Chapter 50: Squad Surgery

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"Okay, you are going to be helping me do basic emergency surgery on this woman. It's a through-and-through but it punctured her lung." I say pulling off my bunker gear.
"Sir I have to have my lieutenant and Chief over here. They have to authorize everything I do, because none of it is authorized in the field." I say sitting back on my knees and looking up at the armed men.
"Fine, but that man has to go back." The leader says pointing at Capp.
"Okay, Capp go. Chief, Severide, over here." I say as I open the jump bag.
Chief Boden and Severide come over to me, and Boden asks, "What do you need us to do?"
"I'm going to have to sew up her lung. I have the skills and materials to do it, but it's going to be hard. I can not do it without you two authorizing it either. Also I'm going to need an extra set of hands. I'd prefer it to be Severide since I think they are going to shoot at us again." I say cutting the woman's blouse off.
"Okay, I'll do it." Severide says pulling his gear off with chief Boden so we are all just in our uniforms and no shoes.
"Okay, get that emergency blanket out, it's the closest to sterile we got." I say pointing to the silver emergency blankets in the jump bag.
Severide spreads it out, and the three of us move the women on to it.
"Okay, now we need to sedate and intubate. Chief, I need you to hold pressure on both sides of this wound while Severide and I intubate." I say pulling on latex gloves, and handing Boden and Severide both a pair. Chief Boden pulls them on and holds gauze to the wound.
I place an oxygen mask to the woman's mouth and nose for two minutes then take my vocal cord depressor (it is actually called a laryngoscope but for all intense and purposes vocal cord depressor is what I am going to use) and slip it in to her throat.
"Tube." Severide hands the tube to me and I slip it in, and then pull the vocal depressor out.
"Okay, Severide, push the sedative." I say. Severide sticks it in to her arm then says, "Pushing."
He pushes the sedative in and pulls the needle out.
"Okay, start bagging, Chief. Severide, be ready with the disinfectant and scalpel." I say taking the gauze pads from Boden.
They nod and we switch positions seamlessly.
"Disinfectant." I say. Severide hands me the disinfectant. I quickly wash the woman's side and say, "Scalpel."
"You think you can do this?" Severide asks holding out a scalpel. I take it as he puts a mask over my face, and caps my hair in a surgeons cap.
"I know I can." I say opening up the wound.
It doesn't gush blood, but it was worse than I thought. The bullet had torn a two and a half inch long gash in the woman's left lung.
"Dammit. Sponge." I say. Severide quickly sponges the blood away coming from the lung and I say, "Uh we don't have any rib spreaders... get me a clamp from our tool bag."
"Dawson, those things were just used to spread apart a machine covered in grease." Severide says waving to Capp to bring them.
"It won't matter if you pour half a bottle of disinfectant on them." I say.
"Okay. Here we go." Severide says. He puts disinfectant on the clamps and hands them to me. I place them in between the woman's two ribs blocking her lung and spread them apart far enough to get to the lung.
"Needle and thread." I say.
Severide passes me the needle for the woman's sutures. I quickly sew the lung up, and remove the clamp.
"Sponge." Severide dabs the blood away as I start closing up. I sew the woman's side up and say, "Gauze."
Severide hands me a set of guaze pads and I tape them down on the woman's side. He then hands me a roll of guaze tape, and I wrap it around the woman's side. I pull my gloves off and say in a low voice so only Severide and Boden could hear me, "I got the distress taken care of."
At first they both look at me funny then they realize what I meant. They both nod and say, "Yeah, good job."
"Let's clean anything we used. Chief, keep bagging." I say as I pull on a clean pair of gloves after I clean off all the bloody equipment with Severide. We spread out a clean blanket and carefully move the woman as Boden bags her.
We finish cleaning up leaving the bloody emergency blanket where it is and return to the woman. I take her vitals and determine she is stable.
"Now the three of you go back to where you were." The leader demands.
"One of us stays. She can't breathe otherwise." I say as Severide and I pull our bunker gear on.
"Fine, you stay, and the two men go back." The leader says as I take over for Boden and he pulls his gear on.
I nod, and the others move back to where they had been thirty minutes ago. I was now praying to dear god that I had saved the woman's life with that procedure.
Suddenly I hear a mega phone outside, "This is the Chicago Police Department. We have you surrounded come out with your hands up."
It was Antonio.
"You bitch! You called the police when you went outside!" The leader says as he makes his way over to me.
"How could I? I was out there for thirty seconds and in your guys view the whole time." I say not flinching as he presses the barrel of his gun to my forehead while I continue to bag the woman I'd saved.
"It's called a distress button. They are in all law enforcement vehicles in Illinois. Usually on the dash. You could have pressed it quite easily." The leader says pressing the barrel harder to my forehead.
"Shoot me, see what happens. There would be a dozen enraged firefighters in here and a hundred enraged cops out there. Hank Voights my brother's boss. You kill me, he will get you. You wouldn't make it out the door alive." I say pushing against the man's gun with my forehead.
I see him swallow hard, and he moves the gun away from my head.
"We are coming in if you don't come out." I hear Voight yell over the mega phone.
"Let's go. Voight is gonna kill us." The leader says as all of them lay their guns down and turn to run, but are only met with a dozen pissed off firefighters wielding halligans, saws, and other tools.
"Shit. Voight is a better option." The men turn and run out the door after seeing the enraged firefighters. As soon as the men get out the door we hear them screaming for help. Casey immediately drops his halligan and runs over to me.
"Are you all right?!" Matt asks on the edge of hysteria.
"I'm fine. We need an Ambo crew in here." I say still bagging the woman.
"We are right here." Shay says as Mills and her wheel in the gurney.
"We came straight here when your distress went off. Give us stats on the vic." Mills says as he leans down over her and lays a blanket over her exposed chest.
"Early to mid-thirties, gun shot wound to the side. Through-and-through puncturing the lung. Emergency in field surgery was performed to save her life. Authorized by Chief Wallas Boden and Lieutenant Kelly Severide." I say as we lift the vic on to the gurney.
"Okay, what sedative did you use?" Shay asks as we wheel the woman out.
"Valium." I tell her as we load her in to the back of the ambulance.
"Good job, let's get her to Chicago Med, Mills." Shay says as she hops in the back and pulls the doors shut.
"Gabby!" I hear Antonio calling for me.
"Oh my god, Tonio! Damn that was scary." I say as my brother wraps me in a hug.
"I know. Hey, we've got to get these perps to the precinct, but we will need everyone to come in to give statements later." Antonio says.
"Yeah, we will come by after shift most likely. I'll see you later, Tonio." I say waving bye to my brother.
"Come here." Matt says wrapping me in a hug as I pull my helmet off.
"It's alright. Come on, Squad and Truck are probably waiting on us." Casey says as we walk over to the trucks.
"Good job, Dawson." Severide says patting me on the back.
"Yeah, thanks. Oh and before I forget we all have to come in and give statements at the precinct after shift." I say wiping my face.
I get nods and yeah's from everyone and we all load up and head back to the station...

