Chapter 49: Bowling Lanes

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I wake up to both of our alarms going off. We scramble to turn them off, and sit back in bed.
"We have shift today." Gabby says putting her head on my chest.
"Yeah, and we need to get there early too. You've got to talk to Severide and Boden about your placement on Squad." I say getting up and getting dressed.
"Pfft." Gabby pouts as she gets out of bed, and starts getting dressed.
"Oh, come on now. We'll eat at the station." I say grabbing my work bag, and Gabby and I walk out the door.
"Fine." Gabby says with a smile playing across her face.
We get in my truck and drive to the house. When we get there Severide and Boden are there and are waiting on us talking to the Squad from the shift before us.
"This the girl you been talking about? One who passed the physical qualifications in the field?" The lieutenant from third watch asks Severide pointing at Gabby.
"Oh yeah, Gabby, meet Lieutenant Roidon. He is the Squad lieutenant on third watch. Roidon this is THE Gabriela Dawson. She will be taking the protocol test sometime between this and next shift. All depends on if Jordan Jones funeral is postponed or not, it's supposed to rain this Friday." Severide says.
Gabby shakes Lieutenant Roidon's hand.
"It's a pleasure, Sir. I hope to be on first watch Squad Three by next shift." Gabby says.
Roidon nods and says, "Well, I need to go take care of some stuff. Squad's going for a ride, come on."
Roidon and his company walk over to their truck and pull out.
"Okay, let's sit down, and talk." Severide says pointing towards the Squad table.
The four of us sit down and Boden says, "We have the protocol test here. Remember that if not postponed, and I doubt it will be, Jordan's funeral is next shift. So you need to most likely take your test this shift."
"Do you think you know the protocols well enough to take and pass the test?" Severide asks.
"Yeah, I am. Uh, but doesn't Chief Tiberus have to be here while I take it?" Gabby asks.
"I'm here, Chief Boden. Sorry I'm late." We hear Chief Tiberus behind us.
"Thank you for coming, Chief. I know it's not the Academy, but it's easier to catch all three of us on shift." Boden says as Squad pulls in and third watch gets out and leaves.
"You're welcome. Well let's go to your briefing room for the test." Tiberus says nodding inside.
"Okay, Severide, since she will be joining your company your men will not know that she is testing." Boden says looking at Severide.
"Sure thing, Chief. Good luck, Gabby." Severide says as he hugs Gabby.
Gabby hugs me, and the three of them walk inside to the debriefing room.
A few minutes later first watch shows up.
"Hey, Lieutenant. Where's Gabby at?" Herman asks as Severide, Herman, and I walk in to the locker room.
"She's gonna be a little late. Don't worry." Severide answers for me.
"Yeah, she'll be here." I add.
"Okay. Oh, after Jordan's funeral Friday everyone is going to Molly's." Herman says hanging his jacket up.
"Cool." I say.
Severide is about to say something when Chief Tiberus and Chief Boden come in to the locker room.
"Severide, we need to see you." Chief Boden says.
"I'm coming." Severide says then the three of them walk out.
"What was that about?" Cruz asks as he changes.
I shrug my shoulders and say, "Not too sure, but I think it might be bad."
I have the feeling that Gabby didn't pass her exam...

