Chapter 53: False Alarm

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Christopher Herman's POV
Later that night at Molly's

"Okay, bud, that's enough." I say cutting a customer who had had six beers already off.
"Her, Herman. Have you seen Casey or Dawson?" Shay asks as Otis, Severide, and she walk over to me.
"Nope. They haven't came in." I say handing them all a fresh beer and taking their empty bottles.
"Gabby is at home. She told me she wanted to rest. Though, I am here. Forced, but here." Casey says walking over to the bar.
I hand him a beer and Shay says, "She forced you to come. I highly doubt that, Matt."
"You shouldn't. She told me she had left her jacket in the truck, so I went out to get it. I left my house keys inside, and as soon as I was out she shut and locked the door. When I tried to go back in she called me, and told me to go to Molly's for a little while. That when I got back the keys would be in the mailbox. After that I stood on the front porch for a good half hour, then sat on the front porch for another fifteen minutes before she sent me text saying, 'Go to Molly's'." Casey explains.
"You think it's a good idea to leave her alone? I mean, kid, she just had to go through the funeral and three bells today, and had to give a speech at both." I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"Well, when Gabby wants you gone you are gone. It's not like I wanted to leave, but I was sitting out in the freezing cold. It's mid-December, it's not like I can sit out on the front porch and drink on a six pack until she lets me in." Casey says as he sits down.
"Is she pregnant?" I ask thinking about how Cindy had done that with her first pregnancy.
"What?! No! No, she's not... at least I don't think so... Shay, would she keep something like that from me?" Casey asks looking at Shay.
"I wouldn't think so, but She might not know." Shay tells him.
"I swear if you got one of my company pregnant, Matthew Casey, you are going to get a kick in the ass before a congratulations." Severide says.
Just then the phone rings.
"I'll be right back." I say as I walk over to the phone.
I answer it and say, "Molly's bar how can I help?"
"Hey, Herman. Is Matt there?" Gabby asks.
"Yeah. You need to talk to him?" I ask looking over my shoulder at Matt, Shay, and Severide who are gossiping about if Gabby was pregnant or not.
"No, but can you give him a message for me?" She asks.
"Yeah, kid. Whatever you want." I say.
"Tell him to go by the pharmacy on his way home, and uh... have him pickup a pregnancy test." She says.
Then the phone falls out of my hand. I grab it as Dawson says, "Herman! Herman, are you still there?!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Do you want me to send him home?" I ask turning so my back completely hides the view of the phone.
"No. I just need him to go by the pharmacy on his way home." She says.
"Do you want me to send Cindy over? The kids are at the grandparents so she can come over." I say.
"Really? That would be great. Thanks, Herman." She says.
"Your welcome, kid. I'll tell Matt." I say.
"Thanks, I'll see you on shift." She says.
"Yeah, bye." I say as she hangs up.
I put the phone back then pick it up again. I dial Cindy's phone and it rings once before she picks up, "Hello."
"Hey, Cindy. Could you run over to Matt and Gabby's? Gabby needs someone to talk to, or actually a woman to talk to. She thinks she might be pregnant." I say lowly.
"What?! Yes, I will. Is Matt home?" She asks.
"No. She basically ordered him to come to Molly's. Locked him out. She wants him to go by the pharmacy on his way home later, but she needs someone to talk to." I say.
"Okay, I'm leaving now. Love you." She tells me.
"Love you, too. I'll see you at home." I say then hang up.
I walk back over to Matt, Shay, and Severide.
"Her, Herman. Who was that?" Shay asks laughing.
Still shocked I say, "Gabby. Matt, she wants you to go by the pharmacy on your way home. Pick up a pregnancy test."
I say everything low where only the four of us can hear. Matt stares at me like I just told him he had been fired.
"You are kidding, aren't you?" He asks after a few silent minutes.
"Nope. Cindy is on her way over." I say.
With that Matt jumps out of his seat and leaves.
"Herman, you don't think she is, is she?" Shay asks watching the door swing closed.
"If she is Cindy will know." I say as I wipe off the bar and stick Casey's bottle under the bar...

Matthew Casey's POV

I race home after getting the test from the pharmacy, and pull up to find Cindy walking out my front door.
I jump out of my truck and grab the pharmacy bag. Cindy catches my arm as I start up the sidewalk and says, "I don't think she is pregnant, just hormonal. Though, I've been wrong before with myself."
I nod my head, and walk up the sidewalk. The door is unlocked, so I walk inside. Gabby is sitting on the couch watching TV with a bowl of popcorn beside her. She turns around to see who came in, and when she sees me she hops over the back of the couch and says, "Matt, you're home!"
She comes over to me, and wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head on my chest. I hug her back and say, "I hope I don't get sent back to Molly's for asking, but... why all the extra love?"
"What do you mean?" She asks looking up at me.
"You kicked me outta the house to go to Molly's a few hours ago, and now you are excited to see I'm home." I tell her kissing the top of her head.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I kicked you out. I shouldn't have, and I think it's because I am supposed to start my period in a few days and I'm already PMSing." She says as she kisses me.
"I got the test if you want to take it." I say holding up the pharmacy bag.
She grabs it out of my hand and walks to the bathroom. I sit down on the couch and watch TV. After awhile she comes out with test in hand. She walks over to me and says, "I haven't looked yet. You do it for me."
She shows me the test and its negative. I stand up and take the test from her. I show it to her and she frowns.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I don't know. I guess part of me wanted it to be positive, but it's good it's negative. We have the wedding, honey moon, I just got on Squad, Severide is proposing to Shay which means maid of honor and all that." She says as she and I sit down.
I wrap my arms around her and say, "Severide hasn't proposed."
She holds up three fingers and counts off, "3...2...1..." her phone rings.
She answers it and Shay squeals, "He proposed! I said yes! Oh my god you are going to be my maid of honor! Wait, are you pregnant?"
"No, Shay. I'm happy for you. Now, since I hear Severide in the background trying to get you distracted, bye." Gabby says then hangs up.
"When did you find all this out?" I ask hugging Gabby.
"Oh Squad found out last time we were on shift." She says as she yawns and starts to nods off.
"Come on, up you go." I say picking her up and starting up the stairs.
"I'm not tired, though." She says and then yawns again.
"Yes you are. It's time for us to go to bed." I say as I lay her down on the bed.
I pull off my jeans and t-shirt and get in bed beside her. I pull her against me, and we both fall asleep...

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