Chapter 54: Flames On Bunker Gear

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Author's Note:
I would like to apologize in advanced. Thank you. ~xoxo ilyall Roya

Gabriela Dawson's POV
First shift after Jordan's funeral

Matt goes to his office. While I walk in to the locker rooms. Herman is lacing up his boots. He looks up and catches my eye as I walk in, and raises his eyebrows. I shake my head and say, "No, I figured Cindy would have told you."
"Well yeah she did, but said that you were going to take a test to make sure." Herman says standing up.
"Negative. Cindy and I think it was me being hormonal with my period starting soon and the funeral and everything." I say as I change out.
"Well, I guess that's good, kid. I'll see you later." Herman says as I lace up my boots.
He walks out as Shay and Severide walk in. They don't even notice me as Severide pushes Shay against the lockers and starts kissing her.
I clear my throat and say, "Wish I hadn't seen that... anyways, I need to steal Shay real quick, Lieutenant."
I shut my locker as they break apart and Shay's face blushes bright red.
"Fine, I'll see you later, babe." Shay says kissing Severide before changing out, and walking off with me.
"You like to interrupt don't you?" She asks as we walk out to the ambo.
"Oh yes. It is my job as the maid of honor you know." I smart off as we sit down in the back of ambo.
"Stop being a smart ass. Now, what was so important that you had to break up my blissful morning?" Shay asks.
"Someone had morning sex..." I say earning a blush and elbow from Shay. Then, I continue, "I wanted to see about a girls weekend away. We both need a weekend away from the house and the fiancés."
"Sounds like we should plan this out." Shay says as Mills walks up.
"I don't wanna know. Shay we need to do inventory." He says.
"Okay." Shay says as I walk over to the Squad table.
"Where's Shay?" Severide asks.
"Helping Mills with inventory." I say sitting down.
"Damn." Severide says.
Everyone laughs at his disappointed face.
"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambo 61, Battalian 25, multiple car crash on Highway 41" the bells sound off.
We all jump up and run for the trucks. I quickly pull my gear on and hop in the truck. When we arrive on seen its about a fifteen car pile up. We get out of the truck and look around.
"Battalion 25 to Main." Boden says in to his radio.
"Go ahead." Dispatch tells him.
"This is a fifteen car pile up. We need more crews on scene. Immediately!" Boden says.
"On it. Dispatching now." Dispatch tells him.
"Get to work." Boden orders.
"Squad spread out." Severide tells us as he grabs a halligan out of the truck.
"That goes for Truck too." Casey says.
I grab a halligan out of the truck and go to the first car I see. It's a minivan with three kids in back, and mom and dad in front. I am on the mom's side. I look over at the dad, and see he's been impaled.
"Shay, over here I've got an impalement victim." I say as Severide comes over to help carrying a jaws of life. It had been front ended and a piece of metal had went through the window shield and through the dad's stomach. Severide sets the jaws down as Shay jogs over with her jump bag.
"Okay, he might be alive he might not. We need in there. Get the window busted out somewhere." Shay says.
I nod and look through the back window the kids were huddled together on the other side of the car. I tap the window and make the motion of covering their eyes and they do. I hit the glass with my halligan and rip the safety glass out.
I help Shay in and she helps the kids out. She puts a c-collar on both the mom and checks the dad's pulse. She shakes her head and starts examining the mom. Severide helps me in to the car, and they feed a backboard in through the window. We get the mom on the backboard, and they take her out. Then, the car erupts in to flames. Shay screams and I push her down laying on top of her. We hear Severide and Casey yelling orders outside the car.
"Hold on, Shay. Pull your feet up under me boots. Now." I say moving my body so I am completely covering her.
She does as I tell her as water hits the side of the car. I pull my guard down on my helmet, and cover Shay's face with one hand so she doesn't get sprayed with water.
"Dammit, Matt, hurry up." I mumble as I feel the fire heating up the bottom of my boots.
After another view minutes of intense heat the fire is out out and we are enveloped in smoke. Severide calls in the window, "Shay! Dawson!"
