Chapter 29: Home

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I get in the back seat of Antonio's SUV and wait for them to get in. Antonio gets in the drivers seat, and Casey gets in the back with me. He turns to Antonio and says, "Hey Antonio, just wanted to let you know that since I haven't seen your sister in two months the only thing I will refrain from doing is sex."
Antonio looks in the mirror and shakes his head. He starts to say something. But before Antonio can even get the words out of his mouth I pull Casey into a kiss. Casey pulls me over in to his lap and he runs his hands down my sides. He slides his hand up my shirt and then Antonio says, "Just so you two know. I'm watching you."
I smile and pull Casey even closer. I push Matt down so that he's laying on his back, and I lay on top of him.
"Gabby, God you know I love this, but my chest." Casey grunts.
I roll to his side and say, "Sorry, Baby."
"So are neither of you the slightest bit bothered that I'm sitting up here driving, and you two are basically having sex in my back seat?" Antonio asks with a laugh.
I look at Matt and say, "I just found out that my fiancé, who I thought was dead, is alive, and we haven't seen each other in two months. So... no, we don't."
Antonio shrugs his shoulders and says, "Ok, but know that I don't want to hear any of it, Gabby. Also Matt, remember I'm her brother."
I smile as Antonio adjusts his mirror and Casey says, "First, even though I haven't seen Gabby in two months I'm not that bold. Second, there is no way what you told Gabby t-"
I slap my hand over Casey's mouth and say, "He may be my brother, but he doesn't need to know any details he could blackmail me to my mother with."
Matt nods and I take my hand off his mouth. I lay back down on the seat and fall asleep.
I wake up to nearly being jolted out of my seat when Antonio pulls into Fire House 51's parking lot and hits the curb.
"Realmente, Antonio. Maldita sea, que realmente sabe cómo despertar a una mujer." I say as he comes to a stop.
He laughs and says, "Here's a translation Casey, and I quote, 'Really, Antonio. God dammit, you really know how to wake a woman up.' Also, Gabby, I do know how to wake a woman up yes. That was not how you do it. Sorry."
"Forgiven." I say.
Matt sits up and says, "Antonio, come inside with us. So Gabby; cussing in Spanish, uh."
I laugh and get out. Casey hands me my bag and I say, "I love you. Do you know that?"
He pulls me into a kiss. I pull back and say, "Come on, we better get inside."
Matt nods and we walk in. I am immediately slapped across the face then hugged by Shay as soon as I step through the door.
"Gabriela Dawson, if you do that to me again I will do a lot worse then just slap you. Now that I got that out of my system meet the new truck candidate here at 51."
"Hi, I'm Jordan Jones, you must be the missing candidate that has been the only topic since I got here." A woman says as she walks up to me.
I see my truck crew walk in and see Lieutenant Smith walk in and over to Jones, Matt, Shay, and I.
"Where's Brewer? Shouldn't he be back already?" I ask Smith as he walks over to me.
"No he took time off. Specifically four months furlow. I don't see how that's possible, but he did it." Smith tells me.
"Hey Chief, can we talk?" I ask as Jones introduces herself to Smith.
We walk to the briefing room and I say, "That's my battalion chief's daughter. I thought I was going to get put back on Truck 81. You said you were going to pull some strings."
"I know. When Chief Jones came back from a meeting with Chief Tiber he told me I had a candidate, but it was his daughter. He said he owed me and when I spoke with Chief Tiber he said that he couldn't do anything. The paperwork was already filled out. He was going to put you back, but now he can't. I have a feeling that Chief Jones did it to keep you over there. He's told me before that your his best firefighter over there, and that he would do anything to keep you there." Chief Boden tells me, "There's a bright side. Chief Jones put in for a promotion to fire fighter for you. I signed off on it. You've been on very few calls with him, but he knows you have potential. I think that we might be able to-"
"Chief, we were just about to cut the cake for my one and half month anniversary here at 51's as candidate." Jones says interrupting us.
"Jones, I am talking here. I will be out in a minute." Boden says, "Listen, I will get you back over here. We will fight this, and we will get you home."
I nod as we walk out to the commons. Casey walks over to me and smears icing across my check and says, "Herman parked your car outside."
I wipe the icing off my face and kiss Matt on the check as he hands me my keys.
"So Dawson, I heard you ran off to get away from us for awhile. Is that true?" Jones asks. Smith starts to slowly back away from me because he knows I'm about to rip her a new one. This is the quietest I've ever heard any fire house ever get.
I walk over to Jones and put my finger to her chest and say, "You are a candidate, not a Chaplin or counselor. There are five things you need to do to survive in this house, Jones. Keep your mouth shut, follow orders to a T, don't go behind people's backs, stay out of people's business, and keep your head down. You have broken three out of five. Do not try to work like the system tells you to around here; work like the people in this house do."
"Well, you don't work this house. You probably know the chief, truck lieutenant, and one paramedic here doesn't help you much." Jones says.
"Truck driver is Joe Cruz, on elevators is Brian Schelvochski a.k.a. Odis, Christopher Herman, Randi McCullen a.k.a. Mouch, Truck Lieutenant Matthew Casey, Squad truck driver Capp, Rick Newhouse he specializes in diving and underwater recovery, Jeff Clark, Jose Vargas, Squad Lieutenant Kelly Severide, Chief Wallas Boden he is the best battalion chief I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, PIC Peter Mills a paramedic, Leslie Shay a paramedic who is Severide's girlfriend, and Connie who is Chief Boden's secretary. You are Jordan Jones your the daughter of my battalion chief, Chief Jones. You will make one hell of a firefighter if you would pull your head out of your ass long enough to see the damage you cause with every misplaced word. Just like if you make a wrong step in a fire, if you say the wrong thing to certain people you might get a call that you no longer have a job. Also for your information, I worked here for seven years, six as a paramedic and one as a candidate on truck 81." I say.
