickly fall asleep as my meds kick in.

Time skip

When I wake up Matt's gone, but the blinds are all still shut and the door still closed. I sit up stiffly and see a zip up jacket laying at the end of the bed with a messily written note.


We had a call. Here's a zip up for whenever you wake up. Be back soon.


I put the note down and pull the jacket on before slowly standing up and heading to the living area. Truck 81, Squad 3, and Ambulance 61 crews are all gone. I sigh and head to Chief Biden's office to talk to him about going home. I knock on the door frame and he glances up before waving me in.
"What can I do for you, Dawson?" He questions gruffly.
I sigh and ask, "Is it okay if I go ahead and go home? It's already ten and there's not much I can do around here."
He glances at his watch and replies, "That's fine, just be back for your next shift, and remember, you're on desk duty."
I nod my head and reply, "Yes, sir."
I head back to Casey's office to grab my bag. Just as I reach the door Matt walks up, covered in soot and sweat. He smiles at me as he pushes a hand through his hair and says, "Hey, guess you didn't sleep long. You staying up for awhile?"
I shake my head and say, "I'm gonna head home. I'm sore and want to be in my own bed."
He frowns slightly and says, "Okay, be safe getting home and let me know when you do."
I nod as we walk in to his office and I grab my bag before saying, "I will, and you need a shower."
We both chuckle and he walks me to the bay doors.
As I start to leave Matt clears his throat and asks, "Hey, um, question, would you want to possibly go get a drink or something tomorrow night?"
I nod and say, "I'd like that. Pick me up around seven?"
He nods and turns to head back to the showers as I leave...

Burning Flames (Chicago Fire Fan-fiction) - Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now