"We're good. Come on. Out you go." I say helping Shay out the window to Severide.
Next, I climb out. Immediately Matt asks, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine let's get back to work." I say.
Shay is leaning against the ambo holding her hands to her leg. She starts to fall.
"Dammit! Mills, Severide!" I yell as I run over to Shay who is laying on the ground not moving.
I kneel down beside her as Mills and Severide reach us. I pull my jacket and helmet off, and start taking vitals.
"Dammit, she's going in to shock. Mills, we need three cc's morphine." I say pulling her jacket off of her to reach her arm.
Mills opens his jump bag while Severide holds Shay's hand whimpering under his breath.
"Lieutenant! Get a hold of yourself. We need the gurney." I say snapping my fingers under his nose.
He looks up like he just realized Mills and I were there, and then gets the gurney out of ambo as I shoot the morphine in to Shay's arm.
"Let's load her up." Mills says.
I nod and we pick her up and put her on the gurney. We load her and I get in the back, and Mills gets in the drivers seat.
"Severide, stay here they need you. I will call you as soon as we get her there." I say pulling the doors shut.
I tap the window and Mills pulls off sirens wailing and lights flashing.
I hook her up to a monitor, and start a physical assessment. I pull her boots off and roll her legs on her pants up. Her legs had first degree burns on them.
"What is our ETA, Mills?" I ask as I start cleaning the gash on her leg.
"Five minutes from Chicago Med." he calls back.
"Hurry up. She has first degree burns on her legs." I call over my shoulder as I sponge the blood off her leg. Then, she starts crashing.
"She's crashing." I call out as I start compressions trying to get her heart beat back.
"Two minutes!" Mills calls back.
"Shocking! Clear!" I say as I shock her.
Her heart beat levels back to a normal rhythm and I say, "Got a rhythm. ETA?"
"We are pulling in now." Mills says.
I keep pressure on Shay's leg as Mills opens the doors.
We wheel her in to the ER and I give information to the nurse, "27 year old female paramedic, first degree burns on the legs. Was working on getting victims out of a crashed car when flames exploded. I was on top of her, but her feet must have gotten burned before I pushed her down. She went in to vtac on the way here, but we got a regular rhythm back."
"Thanks, we'll take it from here." The nurse says as they wheel her away.
"Do you need to be checked out, Gabby?" Mills asks eyeing the heels of my boots, which were burnt.
"I'm good. We need to get back to the scene when we get the gurney back." I say.
"Yeah, speaking of the thing here it comes. I'm almost done with the paperwork... finished." Mills says handing the nurse at the desk the paperwork.
"How is the paramedic we brought in?" I ask as we take the gurney.
"She's fine and stable." The nurse says.
We nod and walk out to the ambo. We load up the gurney.
"61 to Battalian 25" I say into my radio.
"Dawson why are you with 61?" Boden asks.
"Mills needed a paramedic so we could transport Shay. She has first degree burns on her right leg and a deep gash in her right leg." I say.
"Okay." Boden says.
"Do we need to return to scene?" Mills asks.
"Yes, we are still pulling vics out." Boden says.
"On our way, Chief." Mills says as we peel out on to the highway sirens and lights going.
When we get to the scene we jump out and I tell Boden, "I'm going to fill in for Shay on the remaining of this call if that's alright."
Boden nods and I grab a jump bag out of the ambo after I pull on my gear.
I jog over to where Capp is cutting a door open to a car to get inside to the child cowering in the floor of the back seat. The parents are both dead in the front two seats. They had been crushed forward when the roof had been smashed by a car flipping on top of the roof.
"Where'd you go, Dawson?" Capp asks as he pulls the door of and I get in and get the child.
"We had to get Shay to Chicago Med. she went in to shock and crashed on the way there. We got a rhythm back just before we arrived." I say.
"Severide know?" He asks as I hand the child to a paramedic.
"Yeah... do you hear that?" I ask looking around as I hear screaming.
"Yeah... over there! On the edge of the bridge." Capp says pointing to a car hanging half on half off of the bridge.