Gabriela Dawson's POV

I finish the test quickly, within fifteen minutes of receiving the test. I hand it to Chief Tiberus, and he and Chief Boden quickly grade it.
They both frown, and walk out of the room with my exam. A few minutes later they walk back in with Severide.
"Dawson, how do you think you did on that exam?" Severide asks leaning against the table I'm sitting at.
"Judging by the looks the Chiefs had after grading my test, I failed, terribly." I say running my hands over my face.
"You start Squad this shift. You passed with flying colors. Missed three questions." Severide says handing me a Squad jacket and shirt that was in my size.
"Thank God, I was about to die." I say letting out a breath I hadn't known if been holding, and taking the shirt and jacket from Severide.
"Well, I need to get back to Headquarters. I'll make sure this is put in as soon as I get back. Good job, Ms. Dawson. You will be a great addition to Squad 3." Chief Tiberus says shaking Severide's, Boden's, and my hand.
"Good job, Dawson. Get changed out you two." Boden says walking out.
"Good job. Come on, Dawson. Go change out." Severide says.
I nod, and walk to the bathroom. Shay is washing her hands when I come in. She smiles when she sees me.
"Hey, what's that?" Shay asks pointing at the Squad shirt and jacket in my arms.
"Well I took my Squad test today..." I say with a fake grown on my face.
"Oh no, babe, you didn't pass? That's terrible." Shay says wrapping me in a hug.
"I passed, Shay. You should have seen your face... but I did pass. Only missed three." I say changing shirts.
"Oh my god! You little bitch! Well I guess the Squad shirt does look good on you... put the jacket on and let's go to the commons." Shay says playfully hitting me on the shoulder.
I laugh as I pull the jacket on and we walk out towards the commons.
"Hold on, before we go in, put your Truck 81 jacket on over Squad. Let's play a prank on the guys." Shay says handing me my Truck jacket.
I pull it on, zip it up, and say, "Okay, hold my shoulders and let's go."
Shay wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on her. We both plaster fake frowns on our faces and walk in.
"Oh, Kid, what's wrong?" Herman asks seeing Shay and I walk in.
"She took her Squad test this morning..." Shay says hugging me tight.
"Oh no. She didn't pass." Otis says turning around from the coffee pot.
"Come here, Gabby. We can go talk in my office." Casey says standing up and walking over to us.
Both Shay and I break into stupid grins. I unzip my jacket and reveal the Squad jacket.
"I never said I didn't pass, and neither did Shay." I say laughing at the blank looks through out the room.
Casey breaks in to a grin, and as Shay let's go Casey wraps me in a tight hug.
"Yeah... Congrats... Good job!" Fills the room as Severide walks in.
"Come on, Squad is ready to get you to the 'Squad Side' as Shay calls it. Capp actually brought cookies." Severide says as I hand my jacket to Shay.
"I'll put this in your locker. I will also be out to get a cookie in a minute." Shay says walking off.
"Truck invited?" Cruz asks half joking half hopeful.
"You guys, nah, you got the commons, Squad has cookies." Severide says laughing.
"I'm offended. We have cookies." Casey says setting a box of chocolate cookies on the table.
Severide and I laugh as we walk out to the Squad table.
"Welcome to the Squad Side. We have cookies." Capp says setting a box of chocolate chunk cookies on the table.
I laugh and sit down in Berkley's old seat. Then I say, "I am glad to be on Squad. I thought I'd flunked the test when I saw the looks on the Chiefs faces after grading it. They went off and a few minutes later brought back Lieutenant Severide. Then he scared the hell out of me wh-"
I am cut off as the bells go off, "Ambo 61, Squad 3, Truck 81, Battalian 25, Man in distress, 16390 Berner Lane."
"Load up." The lieutenants call out.
I pull on my bunker gear, and hop in the squad truck.
"Dawson, if I'm correct this is going to be bowling ally. We are going to test your skills in the field some. You are going to be doing it. I'll be over you, but you get the man out." Severide says as we pull up.
I nod my head and hop out. I grab the tool bag out of its compartment and follow the rest of Squad 3 inside.
When we get inside a woman meets U.S. At the door saying hysterically, "He fell in! The worker fell in to the pin machine! Lane 12!"
We nod and walk over to Lane twelve. I look closely and see an arm hanging down from the loader.
"Lieutenant, look." I say pointing. He nods and Capp and Casey go in behind the loaders with a worker. After a few minutes Casey radios, "Powers off, Severide. We're ready when you are."
"We're goin now." Severide says and we walk down the gutters.
When we reach the man blood is dripping down his arm.
"Okay, let's see what you can do." Severide says as I sit down and pull my hat off.
I slide back, and see the man's arm is stuck in the gears. I reach up, and feel around the gears with my fingers.
"We are going to have to cut the metal cables that keep these two gear winders together. His arms stuck in between them." I say pulling my head out, and looking up at my lieutenant.
"Casey?" Severide asks over his radio.
"She's right. If we don't he'll lose the arm, and hurry. He's going in to shock." Casey says.
"Mills, Shay, get back there this might take awhile." We hear Boden over the radio.
"On our way, Chief." Mills says.
"Kyle, we need a reverberator saw." Severide says in to his radio as I pull out some clamps.
"Roger that, on my way out to get it." Kyle replies.
"Lieutenant, I think we might be able to take some pressure off that arm if we can get these spread apart a little while we are waiting on that saw. I thought we could use a clamp." I say looking up at the space I could slip the clamp in.
Severide nods and says in his radio, "Stand back, we're putting a clamp in to take pressure off the arm and open this up a little."
Then he nods to me and says, "Go ahead."
I nod and slip the clamp in. I started opening it, and stop as it gets harder to turn. After a few minutes Kyle comes in with the saw. He brings it over to Severide, and hands it to him. Then, Severide starts cutting as I work with the clamp opening it up when I can. Finally, the wire is cut through, and we get the guys arm out.
We walk off the lanes as Ambo pulls off with the guy. Then, we hear a gunshot and screams. Six armed men wearing ski masks are standing at the doors with a woman laying on the ground motionless in front of them.
"Everyone on the ground. Firefighters I said on the ground! Or did you want someone else to get shot?" The man in front of the group calls out.
I see the woman's hand move and say, "Let me help the woman you shot. I won't leave. Just let me go get a jump back out of my truck. I will come right back. I promise."
"Dawson, no." I hear Matt say from a few feet behind me.
The man in charge looks to his right and tells the guy next to me to go with me.
"You can go, but every minute your gone a firefighter gets shot." The man in charge says.
I swallow and stand up keeping my hands where they could see them. The robber and I get outside, and I quickly run to the Squad truck and grab a jump bag out of it. I press the distress button on the console as I get back out, and run inside.
"Thirty seconds, good. You can help her. Have one other firefighter help you." The man in charge says checking his watch.
"Capp, come on." I say waving Capp over.
We set to work, and move the woman to a hard surfaced floor instead of carpet, and start working...

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