Chapter 31: Back

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I lie still as they carefully clean and sew my side up. After they are done they give me a cookie and juice so I don't pass out from blood loss.
I pull my shirt down and walk out with the doctor.
"Well, Ms. Dawson I believe that you will be able to return to work in just a few shifts. Don't work out to much and come back in three weeks and we will take those stitches out." The doctor says as we reach the others.
The doctor walks off as I say, "Shay, just so you know you are taking these stitches out in two weeks. I'm off duty for at least two shifts. Oh, and Jones just because I won't be on duty does not mean you escaped two shifts worth of drills. I'm going to be there."
Casey walks over to me and hugs me. I let go of him as my company heads out the door. I follow them and take my coat from Green. We get in the truck and head back to the house. When we are a few blocks from the house we come to a green light and drive through. A semi comes speeding out of no where and slams into the side of the truck. I feel us roll and flip then land. Then I black out.

Matthew Casey's POV

As soon as we get to the house the bells go off, "Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Truck 81, and Battalion 25 and 52 car crash at 89630 Broody Street. Be on alert it involves a semi and Truck 59."
I pull my bunker gear back on and switch my radio to Truck 59's channel.
"Does anyone respond on Truck 59? I repeat does anyone respond on Truck 59?" I say into my radio and with no reply I grab my phone off the dash. I call Gabby and it rings three times before going to voicemail.
We pull up to the scene to see the semi's front end smashed in and Truck 59 upside down.
I jump out of the truck and run over to 59. I get down on the ground and look through the window. Severide runs over to me and gets down beside me.
"I can't see through the glass. The fronts busted out. We won't be able to get in, but I'm going to bust this glass out. Capp, get the struts and get this truck stabilized." He says as he goes to the front and calls out, "Hey guys, we are going to bust this glass out on your left side. If you are awake protect your eyes and anyone's eyes who are not awake."
He comes over to me and hands me a halligan. I bust the glass out and pull it out. I crawl through and over to the firefighters in back.
"Get Dawson and Green out first. They both are unconscious." Smith says from the front seat.
I make my way over to Gabby and she opens her eyes.
"I'm not getting out till everyone is out of this truck, Casey." She says as she points to Green. Whose head has a small cut above his eyebrow that's bleeding more because he's upside down.
Mills crawls in with a jump bag and makes his way over to Green and I. We get to work stabilizing him. When I hear a thud behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Gabby crouched on the roof of the truck.
She makes her way up to the front to Macintosh and Smith. As we get Green down.
We get everyone out and Mills crawls out. I wave for Gabby to go through and she stays where she is. I crawl through the window and look back in. She makes her way over to the window and gets out.
I help her stand up and hug her. She wraps her arms around me for a fraction of a second before she lets go and walks over to where the semi driver is pacing and looking like he's about to bite someone's head off.
She walks over to him and holds her hand out for him to shake it.
Instead of taking Gabby's hand he draws back and before she or anyone can do anything punches her in the face. She starts to fall to the ground, but Otis catches her and drags her away from him.
The driver turns around to see that he is being surrounded by firefighters on all sides. I'm about to step closer to him when Severide pulls me back and holds me.
A few minutes later Antonio and Voight show up. They both look as pissed as can be; Antonio more than Voight.
He reaches the driver first and pushes him up against the semi and shouts, "You think it's fun to hit women, uh bastard?! Well why don't me and you fight right now tuff guy?! Your going to prison! I won't let this case slip through the cracks! You are going to a federal lock up on felony and misdemeanor charges! You want to hit someone, then hit her brother not her!"
"So, your sister uh? Pretty woman she single? I think she'd be pretty good in bed." He says with a laugh.
At that Severide can't hold me back anymore and I walk over to him and grab him by the front of the shirt.
"Do. Not. Say. That. Again. If you do I will knock you flat on your ass." I say.
"Boyfriend or husband? No wait, fiancé. Right?" He says. I hand him over to Voight and they take him to the police station. I walk over to where Shay is treating Gabby.
"Is that bastard still here? I want to knock some sense in to him." Shay says. I shake my head as Gabby starts to wake up.
She sits up and says, "I feel like I have a major hangover. Please tell me that the guy is at least headed to the precinct."
I'm about to say yes when Antonio comes over and sits down beside Gabby.
"We got the bastard in custody now. I think me and Casey barely let him go alive." He says.
I nod and ask, "What did he say before he... hit you?"
"He called me a bitch and said I totaled his semi. Then before I could say anything he hit me." She says.
She stands up and says, "I don't need to go to the hospital. The only injury I got was a black eye. I'm going to go check on the rest of my company. I can't believe I'm being taken off duty for two shifts when I just got back..."

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