"Shit. We need to get that secured." I say as we race around debris to the car.
It starts to slide just as we grab the back of it and the people inside start yelling.
"All of Squad 3 and 6. We need a support cable and webbing over at the edge of the bridge. We have one hanging." Capp radios.
We hold on to the car as Rescue Squad members start helping. After a few minutes we have the car secured. I clip on a harness, and Capp helps me up so I can get in the back window of car which only had the back tires on the bridge now. I pull away the safety glass, and slip in. I brace my feet on the two front seats and I'm facing a teenage girl.
"Help. My parents fell in the river." The girl says pointing to the space where the front window shield should have been. It was now hanging from one side of the frame and with a thin coating of blood on it.
"Capp, we have two adults in the river." I radio.
"Got it. We'll get divers in the water as soon as we get the one with you up." Severide radios me back.
"Roger that." I say. Then, I look at the girl and say, "My names Gabby. What's yours?"
"Jordan. I thought it was a paramedics job to try and comfort you." She says.
I stare at her until the car lurched forward a little bit and she screams.
"Stay calm. I am a going to get you out of here, Jordan. Okay? Now, are you hurt?" I ask.
"No, we were hit on the other side of the car. I'm fine, but I want to get outta here." She says fumbling with her seat belt.
"Jordan, don't-" I jump at her as she gets the seat belt undone and starts to fall towards the open front window shield.
I grab her around the waist just in time. She clings to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I tug on my tie and we are pulled out. I hand her off to paramedics, and Mills comes over.
"That was the last victim they have two more ambulances on stand by so I'm taking the rig and heading to the hospital." He says.
"Okay. See you there." I say.
"Dawson, you a good diver?" Severide asks me as he starts toward the rig to change in to his scions gear.
"Yeah." I say as I follow him.
"Good suit up." He orders.
I nod and shuck my gear off. I change into a wet suit, and pull on my scuba gear.
We go back to the side of the bridge which is about twenty feet in the air. We walk over to where Capp has put repelling ropes rigged to the ladders from two truck rigs, and Severide and I get ready to repel.
"One pull we've reached bottom, two more rope, and three we have the parents." Severide tells them.
Everyone nods, and we start repelling downward towards the water. When we reach the surface we put our rebreathers in our mouths and pull on our goggles. We loose the rope from the repellers and fall the last three feet into the water. We both tug once on the ropes and start searching. I see someone floating towards the bottom of the river and tug twice. I'm fed more rope and swim down. When I reach the bottom I find both parents.
'Shit. I need Severide.' I think to myself.
I look around and see him about twenty yards from me. I have to get his attention. I grab my flashlight off my belt, and shine it in his direction. He turns to me and I shine my light down at the parents. He nods and tugs twice on his rope. He swims over, and grabs the dad. I grab the mom and we both tug once, twice, and then a third time.
We start upward as we strap the parents to us, so they won't fall. We break the surface, and pull out rebreathers out as we continue upwards. Once we reach the top we hand the parents off and the teenage girl gets in the ambulance her mom is riding with.
Severide and I walk over to our rig as the Truck and Squad crews load everything up. We change out of the wet suits and back in to our uniforms and gear.
"How is she?" Severide asks as we sit down in our seats and wait on the rest of the company.
"She's stable. She has first degree burns on her right leg." I say.
"I thought she just went into shock." He says looking over his shoulder at me.
"She went in to shock because she was injured. She won't have to stay too long in the hospital though." I say as the guys climb in.
"Let's go to Chicago Med." Severide says tiredly.
"Got it." Capp says...

Leslie Shay's POV

I wake up to Kelly standing beside me.
"Hey, when can I go back to work?" I ask.
"They are releasing you now. You have first degree burns on your right leg, and the doctors bandaged them. No working restrictions at all." Kelly tells me.
"Good, can I leave now?" I ask noticing I'm still in my uniform, but there are bandages on my right leg and small, singed holes in the right and left pant leg below the shins, more on the right then the left.
"Yes, you may Ms. Shay." A nurse says handing me release papers and burn cream.