"Sorry, but I didn't get the memo where I had to start taking orders from some dead beat firefighter candidate who ran from her life." Jones says.
I draw my fist back to drop her and Severide and Matt pull me back.
"Jones! I do not care who your father is. This is my house, and she just told you how this house worked. Nicer than any other man or woman in this room would have! She is not a dead beat firefighter candidate. She is one of the finest firefighters I have ever had the pleasure of letting pass through these halls, and remember her word carries more weight around this house than yours! I can tell you now she earned the respect of your father and both his squad and truck crews on her first call with them. You better keep your mouth shut and head down, and know you just made at least a dozen enemies with your words just like she said." The chief shouts as I sit down and try to calm down.
I get up and walk over to Smith and ask, "Our shift, right?"
He nods and I say, "I'll see you at the fire house."
He pats my back as I walk past and head for my car.
I pull up to the fire house a few minutes before truck does. I walk to Chief Jones' office and knock. He waves me in and says, "Glad to see your back, Dawson. What can I do for you?"
"Listen I don't mean any disrespect, but you need to get your daughter under control. She just called me a dead beat firefighter who ran from life. I'll admit the past two months have not been easy, but I can do my job. I want you to hear it from me chief. Your daughter will make a hell of a firefighter, but if she doesn't pull her head out of her ass for one minute to look at the damage she does to get to the top of the ladder she will not make it at house fifty-one. I nearly dropped her just now and I wanted you to hear it from me now. She will not make it at 51 unless someone will show her how to work over there, and I can tell you now she just made an enemy of that whole house." I say.
He nods and says, "I understand. She does like to get into trouble. Any suggestions who might be willing to help her out over there?"
I shake my head and say, "I'd be willing to do it. No one over there would even give it a second thought. If I did it I want something from it though. I want to be able to call in a favor later on and I want to be drilling her all the time."
"You want to transfer back to 51? I can do it, just tell Boden I no longer owe him. I'll make some calls, get the paperwork drawn up, and get you transferred over there. You should be back over there by your next shift." He says as he shakes my hand.
I walk out to the lockers and change. I walk out to the commons and Smith points to me and says, "This girl just ripped Jordan Jones a new one. I don't blame her, though. Jordan crossed the line-"
"Truck 59 and ambulance 79 man in distress 94613 Crown Street." The bells go off.
I jog out to the truck and pull on my turnout gear.
We get to the scene and woman runs over to me and says, "I heard someone calling for help in that trash container. He stopped calling out just a few minutes ago."
I walk over to Smith and say, "Lieutenant, I worked a call like this when I was at fifty-one's. We aren't going to be able to get in in time to save him if we don't get help in there before the container is open."
Smith nods and says, "Take the lead on this call. You have more experience and you need the practice.
Ok everyone, Dawson's in charge on this call."
"Alright, get a paramedic inside that container and get me a saw. Get that door held back." I say as a paramedic walks over to me and I lift her up.
"Are you sure you want a saw? Maybe a halogen instead. Green get a halogen instead." Macintosh says.
I look at him and say, "Macintosh, your off this call. Get in the truck, and Green where's that saw? This man won't last much longer."
Macintosh looks at Smith then back at me. Smith nods and he gets into the truck as Green brings the saw over to me.
"Secure that door. It's hydraulically operated." I say.
Davis runs over with webbing and quickly ties it around the lock and door bolt.
I flip the guard down on my helmet and start the saw. I cut through the lock and Smith takes the saw. I grab the webbing as the door starts to open.
I call out, "Everyone away from the door. Let it slowly swing open."
I start to let the webbing slowly slide through my hands and the door swings open.
Our paramedics get to work and bring a man out. We head back to the truck as they pull off.
"Hey Dawson, good job." Smith says.
I reply, "Thanks, Lieutenant."
He nods as we get in the truck.
"Candidate, you have no right to pull a man off a call without a lieutenant's input before you make the call. It leaves you short-handed and vulnerable." Macintosh says.
I reply, "With all do respect, Lieutenant Smith authorized the call. I had the situation under control, and you disobeyed an order."
Macintosh turns around as we pull up to the fire house.
"Dawson, when you get a chance I need to see you in my office." Chief Jones says.
I nod as I pull off my turnout gear and hang it up. I grab my jacket and radio and head to Chief Jones' office. I walk through the door and ask, "You wanted to talk to me, Chief?"
"Yeah. Come in and shut the door, and just so you know this is not about the way you handled that last call. I watched it on the camera Smith had on him, and I believe you made the right call.
Anyways, this is about your transfer back to 51. I can get you through the red wedding tape, but you have to do three things for me. Make my daughter into the best firefighter that you think she can be, and promise that every once in a while you will float back over to this house. This house could use you.
Last thing I need you to do, is promise me a spot at your promotion ceremony. I put you in for a promotion and you received it. You will be back at House 51 next shift." He says.
I say as I shake his hand, "Thank you so much, Chief Jones, and I will come and work a few shifts every once in a while."

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