Matthew Casey's POV

When we get back to the station Squad is celebrating Gabby's success. Truck crew walks in, and sits down at the long table just as Shay and Mills come in, they are both smiling and laughing. Mills grabs a cup of coffee and sits down beside me as he says, "Now the hospital is vying for Gabby. They told us to tell her that they had an open surgeons assistant job at the hospital they would give her."
"Man, they were shocked when we brought that woman in." Shay says grabbing a cup of coffee.
"Come on, Matt. Our Squad halves want us to come out there." Shay says pulling me to my feet.
I laugh at 'squad halves' as we walk out to the Squad table. When we get out there they are laughing and eating cookies. Shay sits down in Severide's lap, and Gabby pulls up a chair for me.
"Man, seems like the Squad table has gotten happier." I say sitting down.
"Well yeah. We got Gabriela Dawson on our Squad." Kyle says joyfully.
"It's not like Squad. I agree Casey." Shay says then continues, "Gabby, you now have a job offer to go be a surgeons assistant at Chicago Medical Center."
"Damn, jack of all trades." Capp says.
"I'm not leaving the CFD. I've gotten this far, and I'm not going to leave." Gabby says leaning back in her chair.
"Good. Oh, Capp, we need to go get gas right?" Severide asks standing up.
"Yeah." Capp says.
"Squad, load up. Casey, can you tell Chief we are going out to go get gas?" Severide asks.
"Yep." I say nodding as Squad pulls on their gear and gets in their truck.
Severide gives Shay a kiss as Gabby kisses me, and they get in the truck. Then, they pull off.
"Come on, Shay. I'll go tell Chief that Squad went to go get gas." I say as Shay and I walk inside.
"No need, I heard." Chief Boden says from the commons as he's filling up his coffee cup.
"Hey, Shay, I'm going to my office. Send Gabby back when Squad gets back, please and thank you. We have to start working on plans for the wedding, again." I say.
Shay nods and I walk back to my office...

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