"Thank you." I say pulling my boots on, leaving the right one untied.
Severide and I walk out to the waiting room where Gabby throws herself at me, wrapping me in a tight hug.
"I'm so so so sorry, Shay. I tried to protect you, but... I'm sorry." Gabby says letting me go.
"I'm fine. I basically got a bad sunburn. What about you?" I ask seeing the bottoms of her boots burnt and a little melted.
"I'm fine. My feet are soar, but I'm fine. My gear protects me. Have you not seen my first set of bunker gear?" She asks with a laugh as we walk over to the others.
"I have, and i have also seen the scar you got from that. I can't believe they let you out that quick for it though." I say.
"You have obviously never been her nurse or doctor, Shay. She argues... a lot." Casey says walking over to us.
"Oh and what about you mister?" She asks poking Casey in the side.
"Casey is bullheaded." Doctor Kendra says as she passes us.
We all laugh as we are surrounded by everyone from 51's.
After a few minutes we all walk out to our rigs. I get in the ambulance with Mills driving and we pull off.
"Gabby's limping." I state.
"I know. I tried to get her to get checked out when we brought you in she told me she was good and we went back to the scene. She pulled her teenage girl from a car that was hanging off the bridge, and her and Severide did a diving rescue." Mills tells me as we turn a corner.
"If something's seriously wrong she'll tell us or go get checked out." I say even though I wasn't too sure.
"I don't know. She's Gabriela Dawson, meaning she is bullheaded, stubborn, and, when she wants to be, a pain in the ass." Mills says as we cross a bridge.
I laugh and say, "True."
That's when we see Squad light up and start there sirens. They do a u turn and fly past us. I immediately pull out my cell phone and call Kelly.
"Please tell me you guys got a call 61 wasn't pages on." I say watching in the side mirror as Squad turns a corner.
"Dawson just passed out. We were all laughing and talking and all of a sudden she fell forward unconscious. We are pulling in now." He tells me and hangs up.
"Follow them. Now! It's Gabby, she passed out." I say making Mills whip around.
"Where the hell are you guys going?" Casey radios us.
"Chicago Med. Gabby passed out. Squad pulled in a couple minutes ago." I say as we come to a controlled stop and keep going.
"We're turning around now." Herman says.
"Where's Casey?" Mills asks.
"Calling Severide and about to start freaking out." Herman says.
"We're pulling in. Over and out." I say as Mills parks us.
We hop out of the ambo and run inside. Severide is pacing in front of Kyle, Capp, and James. I walk over to him and he hugs me.
"She's in surgery now. She lost a lot of blood. Her boot was soaked with it. She wasn't burnt, but the soar part of her heel was where a piece of metal from the car was basically shot through the bottom of her boot in to her leg. She hadn't realized it. I don't see how. I mean she changed, and there was no blood. It must have missed her foot the first time and went in to her leg when she put her gear back on." Kelly explains.
"Dammit, she loves to scare us." I say wiping my eyes.
"Shay... Leslie, they think this might cripple her." Kelly tells me.
"What?! Who?!" Casey says panicked as he jogs in.
"Gabby, Casey. A peice of metal was shot through her boot. It missed the first time, but when she changed back in to her gear from the scuba gear it went in to her leg, and might have hit her Achilles' tendon. They weren't sure, but if it did, they think that foot is going to be crippled she'll be on crutches for the rest of her life if not a wheel chair if it did." Kelly explains.
"Oh my god. The poor kid." Herman says as Truck sits down and Chief Boden walks in.
"Did I hear that one of your men's in surgery, Chief? Possibly crippled?" I hear the Chaplain ask Boden.
"Yes. Gabriela Dawson." Boden says as we all sit down.
The Chaplain sits down across from Casey, Kelly, and I. He puts a hand on my knee and says, "Let us pray."
We all nod, and everyone gathers around us. Casey kneels down beside the Chaplain, and Kelly and I follow him. Soon we are all on our knees in a circle. Some hospital staff that know others join, while the talking and noise fall to a slight whisper...

Burning Flames (Chicago Fire Fan-fiction) - Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now